Villain: Destiny Transfer System Chapter 84 Liang Wei

84 Liang Wei

Wang Chen’s mission was clear: he had to retrieve the medicinal herb that grew in that area. As he approached the spot marked on his map, he couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. He had heard that the herb was rare and valuable, and that it could cure many ailments. However, he also knew that the area was notorious for its bandits and robbers, who often preyed on travelers and merchants.

As he walked through the forest, Wang Chen heard some commotion ahead. He quickened his pace and soon saw a group of bandits harassing a merchant caravan.

"Hey, give us all your loot and also give this little girl to us, hahaha," one of the bandits jeered.

"What’s going on here?"

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Wang Chen felt a surge of anger and disgust at their cruelty and greed.

"Some bandits are looting, huh?" he said, as he checked the situation. It seemed like a merchant group was attacked and guards were killed.

As he surveyed the scene, his attention was drawn to a young girl who was standing among the merchants. She looked frail and vulnerable, but there was also something unusual about her. Wang Chen noticed that there was a golden aura around her, which seemed to glow faintly in the dim light of the forest.

"Is she a heroine?" Wang Chen muttered to himself.

"If a heroine is here, the protagonist should be nearby," he muttered to himself.

He scanned the surroundings, looking for any sign of the protagonist. He searched high and low, but there was no one in sight. Just as he was about to give up, he heard a voice behind him.

"What are you doing here?"

Wang Chen panicked and took a few steps back. He turned around and saw a young man, who appeared to be the same age as him. The man held a dagger in his hand and had a lean, muscular body. He was undeniably handsome, with sharp features and piercing blue eyes. Wang Chen noticed that there was also a golden aura around him, just like the girl from before.

"I was just observing the situation," Wang Chen replied in a nonchalant tone, trying to hide his surprise and suspicion.

"And what will you do by observing the situation?" the protagonist asked, his eyes narrowing.

"I will try to rescue them," Wang Chen replied confidently. He knew that many protagonists were of the righteous type, and if he played this card, the protagonist would most likely believe him

The young man stared at him for a moment, as if trying to gauge his intentions. Then, he nodded slowly.

"Very well. I’ll help you," he said, offering his hand. "My name is Liang Wei. And you are?"

"Wang Chen," he replied, shaking the offered hand. "Nice to meet you, Liang Wei."

Wang Chen let out a sigh of relief. Finally, he had met a protagonist who didn’t behave like a clown. He was glad to have found Liang Wei, a capable young man who knew how to handle himself in a fight.

"The bandit leader’s cultivation is higher than mine," Liang Wei said, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of danger.

"What should we do then?" Wang Chen asked, his heart racing with anticipation.

"Let’s wait for their guard to be down, then we will attack," Liang Wei replied calmly.

"Okay," Wang Chen said, nodding his head in agreement. He knew that he had to trust Liang Wei’s judgment, especially since he had a higher cultivation base than him.

As they waited, Wang Chen couldn’t help but think about the plot of the story. If his instincts were right, Liang Wei would save the group from the bandits, and the heroine would fall in love with him. But Wang Chen was determined not to let that happen. He knew that he had to be the one to save the group, and he would do everything in his power to make sure that the heroine would fall in love with him instead.

He muttered under his breath, "But with me here, I will not let that happen."

It was a dark, moonless night, and the air was filled with an eerie silence. The bandits were either sleeping or drinking alcohol, and only a few of them were on guard duty. The leader was resting in a cavern, enjoying the company of his fellow bandits.

"Today that little girl will serve me," the bandit leader said, licking his lips in anticipation.

Two of his bandits forcefully dragged the trembling little girl towards their leader, who was leering at her with a twisted smile. The little girl was shivering in fear, and her eyes were filled with tears.

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Suddenly, the bandit leader sensed a deadly attack coming towards him, and he immediately backed away, taking a fighting pose. "Who are you?" he asked.

"I’m the reaper who will send you to hell," Liang Wei spoke, his voice cold and menacing.

The bandit leader sneered. "Hah! Pretty big talk with your lower cultivation base than mine."

Meanwhile, Wang Chen had managed to sneak past the bandits and appeared near the trembling little girl. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice soothing. "We will save you, so don’t worry."

Wang Chen put his hand on the girl’s shoulder, trying to comfort her. The little girl felt the warmth of his hand and started crying on his shoulder, relieved that someone had come to save her from the clutches of the cruel bandits.

’Yes, this is what I want. Now that the heroine is dependent on me the rest of the work would be pretty easy. But first I have to kill these bandits.’ Wang Chen thought.

Wang Chen watched as Liang Wei and the bandit leader engaged in a fierce battle. Liang Wei moved with the grace and speed of a leopard, dodging the bandit leader’s attacks and striking back with deadly precision. The bandit leader, for his part, was no slouch either, using his superior strength and experience to try and overpower Liang Wei.

Meanwhile, Wang Chen took on the other bandits, using his lightning-fast reflexes and razor-sharp swordsmanship to cut through them like a hot knife through butter. His movements were almost too fast for the eye to follow, as he spun and twirled, slicing through flesh and bone with ease.

The little girl watched in amazement as these two strangers fought to save her. She had never seen anyone move with such speed and agility before, and the sight left her feeling both exhilarated and terrified.

As the battle raged on, Liang Wei began to gain the upper hand, landing blow after blow on the bandit leader. The bandit leader was starting to tire, his movements becoming slower and less coordinated.

Finally, with a fierce roar, Liang Wei landed a decisive blow, slicing through the bandit leader’s chest and sending him crashing to the ground.

With the leader defeated, the rest of the bandits quickly lost their will to fight. They dropped their weapons and fled into the night, leaving Liang Wei and Wang Chen alone with the little girl.

Breathless and exhausted, the two men collapsed to the ground, their swords clattering beside them. The little girl rushed over to them, tears streaming down her face.

"Thank you," she sobbed, throwing her arms around Wang Chen’s neck.

Wang Chen smiled tiredly, patting her on the back. "It’s alright now. You’re safe."

Liang Wei staggered to his feet, his face flushed with victory. "That was close," he said, wiping the sweat from his brow. "But we did it."

Wang Chen nodded, still catching his breath. "Yes, we did. And now, we should take this little girl to safety."

Liang Wei won the battle but somehow he felt slightly empty inside but he didn’t dwell on it too much.

"By the way, what should we do now ?" Wang Chen brings the question.

"I was here to find the medicinal herb." Liang Wei replied.

"Yeah I was also here to find medicinal herb , which herb did you came here to find?" Wang Chen asked.

"I came to find dragon grass." Liang Wei replied.

"Really? I also came to find Dragon grass." Wang Chen replied.

"Dragon Grass? Same here!" Wang Chen exclaimed with excitement.

Liang Wei nodded in agreement, "Yes, it’s a rare medicinal herb that can cure a lot of illnesses. But it’s also very difficult to find and harvest."

"According to the map, Dragon Grass should be growing in this area. We should continue our search," suggested Wang Chen.

The two of them looked at each other, realizing that they were now competitors in their search for the dragon grass. But instead of fighting, they decided to team up and search for the herb together.

"We have a better chance of finding it if we work together," Liang Wei said.

[ Dear readers I hope you are enjoying the work if not please tell me what’s missing in it and I will try to add it. ]

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