Vampire’s Slice Of Life Chapter 991 The Granny Problem

Chapter 991 The Granny Problem

?The moment Lith saw the news, his eyes widened in surprise.

The number of plebes did not go down, rather, the number of nobles had almost halved!

Lith almost spit out the tea he was drinking.

He definitely did not expect such an outcome!

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Wondering what was up, Lith checked everything he could.

Apparently, the number of plebeians was a lot. Many high ranking ones were in hiding. They had come out on request and attacked the nobles.

Vampires were a laid back race of people. They lived a peaceful life for most parts, having sex, working, drinking, and so on. The only time some spice or drama occurred was when the Vampires felt like indulging in debauchery or eating the Humans.

People here weren’t hungry for power and they slowly cultivated at their own pace.

Thus, not many were nobles. They were mere commoners, and Lith had apparently overlooked this fact.

The nobles were fiercely pushed back and had to retreat.

Duchess Rivera suffered a big blow. She was leading the nobles against the commoners, but things were too out of her expectations. There were a lot more Emperor Ranks than they thought there would be.

These people were small in number, but could actively challenge the Duke clans.

Lith was amused by this situation and watched the battles with more interest.

Lots of videos were being leaked of the nobles harassing the commoners. Some noble slept with some commoner’s mother, wife, while some nobles killed a bunch of Humans and framed the commoners for it.

Many scandals were leaking day and night. The image of the nobles was at an all time low.

Lith watched the scenarios with great interest.

Weeks passed.

The scandals had no end to them.

However, something interesting happened at this point.

The nobles fought back against the commoners by leaking out their deepest, darkest secrets. They made all of the information public, and this led to a lot of infighting occurring among the plebeians.

There was a young plebeian that only slept with old grannies. Not just any old women, but widows. He also made children with them in secret, and when this news got out, a lot of chaos stirred up.

Turns out, this has been happening for many thousand years. The children that young plebeian made in secret were all grown up and powerful individuals. They did not know who their father was this whole time, but now that the information was out in public, big, big, BIG family drama ensued.

The ex-husbands of the old grannies, their children and grandchildren, upon knowing the grandma had made more children later on, felt really ashamed at the addition of a new member.

Many went on to hunt the new members, many disapprovingly accepted them, and many just tried to forget and live their life normally.

However, this did not end here.

"The Vampires are wild…" Lith commented and almost had a tear leak out of his eyes from crying while laughing.

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In this same incident, when the old grannies’ children and grandchildren found out that the grannies were still capable of making children, they went ahead and searched for them.

Age reversal potions were in high demand during this time, and the prices of such surged to atrocious amounts, but then suddenly dipped when one plebeian found out a cheaper method to make these potions in abundance.

As they say, necessity was the mother of all invention.

The age reversal potions were fed to the old grannies by their children and grandchildren. And then…

"They fucked. End of the story." Lith said and wheezed.

Indeed. The old grannies had their wrinkles disappear, and appeared like young and sexy thirty year old models.

They became pleasing to the eyes to everybody, and the children and grandchildren mated with them, producing even more babies.

This news spread like wildfire everywhere in the world. The image of the Vampires sunk to rock bottom.

Criticism from around the world came to them. Many were disgusted, but the Lust Demons of the Demon Continent praised the Vampires for being ’open’ to such new ’adventures’. They said everybody in the world should strive to be this wild.

They also said that the fruit is tastier if it’s forbidden, and everybody should give it a shot at least once in their life.

People from around the world hailed curses at the Lust Demons for making such a statement. However, news leaked out that secretly, many people were actually opening up to their families and trying this out in the shadows.

When Lith read this news on his tablet screen, he had no words left to say.

This was so bizarre that he put the tablet away and sat on the rooftop of the castle in utter silence, contemplating life.

"What have I done…" Lith spoke to himself.

He was the reason such wild things were happening around the world. Things were fine if it was the immortals that did it, but with mortals, there were going to be a lot of genetic defects arising due to incestual reproduction.

Lith’s negative karma, that he previously could not feel, could now be felt. It had soared to such a high degree that there was a faint black halo forming on his head, as if he was a Demon incarnate.

First he had problems about the children, then went to solve it by providing them safe zones. Then there was the problem with children again who were committing suicide for not being accepted in the academy. And now there was this.

One after another, problems were erupting like wild weeds after a rain.

"Poverty, hunger, diseases, pollution… aren’t these problems supposed to be the major ones for a given world?" Lith muttered softly.

Earth, even after being developed, was suffering through these problems. There was nothing like incestual scandals or heavy war-like situations there.

But this world? Despite being magical and having no issues related to poverty or hunger… it had a completely different set of problems.

Lith was genuinely concerned about the wellbeing of the people here.

The black halo above his head was getting denser as he was accumulating negative karma. This was bound to be the case as in war, a person was killed and that was the end karma of it.

However, with incestual reproduction, Lith was not just causing problems to the present people, but also the future generations. This was resulting in accumulation of even greater amounts of negativity.

If this continued, creatures like Ink Death would appear right above his head even in his bedroom!

"Shit. I need to keep the situation under control. Otherwise I may end up unknowingly harming myself and my loved ones."

With that, Lith picked up the tablet again and began working on stabilizing the situation.

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