Villain Is on Vacation Chapter 163 Mysterious System

Rain was in awe of what had just happened.

He had never experienced anything like it before, and he was struggling to make sense of the incredible surge of power that had flowed through his body.

As the warm glow faded, he looked down at his hands, which had been subtly transformed by the energy.

He flexed his fingers experimentally, marveling at how strong and nimble they felt.

"Wow," he breathed, "I can’t believe it. I actually reached B-rank."

According to his estimations, it would have took around one or two months to make a breakthrough.

"I guess now I can explore the island more and quickly leave it."

A feeling of pride and accomplishment welled up within him, washing away the last remnants of doubt and fear that had been holding him back.

For so long, he had felt weak and helpless, trapped on this isolated island with no hope of escape.

But now, with this newfound power, he felt invincible - ready to take on any challenge that came his way.

He looked out at the shimmering sea and the endless horizon, feeling a sense of excitement and adventure stirring within him.

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For the first time in a long time, he felt truly alive. The world was full of possibilities, and he was eager to explore them all.

"Okay," he said to himself, taking a deep breath, "I’m ready. Let’s see what’s out there."

He started checking his status and skills.

╠═? Status ?═╣

→Name: Rain Holmes

→Age : 20 years old

→Title : Reincarnator

→Rank: B grade

→Strength: B (C -> B)

→Health : B (C+ -> B)

→Stamina : B (C+ -> B)

→Charm : A (-A -> A)

→Intelligence: B+

→Mana : B (C -> B)

→Luck : C


#Calm thinker

#Hard worker




"I directly jumped to the B rank, huh," Rain mumbled to himself, still in disbelief.

"This is unusual," he thought, wondering how he could have possibly achieved such a high rank so quickly.

In this world, there were many ranks that a awaken could achieve. Starting from the lowest, the ranks were: G, F, E, D, C, B, A, and S.

There were also higher ranks. But it was different story.

Each rank was a significant milestone in a Awakener’s journey, and each required a significant amount of effort, resources, and talent to achieve.

Breaking through each rank was more difficult than the previous one, and achieving the B rank was a significant feat in and of itself.

It was the rank where one’s body and spirit had to be modified to withstand the increased power and energy flow within the Awakener’s body.

Your lifespan and strength would increase immensely when you cross over to this rank.

Same for Rain, becoming a B rank was difficult compared to his previous breakthroughs.

Although it took time to breakthrough in every rank, below the B rank, every rank was relatively easy to achieve with some talent, effort, and resources.

Moreover, Rain had drunk the Body Foundation elixir, which had helped him easily cross those lower ranks.

However, achieving the B rank was a different story altogether.

As he contemplated his new rank, Rain could feel his body and spirit adjusting to the increased energy flow.

His senses were heightened, and he felt a newfound sense of strength and power coursing through his veins.

"Still, I should be low B ranker. Not mid B ranker." He was confused.

Crossing two sub ranks ranks together? He wasn’t some son of heaven. Even for son of heavens, it would be quite hard.

"Hey, system. Care to explain?" In the end, Rain could only ask the system.

[Host, as you have become B rank. The system will give you information for free.]

"Thanks great lord," he said, his voice heavy with irony. "This peasant is truly happy." His words were laced with a biting wit that bordered on insolence.

But Rain didn’t stop there. He wanted to push the system, to see if he could provoke a reaction. "Can you spare your wisdom to me?" he asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "If you have any wisdom to share, I am willing to listen."

→[Sure, Ignorant peasant.]

As Rain heard System’s teasing remark, he couldn’t help but feel a small twinge of annoyance, but he quickly pushed it aside. He had come a long way since his first days in the system.

Now, as he looked at System’s message, he could feel his mental fortitude growing stronger.

He knew that he was immune to the system’s attempts at goading him.

→[After coming to this island, you had been grappling with feelings of self-doubt, anxiety, and fear for a long time.]

→[You had isolated yourself on the island as a means of escape, but deep down you knew that you couldn’t run away from your problems forever.]

"I know." Rain nodded. Hearing the system, he felt it was true. "Continue the explanation."

→[Through introspection, self-reflection, and sheer determination, you had been able to confront and overcome you inner demons.]

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→[You gained a newfound sense of clarity, purpose, and inner strength that had allowed you to overcome the limitations he had placed on himself.]

→[In more simple language, you used to think you are weak. However, you fought back to that fear and overcome it.]

→[After all, reaching rank B is not just about having a strong physical body; it also demands a robust mental fortitude.]

