Villain: Destiny Transfer System Chapter 104 DON’T READ THIS CHAPTER


Elder Qing, fueled by his arrogance, unleashed a devastating punch infused with more than half of his Qi, aimed directly at Wang Chen’s chest. Anticipation gleamed in his eyes as he believed victory was within his grasp. However, the outcome took an unexpected turn.

The moment Elder Qing’s fist connected with Wang Chen’s chest, a radiant golden light emitted from the impact zone. A resounding boom echoed through the air, causing Elder Qing’s body to be violently propelled backward. The force of the counterattack caught him off guard, shattering his expectations of an easy victory.

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To his horror, Elder Qing felt the bones in his left arm crack, a searing pain coursing through his veins. The once mighty channels of Qi within his hand now lay useless, their burst veins rendering them incapable of transmitting his energy. The numbness radiated from his shoulder, spreading like a venomous web, impairing his control over his arm. Even his attempts to channel Qi were futile, as the damaged veins obstructed its flow, leaving his arm powerless and paralyzed.

Elder Qing’s voice boomed with anger and confusion, "What the hell did you do, you bastard?" He struggled to comprehend the turn of events. He had unleashed a mighty punch infused with a substantial portion of his Qi, fully expecting to crush his opponent. But instead, he found himself on the receiving end of the damage.

Standing before him, Wang Chen appeared relatively unscathed, save for a few cuts and bruises accumulated from their previous clashes. The impact of Elder Qing’s powerful attack had seemingly left no visible mark on him. Despite his appearance, Wang Chen gasped for air, a reflection of the toll the battle had taken on him.

"What the hell did you do, you damn bastard?" Elder Qing demanded once more, his voice laced with frustration and confusion. Wang Chen remained silent, aggravating him further.

Under his breath, Wang Chen muttered in annoyance, "That damn masochist monk." He gingerly placed his hand over the area where Elder Qing’s powerful punch had landed just moments ago.

From the outside, Wang Chen seemed unscathed, but internally, he was wracked with pain. The Stone Body Reflecting Arts had partially deflected the force of Elder Qing’s attack, but the remaining power had ravaged his insides. His Devouring Corrupted Divine Body had absorbed the Qi imbued in the strike, sparing him external injuries while leaving him in intense agony within.

Wang Chen’s teeth clenched tightly as he pondered the monk’s twisted nature. He couldn’t help but wonder, just how much pain had the monk endured to cultivate such a technique? Initially, he had dismissed the monk’s claims as mere jest, but now he questioned how someone without a body like his own could endure such torment and still embrace it willingly. It seemed the monk was a true masochist, deriving pleasure from the very suffering and pain that others would shun.

Wang Chen had made a firm resolve before practicing the ’Stone Body Reflecting Arts’ that he would adopt the persona of a true villain, not tolerating any mistreatment. But here he was, taking a beating from his enemies until he caught them off-guard.

It was a bitter pill to swallow for Wang Chen, who had envisioned himself as the one dishing out the punishment. But life had a funny way of turning the tables, and he found himself on the receiving end of unexpected attacks. The irony wasn’t lost on him.

"Dam…." Wang Chen let out an exasperated sigh and cut off Elder Qing mid-sentence. He couldn’t bear to listen to another word from this clueless guy.

"Oh, spare me the ignorance," Wang Chen scoffed, rolling his eyes. "You’re clueless about what just went down, aren’t you? Let me spell it out for you, pal. You made a big mistake crossing paths with me, and now you’re about to pay the price."

Then Wang Chen slowly walked towards Elder Qing then he make in front of him, "Now you don’t have any hand so how are you going to fight me

hehehe." Wang Chen spoke.

Driven by his twisted desires, Elder Qing lunged at Wang Chen, initiating a relentless assault. However, his intentions had shifted. Rather than seeking a swift end, he aimed to inflict grave injuries, intending to cripple Wang Chen both physically and emotionally. Wang Chen, well aware of the change in strategy, evaded the onslaught with every ounce of his agility and skill, desperately evading the attacks with unwavering determination.

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As the battle raged on, Wang Chen’s agility and skill were put to the test. Initially, he managed to evade Elder Qing’s attacks with nimble footwork and precise movements, but the tides were turning against him. Slowly but surely, Elder Qing’s relentless assault began taking its toll.

