Vampire’s Slice Of Life Chapter 809 New Supreme Ranks

Chapter 809 New Supreme Ranks

Royal Castle, Nightingale.

Lith had parted ways with Mayzin and came back home after ten and a half years of training.

The first thing he did after coming back was to see his mother, who was happy to have him back.

But, from the looks of it, she didn’t mind much about him leaving for so many years and coming back.

Lith wasn’t aware of this, but Lilith had made herself understand that her children will be out adventuring and it was inevitable. Thus, she had prepared herself well so that she didn’t get sad about them not being back in a while.

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There was also the fact that she was looking at her children from home, so she didn’t have much of a ’I missed them’ feeling.

Whatever be the case, Lith was actually relieved to see that his mother could handle herself properly with him and his sister gone.

This relief made Lith understand that he could go out for longer periods of time from here on and his mother wouldn’t be sad. This was a big win in his books and he was happy knowing it.

After talking to his mother for a while, Lith went to check up on his maids.

Luna, Qingyue, Bella and Freya were doing their maid duties diligently during the time Lith and Lucy weren’t here.

There was a good news regarding them and it was that Freya had ascended to Half Emperor Rank. She was in the same realm as his sister, but had now ascended after so many years.

Other than them, the new maids of Lith, Fanny, Keith, Fei, and Sylvia… they had some similar news as well.

Fanny, being a Time Path expert, had benefited greatly from that final dungeon trial and after she got some alone time and cultivated, she had ascended to Supreme Rank.

There was no noise during her ascension as she had broken through in the Ascension Hall of the Royal Castle.

This hall was specifically designed to mask the ascensions of the Royal Servants so that the world would not know of them.

Fanny had done a great job in ascending and her consolidation was done as well.

The same was the case with Keith too and if it was her, it was understandable since she was a really powerful Time Path Devil.

The redheads had ascended together and were now Supremes.

This was what a good environment could do to one’s strength. The Royal Castle had everything one needed related to cultivation and breakthroughs were just a matter of time.

The only thing the castle couldn’t provide was experience. Until and unless one went out in the open and did things, they would never learn, no matter how many resources are given to them.

The work regime of the two hundred servants was in such a way that a hundred people were always out of the castle, working and experiencing things.

This was the reason for their fast growth and the day wasn’t too far when everyone in the servant ranks would become a Supreme Rank.

Fanny and Keith aside, Fei too had gone through a breakthrough and was now a Supreme Rank.

These many Supreme Ranks in one place shocked Lith. He was gone for just a decade and now had not one, not two, but four Supreme Ranks for himself.

Fei’s ascension happened due to Sylvia the Witch, who complimented her greatly. This duo was just as deadly as Fanny and Keith’s, but their relationship wasn’t as good as the mother-daughter pair, so a lot more work was needed.

Whatever the case, Lith was really happy for his girls and was now having a chat with them in the courtyard.

Lith sat on the round table’s edge with his legs wrapped around Fei’s waist. He was hugging this petite girl firmly while the rest three sat on chairs in front of him.

Fei actually had no resistance and liked being of use to her master. She had wholeheartedly accepted Lith and it was him who gave her a new life and this strength.

At first, she had only given her loyalty to him, but with Lith doing so many more things for her, she had begun liking him and was fine with him doing whatever he wanted with her.

Fei believed she fully belonged to her master, so her body was his too. He could do anything he wanted with it.

Fanny and Keith sort of disliked her attitude, but could understand where she was coming from.

This was a cursed being who was confined in a casket for who knows how long. Lith was the light that saved her in her dark times and it wasn’t wrong for her to feel like this.

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Oblivious to their thoughts, Lith caressed Fei’s blonde hair and looking at the tall gray-haired and eyed lady, asked, "Sylvia-chan, what naughty things have you been up to lately?"

Not just Keith and Fanny, but Fei cringed too upon hearing that.

Fei was loyal to her master, but that didn’t mean she had no opinion in regards to him.

Her master was really very perverted and she couldn’t deny it, even if he was really the best person in this world.

Well, you win some and you lose some, such was life. Fei could do nothing about her master’s flaws and just try to accept them.

As for the concerned party Sylvia, this was the first time in her life when someone had called her in such a peculiar manner. She didn’t know how to feel about this, but being asked something by her master, she knew she had to answer.

Sylvia got up from her seat and was about to bow and answer professionally when Lith clicked his tongue and shook his hand.

"Such formalities are not needed. Sit down and tell me."

Sylvia nodded and sitting down, began telling what she was doing for so many years.

Sylvia seemed too much like an emotionless golem when speaking. There was no excitement, sorrow, remorse, or any other emotion in her voice.

She was very neutral when talking and made Lith sigh internally.

He knew he had a lot of work to do in regards to Sylvia. He promised her to have her discover love, but it definitely was not going to be easy.

Sylvia was a tough nut to crack and she greatly reminded Lith of the guy called Iki from the inheritance trial.

With how Iki’s personality was in that trial, Lith knew that to impress Sylvia, he had to make her experience things, rather than say it to her directly.

How he could go about this, Lith started to think about this while she continued to speak about the things she had done.

Sylvia was majorly focused on helping Fei ascend. Helping her was helping herself as both needed each other.

When not helping Fei with her ascension, she would busy herself with the tasks given by the head maid. If it wasn’t even that, then she would eye her enemies from the castle and make out scenarios of her killing them.

Florencia Rain, the current Mother Queen of Witches, was the person Sylvia eyed and there were a few other unknown people that Lith didn’t know of.

After Sylvia finished speaking, Lith got some idea as to what he could do to make her open up more.

He looked at her and said, "I see, so you’ve not done much maid work."

Sylvia blinked and stared at Lith with a neutral look, not getting what he meant.

Lith looked at her and said with a smile, "Stop slacking from here on Sylvia otherwise I’ll punish you. Anyway, as for your work, go find me the cutest dog on the planet within two months."

Lith then turned to Keith and Fanny. "You two, you are to assist Sylvia in this work. You are not allowed to give your opinion and the dog Sylvia chooses should be her own choice. Anyway, while you’re at it, fetch me the tastiest glass of water. Your deadline is the same as Sylvia’s."

"You three are dismissed."

Hearing all of this, Fanny and Keith were dumbfounded while Fei too wondered just what was her master up to.

As for Sylvia, she found her master’s orders to be really odd, but having no other choice, she obeyed and went to fetch the cutest dog in the world.

When everyone was gone, Lith, having Fei in his embrace, stopped caressing her hair and pinched both her nipples together.

"Owfmph!" Fei moaned in a confused mix of pain and pleasure as she got attacked suddenly.

Lith chuckled and said, "Little loli, aren’t you getting too comfortable with your master? Where’s your respect?"

"Master, why…" Fei turned her head up to look at Lith and asked with an expression that stated she had been wronged.

Fei was literally minding her own business, so why did she suddenly get punished? She had paid her full respects when she saw Lith at first, now what more did he need of her?

Lith, continuing to pinch on Fei’s nipples, stated, "You turned into a Supreme Rank and didn’t even notify your master. Not to mention, you didn’t even come to greet me when I arrived in the castle. Tell me, what punishment should I give you?"

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