Villain: Destiny Transfer System Chapter 123 Break Finish!

This chapter is repeated as well

Elder Qing, fueled by his arrogance, unleashed a devastating punch infused with more than half of his Qi, aimed directly at Wang Chen’s chest. Anticipation gleamed in his eyes as he believed victory was within his grasp. However, the outcome took an unexpected turn.

The moment Elder Qing’s fist connected with Wang Chen’s chest, a radiant golden light emitted from the impact zone. A resounding boom echoed through the air, causing Elder Qing’s body to be violently propelled backward. The force of the counterattack caught him off guard, shattering his expectations of an easy victory.

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To his horror, Elder Qing felt the bones in his left arm crack, a searing pain coursing through his veins. The once mighty channels of Qi within his hand now lay useless, their burst veins rendering them incapable of transmitting his energy. The numbness radiated from his shoulder, spreading like a venomous web, impairing his control over his arm. Even his attempts to channel Qi were futile, as the damaged veins obstructed its flow, leaving his arm powerless and paralyzed.

Elder Qing’s voice boomed with anger and confusion, "What the hell did you do, you bastard?" He struggled to comprehend the turn of events. He had unleashed a mighty punch infused with a substantial portion of his Qi, fully expecting to crush his opponent. But instead, he found himself on the receiving end of the damage.

Standing before him, Wang Chen appeared relatively unscathed, save for a few cuts and bruises accumulated from their previous clashes. The impact of Elder Qing’s powerful attack had seemingly left no visible mark on him. Despite his appearance, Wang Chen gasped for air, a reflection of the toll the battle had taken on him.

"What the hell did you do, you damn bastard?" Elder Qing demanded once more, his voice laced with frustration and confusion. Wang Chen remained silent, aggravating him further.

Under his breath, Wang Chen muttered in annoyance, "That damn masochist monk." He gingerly placed his hand over the area where Elder Qing’s powerful punch had landed just moments ago.

From the outside, Wang Chen seemed unscathed, but internally, he was wracked with pain. The Stone Body Reflecting Arts had partially deflected the force of Elder Qing’s attack, but the remaining power had ravaged his insides. His Devouring Corrupted Divine Body had absorbed the Qi imbued in the strike, sparing him external injuries while leaving him in intense agony within.

Wang Chen’s teeth clenched tightly as he pondered the monk’s twisted nature. He couldn’t help but wonder, just how much pain had the monk endured to cultivate such a technique? Initially, he had dismissed the monk’s claims as mere jest, but now he questioned how someone without a body like his own could endure such torment and still embrace it willingly. It seemed the monk was a true masochist, deriving pleasure from the very suffering and pain that others would shun.

Wang Chen had made a firm resolve before practicing the ’Stone Body Reflecting Arts’ that he would adopt the persona of a true villain, not tolerating any mistreatment. But here he was, taking a beating from his enemies until he caught them off-guard.

It was a bitter pill to swallow for Wang Chen, who had envisioned himself as the one dishing out the punishment. But life had a funny way of turning the tables, and he found himself on the receiving end of unexpected attacks. The irony wasn’t lost on him.

"Dam…." Wang Chen let out an exasperated sigh and cut off Elder Qing mid-sentence. He couldn’t bear to listen to another word from this clueless guy.

"Oh, spare me the ignorance," Wang Chen scoffed, rolling his eyes. "You’re clueless about what just went down, aren’t you? Let me spell it out for you, pal. You made a big mistake crossing paths with me, and now you’re about to pay the price."

Wang Chen advanced slowly towards Elder Qing, his footsteps deliberate and filled with confidence. He positioned himself directly in front of his adversary, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "Now that you’ve lost both of yours hand, how do you plan on fighting me, huh?" he taunted, his voice laced with amusement.

Elder Qing’s smile wavered, but he quickly regained his composure. "You fool! You think losing my hands will stop me? I have legs to kick as well" he retorted, his eyes narrowing with determination. With a swift motion, he launched a kick towards Wang Chen, intending to demonstrate his combat prowess despite the setback.

