Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist Chapter 203 Wang Ying’s Questions For Ye Chen

Seizing the diversion she had caused by using Ye Chen, Zyrithia skillfully maneuvered herself away from her intense clash with Wang Ying, her eyes gleaming with determination.

She knew all too well the danger that Hong Meilin posed to her, armed with an unforgiving Holy Light capable of dispelling her nefarious curses.

Across the battlefield, Hong Meilin had already unleashed her power, banishing the curses that had plagued the King Realm experts of Wang Hao and Wang Jian’s factions.

Her radiant aura flickered with an otherworldly brilliance, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos of battle.

As Wang Hao, Wang Jian, and Stella’s beast forces engaged in a ferocious struggle against the Oceanic Tempest Storm Devil Clan, Zyrithia deftly slipped through the fray, her lithe form weaving between combatants with a fluid grace.

Her intent was clear: eliminate Hong Meilin before the Holy Light could disrupt her wicked schemes.

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But fate had other plans. Just as Zyrithia closed in on her unsuspecting target, her hopes were dashed by the sudden vigilance of Stella and Lady Zhuoran.

Their keen senses, honed through countless battles, alerted them to Zyrithia’s stealthy approach.

Without hesitation, Stella and Lady Zhuoran swiftly turned their attention towards the would-be assassin, their movements synchronized in a deadly dance. Their combined attacks surged forward, aimed at neutralizing the imminent threat.

Yet, Zyrithia, undeterred by the odds stacked against her, brandished her ancestral Nether Curse Scythe.

The scythe sliced through the air, parrying the oncoming onslaught with calculated precision.

Sparks erupted as the Wind and Water Elemental Attacks clashed against her blade.

With a calculated retreat, Zyrithia gracefully disengaged from the confrontation with Stella and Lady Zhuoran, her movements evoking an eerie elegance.

As the realization of Ye Chen’s affiliation with the demonic forces sank in, a wave of anger and disbelief swept through the ranks of Wang Ying’s faction.

The loss of their loved ones at the hands of these wicked demons fueled their fury, and they were determined to make Ye Chen pay for his treachery.

Ye Chen, now under attack, refused to be a mere pawn in their game.

Drawing upon his resolve, he swiftly retaliated, his movements fluid and precise, fending off his assailants with calculated strikes.

The clash of weapons reverberated through the chaotic battlefield, intensifying the atmosphere of tension and conflict.

The chaos and uproar caused by Ye Chen’s resistance caught the attention of Wang Ying and Elder Hua, who now regarded him with renewed hostility.

Without hesitation, they joined the fray, their attacks aimed at subduing and eliminating the perceived traitor.

Witnessing Ye Chen’s desperate struggle, Zyrithia, having returned to her faction’s side, saw an opportunity to turn the tide in their favor.

A sly smile curved her lips as she approached Ye Chen, her eyes gleaming with a mix of deviousness and anticipation.

"You’ve made a wise choice, Ye Chen," Zyrithia taunted, her voice dripping with mock sincerity. "Soon, these humans will understand the futility of their resistance, and we will reign victorious over their lifeless bodies."

Ye Chen’s friends within Wang Ying’s faction, utterly disillusioned by his alliance with the demonic forces, stood in disbelief.

A profound sense of betrayal colored their expressions as they resolved to sever all ties with him. Their once-unbreakable bonds shattered under the weight of their newfound animosity.

A friend from the Mystic Creature Handlers Union, a mixture of anger and grief etched on his face, commanded his loyal beasts to attack Ye Chen, intending to end his life and avenge their fallen comrades.

The air crackled with hostility as the beasts lunged forward, their primal instincts driving them to strike down their former ally.

Yet, amidst the chaos, the demons in Zyrithia’s faction swiftly moved to intercept the charging beasts, forming a protective barrier around Ye Chen.

With uncanny coordination, they fought tooth and claw, preventing the beasts from reaching their intended target.

Zyrithia’s gaze locked onto Ye Chen, her smile spreading wider like the coiling tendrils of darkness. "Do you see now, Ye Chen? Even your closest friends have turned their backs on you," she murmured, her voice dripping with a mixture of feigned sympathy and twisted delight. "But fear not, for I will be your friend. Our fates were intertwined from the moment you selflessly saved me."

Wang Ying’s anguished cry echoed through the battlefield, her voice heavy with betrayal and shattered trust. "Why, Ye Chen?! How could you betray us like this? I considered you a true friend, someone I could rely on when the world doubted you. It seems I was gravely mistaken in my judgment."

As her words reverberated through the air, shards of ice materialized and hurtled towards Ye Chen, propelled by Wang Ying’s anguish and anger.

With swift precision, Zyrithia twirled her scythe, intercepting the icy onslaught, each shard shattering upon contact.

