Vampire’s Slice Of Life Chapter 858 Adaptability

Chapter 858 Adaptability

"So what I’m trying to convey here is…"

Lith took a pause and walking for a bit and dragging the sword, stopped when he saw everyone’s attention had peaked.

Lith took the short sword out of the ground, surprising everybody once again as they saw that it wasn’t a short sword this time, but actually a proper throwable knife.

Showing it to everybody, Lith continued, "Your life, your misery, your personality, your hardships… They’re all a consequence of how you adapt yourself."

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Lith paused here as everyone had fallen into comprehending what he had just said.

He may be somewhat younger than everybody here, but the wisdom he possessed truly stood out among this group filled with depressed ones.

There were some things in life that could only be known or learnt from someone who had always been privileged and barely had ever suffered through tragedies. Lith was one of those people and his viewpoint was much needed by them.

While Lith excelled in this aspect of life and the rest five failed, Lith also was missing out on a few things.

Life teaches many lessons no matter if it’s the sad times or the happy times.

When a person is happy, life teaches them to value and cherish it properly. If they don’t, then this happiness gets taken away and washed by the floods of sorrow.

Likewise, when a person is sad, life teaches them to value and cherish their own selves in these hard times. Lots and lots of lessons were being taught by life during sad times and cherishing oneself was just a small part of it.

By now, whatever Lith wanted to convey should have gotten to the heads of these guys, especially Iki.

This guy had stopped comprehending things and was now staring at Lith with a newfound light.

Having his attention, Lith continued, "I may not be fully correct, but with how I see it, you’ve adapted wrong. You shouldn’t have adjusted yourself to be numb to whatever wrongs were happening or strengthen your mind to suck the tragedies up. That’s not how it should’ve been done."

"Instead, when facing pain, you should’ve seeked pleasure."

"When things got heated and a fight arose, instead of duking it out, you should’ve learnt to calm people down."

"When facing many conflicts, instead of being the person who fought against everything bravely, you should’ve learnt to instigate others and make them fight themselves."

"There’s just so many ways with how you could’ve adapted yourself and yet you chose all the worst possible options, making your already miserable life even more precarious."

Lith then walked up to Iki, who was sitting on the ground, and bonked his head with the hilt of the knife he was holding.

"Brawn doesn’t always work, but the brain always works. This thing here is not a headpiece available for show, use it wisely and adapt well."

With that, Lith stopped speaking on this topic and went to search for the green-haired imposter kid he had brought along.

Lith could leave this imposter here and not come back, but he had a hunch that this kid may return anyway.

If that happened, Lith wouldn’t have the kid with him and things would go way out of hand than how they already were.

Searching for a bit, Lith found the kid sleeping on top of a pile of corpses.

Lith didn’t say anything and simply picked the kid up by his collar and put him on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Lith went back to the group and saw everyone staring at him.

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Staring back at them and smiling, Lith pointed at the kid he was holding onto and said, "Isn’t it amazing how this kid didn’t die here?"

Sebastian, Ariel, Iki, and Tsuki were still busy comprehending the things Lith had spouted a while ago. It was only Anne who was there to entertain him and looking at him, she asked,

"Why would you bring a kid here?"

This redhead, when Lith had parted ways with her last time, she had totally threatened to kill him when she saw him next.

It wasn’t a joke in any way as she was psychopathic enough to pull such stunts.

Anne was only calm right now because she had exhausted a lot of her power and was in no mood to get into a fight.

Sitting beside her and putting the kid down on the ground beside him, Lifh replied, "This kid just clung onto me and then I was forcefully brought here. Couldn’t do much about it."

Anne didn’t reply after getting her answer and stayed quiet for a while.

She hated socializing and the only thing that fascinated her was killing, that’s about it.

Lith stayed silent as well and the ice was eventually broken by Sebastian later on, who asked, "Any idea why we are brought together so suddenly?"

All except Ariel shook her head. "I don’t have a proper idea, but I do have a vague one."

"What is it?" Sebastian asked.

Ariel got up and walking around, questioned, "We all agree that it isn’t a coincidence that we are here, right?"

Everybody nodded their heads.

"Then, any ideas as to what the entity might have wanted to achieve by bringing us here?"

They thought about it and it was Tsuki who said, "Maybe the entity wanted to test our strength?"

Ariel nodded lightly. "Could be the reason. Anything else?"

Nobody said anything because whatever they had in mind, Ariel probably knew of it as well.

This was correct on everyone’s part that Ariel pretty much knew everything they could think or decipher from this situation. She wasn’t highly intelligent for no reason.

Noticing that nobody was responding anymore, Ariel said, "Instead of thinking what the entity wanted to achieve by bringing us here, how about we focus on what was even present here and what all things had happened. The things are really limited and can give us a proper idea."

"Right." Sebastian nodded in agreement. "Now that you say it, there’s nothing other than a few things present here. The ground soaked with blood, the dishevelled corpses that didn’t melt, the lone tree standing in the middle of nowhere, sand, and…"

Sebastian went on for a bit and then Ariel commented, "Alright, so nothing other than those alive corpses are even worth mentioning."

"Speaking of the corpses, did you guys wonder how such a powerful monster got slayed so easily? If I’m not wrong, neither I nor Iki or Tsuki did anything to stop it." Sebastian commented.

Ariel shook her head and so did Anne.

Lith too did the same thing while his eyes sneakily glanced at the sleeping kid.

Gazing at him, Lith wondered, ’I’m pretty sure this dude did it. I just don’t have proof.’

With that, the six continued to discuss things and in the meantime, ended up doing a small reunion.

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