Vampire’s Slice Of Life Chapter 952 Bird Nest Analogy

Chapter 952 Bird Nest Analogy

?After ten minutes of explanation, Lith saw Helen still did not understand.

Shaking his head, as a final ditch, Lith said, "Just think that everyone is equal in nature’s eyes, that’s it. It does not discriminate and a demon or devil could have Light affinity. In any case, the teaching that dark creatures cannot possess Light affinity is wrong. It still somehow rapidly spread everywhere because…"

Lith paused and looked around.

He saw a bird resting in a nest.

Pointing at that, Lith said, "Look at that bird and tell me, did it build that nest?"

Saintess Helen turned her head and saw a small cuckoo. She did not think much about Lith’s question and said, "Yes?"

"Why do you think so?" Lith asked with a small smile.

"It’s laying there and all birds naturally build nests." Saintess Helen answered.

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Lith nodded. "That’s right. But you’re wrong. Cuckoos don’t build their own nests. Keep watching."

Saintess Helen continued to watch.

A while later, a few eggs dropped from the nest, then the cuckoo flew away.

Another bird arrived at the scene and it seemed to gaze at its nest, then realized its eggs were missing and began crying out loud.

The melodic cries were heard by Saintess Helen and baffled her.

"Did you see that? That cuckoo not only laid its egg in that other bird’s nest, it also kicked a few of the existing eggs down so that the bird provides its undivided attention to the remaining few. With this, the cuckoo ensured that its offspring won’t be discriminated against or killed in the long run." Lith explained.

Saintess Helen was speechless. She really had no idea that birds could be like this too.

Lith smiled again. "Now do you understand? Not all birds build nests and not all demons are without a Light affinity. It’s still a new concept for you, it’ll take time for you to comprehend it. Anyway, anything else you’d like to ask?"

Saintess Helen nodded. She put on a forced smile and asked, "Can you please not make the stew? Please consider it as my last wish."

Lith chuckled. "That’s not happening. But I wonder, why are you so against it? How come a stew can become a reason for the world’s doom?"

Saintess Helen sighed. "I do not know. It’s just a prophecy that Saintess Selena passed down."

"What prophecy?"

"It’s like this…"

Saintess Helen told Lith the whole prophecy and made him ponder over this matter.

After a while, Lith said, "Hm… What the prophecy stated doesn’t necessarily mean the world’s going to be destroyed. You could think that two paths emerging into a third path could naturally be metaphorical instead of literal. If it’s not the case, do two paths and the blind mountain actually exist in this world?"

Saintess Helen shook her head. "There are no such records in the church."

"That’s right." Lith clapped his hand. "It’s metaphorical and not literal. So you shouldn’t worry about it. Anyway, it’s up to you whether you wish to continue worrying or move on. I’ll do what I want afterall."

Saintess Helen let out a tired sigh. "I understand. Then please kill me. I do not wish to hear the cries of innocent worshippers when the apocalypse descends."

Lith chuckled and extending his hand out, rubbed Saintess Helen’s head, dumbfounding her.

"You’re way too suicidal. As a punishment, you’ll stay confined by this rope until we finish making the stew."

"Nooooo…" Saintess Helen knitted her brows and cried out.

Lith shook his head. "Anyway, time to go save Ralph. You quietly stay here until my return."

Saintess Helen bit her lip and a drop of tear leaked out from the corner of her eyes.

"Oh Light… Please be merciful…"

In a helpless situation, Saintess Helen could do nothing but pray for the well being of everyone.


Artisan’s City Pumice.

Lith was back in this city and went straight to the church located here.

Ralph was right under his nose all this time and he cursed himself for being negligent. He should’ve scanned the church in this city before leaving.

It was an oversight on his and Dennis’s part because they were too focused on saving Miwa.

Thankfully, all was well now and Ralph wasn’t in grave danger.

Lith went to the church and made his way towards the basement.

Five church disciples were in the midst of torturing Ralph, who was half awake and grunting in pain. His hair was a mess and there was some bleeding from his lips. It was unsightly.

Lith frowned and used the Lightning element, sending controlled bursts of it to the heads of these disciples, knocking them unconscious and burning the skin where the Lightning touched them.

In his half conscious state, Ralph saw a blurry figure walk up to him.

Then, this blurry figure said, "Sigh… Sorry it took so long."

Ralph felt a sharp surge of coolness within his body and woke up from his half conscious state.

As his vision returned, he saw that it was Lith who had arrived and rescued him.

"All better?" Lith asked.