→[In order to progress to higher ranks, it’s essential to have a sharp mind that can adapt to new situations, solve problems effectively, and make quick decisions under pressure.]

→[By overcoming your inner demons and gaining a newfound sense of clarity and purpose, you’ve shown that you have the mental strength to succeed at higher levels of combat. Keep up the good work.]

"Sounds true," Rain agreed with the System, feeling motivated by its encouraging words.

His inner struggles had been a catalyst for his growth and transformation, allowing him to increase his rank.

"However, why didn’t my Impenetrable Mind Defense skill work this time?" Rain asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.

For as long as he could remember, the skill had always been his go-to when he was feeling overwhelmed or anxious.

→[Because I supressed it.]

System replied matter-of-factly.

Rain was taken aback by System’s response. Although he suspected system could interfere with the skills in past, he wasn’t sure.

"Looks like my guess was true." Rain mumbled. "Moreover, it doesn’t look like this is your first time doing it." He added in serious tone."

Rain’s mind raced as he thought back to all the times he had relied on his mind defense skill, only to find that it didn’t work.

He remembered the night before his birthday, when he had been unable to calm his racing thoughts, and the incident with the mermaid pearl, when his mind had been overrun with fear and doubt.

Moreover, whenever he talked with system, that skill never worked.

"You were manipulating my emotions, weren’t you?" Rain’s voice was low and accusatory. He had his suspicions on the system since long time ago.

Because of that, he was hesitant to buy anything from the system store until there wasn’t any other option.

The System’s response was quick and unapologetic.

[Host, it was for your own good.]

System started explaining.

[While your mind defense skill can help you in the short term, relying on it too heavily could have long-term consequences.]

[If I had let you use that skill every time you felt overwhelmed or anxious, you might have lost touch with your emotions entirely.]

[And these emotions are what make you human, after all.]

[They give you empathy, compassion, and the ability to connect with others on a deeper level. Without them, you would become something less than human.]

Rain listened carefully, considering the System’s words.

He couldn’t deny that there was some truth to what the System was saying. But still, he couldn’t help feeling like he had been betrayed.

"But why did you let me use the skill in the past if you knew it was bad for me?" he asked.

[I didn’t always know.]

System replied.

[When we first started working together, I didn’t understand the full extent of your abilities and limitations.]

[It was only over time that I began to see how relying on that skill could be detrimental to your overall well-being. And even then, I had to make a judgment call based on the situation at hand.]

[Sometimes it was necessary to let you use the skill, even if it wasn’t ideal. But in the long run, I knew that I had to limit your use of it in order to help you grow and develop as a person.]

Rain nodded slowly, taking in the System’s explanation. He couldn’t deny that he had benefited from the System’s intervention just now.

However, he also couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to the story than the System was letting on.

But for now, he held his tongue and tried to focus on the newfound clarity that he had gained.

"Still, why did my rank and stats increase so tremendously?" Rain asked, trying to make sense of what had happened. "I crossed two sub-ranks altogether."

The System’s response was immediate.

[Because I was suppressing your rank too.]

Rain was taken aback. He had suspected that the System was holding something back, but he hadn’t realized the extent of its intervention.

"Why did you do that?" he asked.

[The host was growing too fast.]

System explained.

[While rapid growth can be beneficial in the short term, it can be harmful in the long run if the foundation is not solid.]

[I wanted to ensure that you had a strong foundation to build upon, so I suppressed your rank to slow down your growth and give you time to master the skills you already had.]

[This way, you could develop a more solid understanding of your abilities and avoid potential problems in the future.]

Rain nodded slowly, beginning to see the reasoning behind the System’s actions. "I see," he said. "But why didn’t you tell me?"

[I didn’t want to distract you from your training.]

System replied.

[I knew that if I told you, you would become fixated on your rank and lose sight of the bigger picture.]

[By keeping it a secret, I was able to help you focus on what was truly important: building a strong foundation for your future growth.]

"But what about my stats?" he asked. "Did you suppress those too?"

[Not exactly, your stats were growing at a healthy rate.]

[The current boost is because of you broke the mortal shackles. It’s usual after you become B ranker.]

Rain nodded, he knew this. He was just checking system.

But he couldn’t help feeling a little hurt that the System had kept this information from him.

Still, at the same time, he knew that the System had his best interests at heart.

And now that he understood the reasoning behind its actions, he could see that it had been the right decision.

"I wonder how many things this system is hiding from me." Rain thought inwardly. Unexpectedly, system didn’t reply.

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