With each passing moment, it became increasingly challenging for Wang Chen to dodge the onslaught. His body endured the impact of Elder Qing’s strikes, bruises and cuts marring his once unblemished skin. No matter how hard he tried to anticipate and evade, it seemed that with every dodge, another attack swiftly followed, leaving him with no respite.

Wang Chen’s defenses were pushed to their limits. He raised his arms to shield his vital points, trying to absorb the blows with minimal damage. The impact reverberated through his body, causing his muscles to ache and his breath to grow labored. Yet, he refused to yield.

Engaging in combat against an adversary with a higher Cultivation base posed an immense challenge, even for an exceptional individual like Wang Chen. Within the vast expanse of the continent, countless prodigies existed, each possessing formidable talents.

However, the ability to confront opponents of superior Cultivation levels rested upon the shoulders of a select few—the so-called heaven-defying geniuses, born once in millions of years, whose gifts transcended the laws of heaven itself.

"Is that the best you’ve got?" Elder Qing taunted, his fists raining down upon Wang Chen’s body like a storm. Each strike sent waves of searing pain rippling through Wang Chen’s being, making it difficult for him to catch his breath. The sheer force behind Elder Qing’s punches was staggering, testing Wang Chen’s endurance to its limits.

Gasping for air, Wang Chen fought against the excruciating agony surging through his veins. His muscles screamed in protest, his body trembling under the relentless assault. Beads of sweat dripped down his forehead, mingling with the dirt and blood that adorned his face. His breaths came in ragged gasps, as if his lungs were starved of air.

In a sudden turn of events, Elder Qing felt a sharp attack from behind, catching him off guard. As he turned to see who had dared to strike him, his eyes met Su Ling’s determined gaze. A mixture of anger and amusement danced across his face as he addressed her.

"You meddling bitch," he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "You should have stayed silent and out of this. But now, I’ll make sure to punish him severely for your mistake."

A sly smile crept onto his lips, revealing his sadistic delight. He channeled his Qi, infusing his hand with a surge of power that surpassed half of his total energy. The air around him crackled with anticipation as his palm glowed with an ominous aura, ready to deliver a devastating blow.

[A/N: Hey everyone, we’re almost at 100 chapters! I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for your support. Your reviews mean a lot and help me improve the story. If you have any thoughts or feedback, please share them.

Also, if you have any spare Golden Tickets, they would be greatly appreciated to help complete the monthly mission. Thank you for being part of this amazing Eastern fantasy adventure. Stay tuned for more exciting chapters ahead! ]

In a swift and unexpected move, Elder Qing defied Wang Chen’s attack by catching his sword just before it could strike him. A sinister smile spread across Elder Qing’s face as he effortlessly broke Wang Chen’s sword with his bare hand, showcasing his immense strength. In a graceful rotation, he swiftly shifted his position and delivered a powerful kick to Wang Chen’s chest, sending him hurtling through the air.

Struggling to regain his composure, Wang Chen valiantly attempted to rise from the ground. However, before he could fully recover, Elder Qing reappeared before him with astonishing speed, delivering a forceful kick to Wang Chen’s shoulder. Once again, Wang Chen was sent soaring through the air, his body unable to withstand the impact.

Despite the successive blows and the chaos of the battle, Wang Chen managed to land gracefully this time, skillfully avoiding any collisions. Wang Chen’s once neat appearance had been thrown into disarray, his hair tousled and his clothes tattered. However, his face bore a resolute expression.

"Weren’t you laughing before? Now what happened?" Elder Qing taunted, his voice dripping with scorn. He confidently approached Wang Chen, closing the distance until they stood merely two meters apart. Casting a glance at Su Ling, he couldn’t help but unleash a twisted idea.

"I’ve got a delightful plan!" Elder Qing sneered, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. "I will cripple him and let him witness our glorious moments before I deliver the final blow." His mind delved into a dark fantasy, relishing the thought of Wang Chen’s despair as he lay helpless, forced to watch Elder Qing defile Su Ling before his very eyes. The sickening excitement that surged within him was palpable, impossible to contain any longer.

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