Ralph did a light nod. "Thank you."

Lith chuckled and patted Ralph’s shoulder. "You don’t say that."

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Lith captured the five disciples and bound them together with a spell.

He carried the five with him and walked out of the church with Ralph.

On their way to the mountain range, Lith told Ralph everything that had transpired while the latter was silent and listened intently.

After half a day of flying, they reached the mountain range where Saintess Helen was.

Lith threw the disciples beside her and introduced Ralph to her.

Ralph was still silent and simply nodded. In his mind, he was still trying to figure things out and was wondering how he became so useless.

Lith had emphasized that it wasn’t Ralph’s fault and he was just unlucky, but being a master strategist, his brain worked in ways no one else could comprehend.

Now that Ralph was rescued, they could go to find the final ingredient and complete the stew.

Watching the church’s disciples, Helen pleaded to show them mercy and release them, but Lith ignored her cries and went to Jenna’s location.

It took them a whole day of flying to reach Jenna’s place.

Once they reached, Lith and Ralph saw Dennis and Miwa standing on a flat grassland.

There were also three figures Ralph did not recognize, namely Jenna, Yuma, and Hyunsuk.

"Your Highness! Ralph!" Dennis called out cheerfully.

"You two finally arrived…" Miwa said with a tired sigh.

"Master…" Hyunsuk called out.

Descending down, Lith threw the church’s disciples away and gently put Helen down.

Helen’s heart ached watching the mistreatment of the disciples, but she could do nothing about it. For the past twenty four hours, she had been consistently pleading but her diligence had no value.

She thus gave up and succumbed to misery.

Looking at the new people brought, Dennis couldn’t help but ask, "Church guys?"

Lith nodded. "They were the ones who summoned Ralph."

Dennis knitted his brows hearing that and a killing intent erupted from him.

Lith quickly put his hand on Dennis’s shoulder and said, "You can deal with them later. For now, let’s go and discuss the last ingredient’s location."

Dennis retracted his killing intent. They were orders from his Prince, he couldn’t defy them. Sighing, he dropped the matter.

"This way please, we have prepared many delicacies for you all." Jenna said cheerfully.

Lith and the rest nodded and were about to go with Jenna, however, at this point, Hyunsuk who was looking around, walked up to Lith and gently tugged on his sleeve.

"Hmm?" Lith turned around and asked.

Hyunsuk looked around once again and calmly asked, "Master, where is Shi?"

"Shi?" Ralph, who was beside Lith, asked.

"…" Lith facepalmed hearing Hyunsuk’s question. "Don’t tell me… The thing I was forgetting…"

Hyunsuk looked at Lith with a befuddled gaze. "Did Master forget to bring him along?"

Lith’s lips twitched. Damnit! How could he forget such a thing!? He internally cursed.

This was so bad…

What impression would his newly appointed disciple even have of his Master?

A peak Half King Rank Master… Prince of all Vampires… he forgot nothing trivial but his own disciple!? A living being of all??

Hyunsuk felt something was amiss. "So Master did forget…" He said softly.

"Aha ha… ha… no." Lith forced a laugh and scratched his chin. "Shi actually had something important and stayed behind."

Hyunsuk tilted his head. For some reason, he doubted this.

"Aha… I actually realized I have something important to do too. You guys go ahead, I’ll be here in a bit." Lith laughed nervously and said.

Extending his wings out, he quickly flew away and disappeared from their sights.

Hyunsuk sighed and shook his head. It’s probably Shi’s misfortune that made their Master forget about him.

Thinking it was just a minor inconvenience, Hyunsuk didn’t dwell on it much and went along with the rest to Jenna’s place.

While on their way, Dennis saw Ralph’s poker face.

Although it was expressionless, Dennis could feel that he was sad.

Instead of asking what was up, Dennis wrapped his hand around Ralph’s shoulder and then did the same with Hyunsuk, who was walking beside him.

Laughing loudly, Dennis said, "Bloody hell, do you know about Hyunsuk here? This guy’s luck is just too good! You know, we actually ended up having so many fortuitous encounters!"

Trying to uplift Ralph’s mood, Dennis began loudly narrating the things they went through while bringing some minor inconvenience to Hyunsuk.

Since these idiots decided to walk ahead, it was Miwa who had to drag the disciples Lith brought and Helen to Jenna’s hut.

She cursed Dennis and Ralph both loudly, but dragged the church members nonetheless.

"I’ll beat those slackers up once they settle down!" Miwa exclaimed in her heart.

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