Her movements exuded a mixture of disdain and conceit as she responded to Wang Ying’s accusations. "Oh, is it not crystal clear why he would align himself with us? We demons honor and respect our allies, rewarding them with immeasurable riches and power—far more than you selfish humans could ever comprehend."

Ye Chen’s heart wavered, torn between his former friendships and the seductive promises of power and reward from Zyrithia.

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The weight of his decision hung heavily upon him as he struggled to find his voice amidst the chaos and conflicting emotions.

Wang Ying’s face contorted with a mix of anger and hurt.

Ye Chen’s gaze shifted from Zyrithia to Wang Ying, reflecting the storm of conflict raging within his soul.

"Second Princess, it’s not as simple as it seems. I never wished to aid the demons," he began, his voice laden with remorse.

Wang Ying’s expression hardened into a frown as she pressed him for answers. "Then why do you stand with them now?"

Ye Chen’s eyes flickered momentarily towards Stella, Wang Jian’s faction, and the surrounding battlefield. A sigh escaped his lips before he returned his gaze to Wang Ying.

"Explaining the situation now would only complicate matters further. Just know that I never sought to break your trust or become your enemy, Second Princess," he replied, his words tinged with resignation.

A glacial chill settled in Wang Ying’s eyes, fueled by the realization that Ye Chen had chosen to align himself with Zyrithia. It was an admission, an unspoken acknowledgment of where his allegiance now resided.

In truth, Ye Chen had an option—a chance to betray Zyrithia and regain the trust of his human allies. He knew that a swift strike from behind, catching Zyrithia off guard, could potentially turn the tides.

Yet, he hesitated.

His hesitation stemmed from a fear, a gnawing uncertainty that the humans would turn against him once Zyrithia’s faction fell.

Despite his valiant efforts to rid them of Tristan’s threat, it seemed as though his actions had been overshadowed by Zyrithia’s honeyed words.

And now, faced with the loss of trust from Wang Ying and his other allies, Ye Chen clung to the one person who held the key to his survival in this treacherous predicament.

But there was an undeniable truth that he struggled to confront—the intoxicating allure of Zyrithia’s exceptional beauty had played a role in his decision.

Deep down, he yearned for her favor, his desires clouding his judgment and justifying his hesitation.

Had it been a man or an ugly woman, Ye Chen would not have hesitated to turn against them.

Yet, the captivating presence of Zyrithia ignited a selfish and depraved intention within him, rendering him unable to strike her down. He desperately craved a favorable impression from her, fueled by his own dark desires.

With resolve hardening in his heart, Ye Chen launched himself into battle against Wang Ying’s formidable forces.

The shocking revelation of his alliance with the demons reverberated across the battlefield, leaving Wang Hao and even Guan Yin dumbfounded.

None of them had anticipated that Ye Chen would truly side with the forces they deemed nefarious.

Guan Yin, Ye Chen’s childhood friend, was particularly taken aback by his transformation. The memories of a righteous and compassionate man from their shared past clashed with the reality she now faced.

The Ye Chen she knew had been shaped by principles of honor and kindness, but the man before her now wore a wicked guise, a distortion of the friend she once cherished.

In her eyes, he had become a dark and treacherous figure, deserving nothing less than a gruesome death, his body rent into a thousand shattered pieces.

Amidst the relentless clash of swords and the deafening roar of magic, Wang Jian reveled in the chaos unfolding before his eyes.

An insidious laughter escaped his lips as he marveled at the cunning prowess of the Nether Curseweaver Devil Princess.

His voice, laden with sinister amusement, drifted into the wind, "Ah, the Nether Curseweaver Devil Princess, a mastermind indeed. She must have discerned the truth—that Ye Chen’s alliance with the demons was naught but a colossal misunderstanding. Yet, she wove a web of manipulation, transforming that misunderstanding into an undeniable reality. It seems her hopes for Ye Chen’s untapped potential are exceedingly high."

Lost in contemplation, Wang Jian’s thoughts unfurled like a tapestry of intrigue.

"Hmm, I have orchestrated countless instances where the World’s Essence has intervened to safeguard Ye Chen’s life. Undoubtedly, such interventions have depleted a significant portion of his luck. While it may not be sufficient to claim his existence, it does present an opportunity for something equally tantalizing: to play with his cherished heroines."

A wicked grin etched across his face, Wang Jian’s eyes gleamed with perverse curiosity.

"I wonder, when a heroine, blessed with unparalleled fortune, seeks to extinguish the life of a protagonist, what shall transpire? Will the protagonist succumb to their destined demise, or shall the heroine bear the brunt of an overwhelming backlash?"

Dark amusement danced in his eyes as he relished the prospect of unravelling the intricate threads of fate.

With calculated malevolence, Wang Jian relished his wicked machinations.

"Ah, the stage is set, and the pieces are in place. Now, the question lingers: when should I make my grand entrance onto this chaotic battlefield? The present moment, it seems, is not ripe for my intervention."

His musings danced with the intoxicating allure of imminent upheaval.

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