Village Head’s Debauchery Chapter 332 Showcasing Their Gifts

"You’re aware that I need to get to the well early, right?" Fifi quipped, her gaze dropping to Orion’s face. She felt his arm tightly embracing her waist, his fingers teasingly tracing along her taut thighs and occasionally giving her vagina hairs a playful tug.

Orion maintained his silence in response to her words, his fingers playfully twirling through her private hairs before giving them a gentle upward tug once more. Fifi couldn’t help but shiver slightly, her attempts to resist the sensation proving futile due to their bodies being snugly pressed together and his arm still wrapped around her.

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"Well, considering you managed to wake up both me and everyone else in the process, I don’t see why you can’t make it slightly late to the well," he remarked. His voice held a light, teasing tone. "Plus, you’re undoubtedly stronger than I am, so if you really want to leave, I doubt I could prevent you."

However, his true motive behind this exchange was to seize the opportunity to impregnate her before he went for his training.

Also, amid the playfulness, he sensed a hint of frustration in her actions, her hands jostling with Fiona’s as they vied for the chance to stroke his groin and massage his balls. It was obvious she sought someone to blame for her late appearance at the well.

Having divulged his intentions to her in a whispered confession, he understood why she had become more subdued compared to her earlier fiery reaction. Notably tamer than Gina, she could only offer muttered complaints, likely stemming from her expectation for his advances to escalate from mere fondling to penetrating the depths of her hairy valley.

However, fueled by curiosity to understand the gifts of his women, Orion paid little heed to Fifi’s reaction. She scoffed and turned her head aside while her right hand continued to be locked in a playful rivalry with Fiona over his gritty penis. His attention shifted as he observed Lyra stepping forward to showcase her gift.

Suddenly, her long red crimson hair defied gravity, beginning to ascend and radiate a gentle glow. It extended, growing larger and larger until it enveloped her, stretching sideways and backwards. The flowing strands became a vibrant curtain, concealing her entire back and obstructing the view of those positioned behind her. Those in front were equally obstructed, their gaze unable to pierce through the display of her gift.

Orion’s eyebrow arched at Lyra’s gift, leaving him genuinely impressed. Strangely, he felt that her gift suited her perfectly, though he couldn’t quite pinpoint why.

When Lyra extended a thick strand of her hair toward him, Orion observed curiously as she used it to gently rub his chin. The sensation was oddly pleasant as the silky strands caressed his skin.

He followed her movements closely, his eyes locked on her actions as she performed an array of impressive feats. Her hair snapped out like a whip, gracefully twirled around like a dancer, and even took on the semblance of a fist and a hammer.

After finishing her demonstration, Lyra withdrew her gift, allowing her hair to revert to its usual state. Turning her attention to the gathered women, she addressed them, stating, ’That’s my gift, everyone, along with its capabilities.’ With a wink and a blown kiss towards Orion, she returned to her mat.

Amidst her actions, he couldn’t help but detect several snorts emanating from the women around him, particularly Fiona and Fifi, both sitting on either side.

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Their hands grew more eager on his shaft, and a building intensity hinted that he was about to release as Grandma Derry stepped forward to showcase her gift. However, Orion wasn’t taken aback since he had witnessed her gift before; he remained composed as he saw her merge seamlessly into the wooden floorboard.

However, even with prior knowledge, he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of surprise when she emerged from the floor, transforming into a jelly-like figure and then blending seamlessly into a nearby mat. This caused the mat to shift and stand upright, subsequently performing a curious dance on its edges.

Orion found himself wanting to smack his forehead at his oversight—how had he not realized the extent of Grandma Derry’s gift? As he watched the possessed mat perform its quirky dance, he couldn’t help but feel amused, nodding in response as Grandma Derry returned to her spot and addressed the gathered audience, including him.

"That’s my gift," Grandma Derry said before returning to her mat.

The next person to step forward was his mother, holding a clay pot in her hands, showcasing how she could mould and control clay with her gift. Once her demonstration ended, Reena moved to the centre of the room. Curious and eager, Orion watched intently as she activated her gift, causing her hands to emit a radiant glow.

Although minutes ticked by without any immediate effects, Orion remained captivated. Although he was starting to feel a bit disappointed, he kept his eyes peeled, determined not to miss a single detail of the gift she had been keeping a secret from him.

’Reena didn’t hide her gift from me because it wasn’t anything worth mentioning, right?’ Orion pondered. He considered the idea that his sister might have kept her gift a secret due to its insignificance.

However, these thoughts were swiftly shattered into fragments as he witnessed a truly stunning spectacle. His surprise was obvious as a multitude of leaves burst through the open wooden window, swirling around Reena as if caught in a joyful dance.

These leaves twirled like miniature whirlwinds, descending effortlessly to the ground, before arranging themselves on their leafy edges, forming a protective circle around her—a formation akin to loyal soldiers guarding their queen.

After the display, the leaves lifted into the air once more, swirling and twirling before collectively floating back toward the window, vanishing just as they had arrived.

"For those who may still be wondering, my gift allows me to control and command plants," Reena explained, her gaze encompassing everyone, including him. With her explanation given, she returned to her mat, settling back into her place.

The attention then shifted to Aunt Greta. Although some were already acquainted with her gift, she choose to rise and demonstrate it for those who were still unaware. By enlarging and manipulating the movement of her flesh, she momentarily made her arms appear as large as her entire body. After showcasing her ability, she deactivated her gift and returned to her mat.

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