Villain: Destiny Transfer System Chapter 22 Wang Chen's Suffering

Chapter 22: Wang Chen’s Suffering

Wang Chen’s eyes turned red as he held tightly onto old ma Ku hand, draining the old man’s life force. "You thought you could kill me?" Wang Chen sneered, his grip tightening around the old man’s wrist. "You underestimate me, old man."

Old man Ku struggled to break free from Wang Chen’s grip, but he was growing weaker and weaker with each passing second. "Stop... please," he begged, but Wang Chen paid no attention to his plea.

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"You tried to kill me, and now you will pay the price," Wang Chen said coldly, his eyes flashing with anger and malice.

Old man’s body began to shrivel up as his energy was drained by Wang Chen. "No... this can’t be happening," he said weakly, his voice barely a whisper. "Please, I beg of you, have mercy."

As the old man’s skin became dull and he started to shrink, he looked up at Wang Chen with a mixture of fear and hatred. "You... you monster," he gasped. "What kind of power is this?"

Wang Chen just grinned, his eyes glowing with a dark light. "The power of the Celestial Essence Crystal," he said, almost triumphantly. "The power you tried to take from me."

Old man’s body was now barely more than a husk, and he knew he was going to die. "You’ll never... get away with this," he gasped.

As Wang Chen watched the old man’s body wither away, he felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him. However, his relief was short-lived, as he suddenly felt a strange energy coursing through his body. At first, it was just a faint tingle, but soon the sensation grew stronger, causing him to convulse in agony.

Wang Chen fell to the ground, his body wracked with pain. The black aura emanating from his body continued to expand, reaching a diameter of 25 meters. Wang Chen could feel his life force being drained away by the dark object in the center of the aura. He tried to move, to fight back, but his body wouldn’t respond to his commands.

The Celestial Essence Crystal, which had turned black, began to crack and fragment, the dark pieces falling away to reveal the small dark-purple object in its center. It pulsed with an ominous aura, and Wang Chen could feel its hunger for spiritual energy.

As Wang Chen’s body was being consumed by the ominous black-purple aura, the pain he felt was unimaginable. It was as if every cell in his body was being ripped apart and reassembled in a twisted and agonizing way. He writhed on the ground, screaming in pain, but no sound came out of his mouth.

Despite the excruciating agony he was experiencing, he managed to force out a few words through gritted teeth, "What... is happening to me? Why... is this happening?" His voice was barely a whisper, but the desperation in his tone was palpable.

The dark aura continued to sap his energy, leaving him feeling weaker and weaker with each passing moment. He felt as though he was being drained of his very life force, and he knew that if this continued, he would not survive.

The pain was so intense that he could no longer think or focus on anything except the agony consuming him. He felt as if he was on the brink of insanity, and the thought of death began to seem like a mercy.

As he lay there, helpless and in pain, Wang Chen’s thoughts turned to despair. He couldn’t bear the agony any longer, and his mind was consumed with thoughts of death. He cried out in anguish, "Please, make it stop! Let me die!"

But the pain only intensified, and he felt himself slipping away once again. As he lost consciousness, a notification from the system suddenly appeared before his eyes.

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[Alert! Host is about to die, initiating host safe mode and trying to save the host by planting the corrupted divine body.]

Wang Chen couldn’t comprehend the message, but it was clear that the system was trying to save him.

As his consciousness came back, he felt a strange sensation throughout his body, like something was attaching itself to him. The pain subsided for a moment, and he could feel the presence of the devouring fetus within him.

[Devouring fetus interfering in the process]

"What is happening to me?" Wang Chen muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. He struggled to open his eyes, but they felt heavy and unresponsive.

[Devouring fetus attached itself to the corrupted divine body and the devouring Essence is mixed with the corrupted divine Essence.]

The words of the system notification echoed in his mind, and he tried to make sense of them. He could feel the devouring fetus and the corrupted divine body within him, their energies mixing and melding together.

[Ding! Host successfully obtained Devouring corrupted divine body]

At last, his consciousness slipped away, and Wang Chen knew no more.


Three long and agonizing days had passed, and Wang Chen was still lying unconscious on the ground. Meanwhile, Ku Lei and the other members of his family who were knocked out by Wang Chen were desperately trying to locate his grandfather(old man Ku) and Wang Chen.

Finally, they arrived at a quiet town and quickly realized something was amiss. The streets were empty, and the once-bustling shops were closed. They questioned the locals, After asking around, they learned that Old man Ku had been seen in the area. With this in mind, they set out to find him and Wang Chen if he was alive.

As they approached the outskirts of the town, they were met with a scene of utter destruction. The once bustling area was now reduced to rubble, with smoke and debris still lingering in the air. As Ku Lei cautiously moved forward, he caught sight of a figure lying motionless on the ground. As he drew closer, he recognized the man’s torn clothing and realized with shock that it was Wang Chen.

Ku Lei approached Wang Chen, his eyes glinting with malice. "Well, well, well. If it isn’t the great Wang Chen," he sneered, "lying there like a useless piece of trash."

Ku Lei raised his hand and a ball of spiritual energy formed at his fingertips. He aimed it at Wang Chen, who was still unconscious, and prepared to strike. "You won’t be causing any more trouble for me or my family," he growled, as he launched the attack towards Wang Chen’s body.


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