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To his surprise, however, Elder Qing’s leg failed to move. Confusion washed over him as he glanced downward, discovering his lower limbs ensnared by the unyielding grip of golden-colored rock. Frustration etched across his face as he struggled against the unexpected restraints.

With a smug expression, Wang Chen scoffed at Elder Qing’s feeble attempt. "What were you saying about your kicking skills?" he taunted, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Little did Elder Qing know that when Wang Chen had approached him earlier, his movements had concealed a subtle manipulation of the Earth Element. The golden rocks, remnants of a fallen golem, had obeyed Wang Chen’s command, ensnaring Elder Qing in their unyielding grasp.

Under different circumstances, Elder Qing’s heightened senses might have detected the manipulation. However, weakened by his previous injuries, he was oblivious to the subtle tremors and shifts in the earth surrounding him. Wang Chen had seized this opportunity to distract his adversary, engaging him in conversation and deliberately advancing at a deliberate pace.

He was still not proficient in mastery over the Earth Element, so he needed some time to prepare for trapping the Elder Qing undetected.

Closing the distance between them, Wang Chen’s tone turned mocking. "You thought you could overpower me, but it seems your arrogance has led to your downfall," he jeered, enjoying the tables turning in his favor.

With a mix of frustration and disbelief etched on his face, Elder Qing strained against the unyielding grip of the golden rocks that held him captive. His attempts to break free were met with resistance, intensifying his growing frustration. Meanwhile, Wang Chen’s gaze hardened as he watched his adversary struggle, a glimmer of satisfaction shining in his eyes.

Earlier, after completing his practice of the Stone Body Reflecting Arts, Wang Chen emerged from the cave, collecting his essential belongings. Recognizing the durability of the Golem’s golden body, he decided to take it along, anticipating its usefulness in future battles against formidable opponents. Little did he know that this choice would soon prove vital.

In the present moment, the power of the robust stones manifested as Elder Qing found himself weakened to the point of helplessness. With his hands incapacitated and having already depleted almost 90 percent of his Qi, he resorted to channeling his remaining Qi to stem the flow of blood from his slashed shoulder. This left him no choice but to rely on sheer physical force but he wasn’t able to break free from there restraints.

"You relish in the suffering of others, don’t you?" Wang Chen’s voice carried a chilling conviction, his eyes burning with a fierce determination. "But have you ever truly felt the torment your victims endure?" Wang Chen’s voice turned cold and filled with contempt as he confronted Elder Qing, his hand gripping tightly onto the injured shoulder. His gaze pierced through Elder Qing, conveying an intense anger and a thirst for retribution.

With a swift and forceful motion, Wang Chen exerted pressure on the wounded shoulder, causing Elder Qing to howl in agonizing pain. Blood spurted forth from the severed limb, painting the scene in a vivid hue of crimson. The once-controlled flow of Qi that had stemmed the bleeding was now shattered by Wang Chen’s ruthless act, leaving Elder Qing vulnerable to the raw and unfiltered torment.

As Elder Qing screamed in agony, his cries echoed through the air, serving as a chilling reminder of the pain he had caused others. It was a moment of payback, where Wang Chen sought to make him truly grasp the repercussions of his sadistic ways.

But the truth was, Wang Chen had a different goal in mind from the moment he confronted Elder Qing. There was something else he sought to achieve, and he was confident that he would succeed in due time. He glanced in the direction of Su Ling, who stood at a distance, observing the scene. As their eyes met, Wang Chen could sense the coldness in Su Ling’s gaze, fixed upon the suffering Elder Qing. Wang Chen’s lips curled into a smile as he called out to Su Ling, "Hey, Su Ling."

[Author’s Note: Hey, everyone! Can you believe it? We’ve hit a huge milestone today—100 chapters! I’m over the moon, and I want to express my gratitude for your amazing support. Thank you for sticking with me even though I’m just a mediocre writer.

As a shameless author, I’m shamelessly asking for some gifts to celebrate this achievement. It could be a virtual high-five, a funny GIF, or even a cheesy joke. Anything to make me smile! Let’s continue this adventure together, and here’s to many more chapt

ers and shameless requests. Thank you, thank you, thank you!]

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