Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist Chapter 291 Wang Jian’s Clever Scheme Against Jiang Chen

As Wang Jian began to piece together the likelihood of Jiang Chen’s involvement in the Western Desert situation, his strategic mind went to work, plotting a course of action that would cast Jiang Chen in a damning light and bring him substantial setbacks.

Yet, amidst his scheming, one enigma remained paramount in Wang Jian’s thoughts – Jiang Chen’s underlying motives.

Pondering the matter, Wang Jian couldn’t fathom why someone of Jiang Chen’s immense power would opt for such a complex strategy.

Given Jiang Chen’s capabilities, a myriad of options lay at his disposal to weaken the strength of the Giant Race.

In fact, Wang Jian pondered, if Jiang Chen were to directly engage the underground Giant Race, there existed a plausible scenario in which the Heavenly Court might withhold their intervention. They might consider it advantageous if Jiang Chen dealt with one of their adversaries.

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Unbeknownst to Wang Jian, his conclusions were drawn in ignorance of the constraints binding Jiang Chen’s cultivation. The intricate web of restraints had compelled Jiang Chen to seek out precious treasures scattered across the dominions of seven distinct races.

Furthermore, Wang Jian remained oblivious to the formidable might wielded by the Blessed Lands and the Immortal Dominions, entities capable of channeling power akin to that of Immortal Realm experts.

These Immortal Dominions, while no longer capable of generating Immortal Essence from nature, retained a reservoir of potent remaining energy.

This energy was sufficient to repel the combined onslaught of all human Empires on the continent, triumphing even against the mightiest Saint Realm experts.

In light of this staggering power, Jiang Chen hesitated to launch any direct assault on the Giant Race’s Immortal Dominion.

Such knowledge eluded Wang Jian, leaving him ignorant of the complex forces at play within the continent.

Still engaged in the conversation with the trio of Western Desert rulers, Wang Jian’s tone carried a sense of intrigue and urgency.

"Consider this for a moment," he began with a composed voice. "When you started employing those creatures to push back against the Giant Race, they halted their attacks. Yet, shortly thereafter, they launched another assault, seemingly well-prepared for the exact number and locations of your concealed experts. Doesn’t this strike you as highly peculiar?"

There was an underlying authority in Wang Jian’s voice as he continued, "As an outsider looking in, it appears to me that someone is deliberately fanning the flames of conflict between your factions and the Giants and weakening both of you."

His words carried a weighty observation, stirring a sense of unease among the rulers. Wang Jian’s pointed analysis highlighted the possibility of a larger scheme at play, something beyond the immediate battles on the surface.

Each of the three rulers possessed cunning minds honed through various forms of manipulation – be it military tactics, political maneuvering, or diplomacy. They were accustomed to orchestrating schemes themselves, but this time, someone else had taken the role of mastermind, subtly directing the primary Empires of the Western Deserts according to their own agenda.

As they recalled the dealings with the devil who had provided them with means to counter the Giants, a cold sweat broke out on their brows. They caught a glimpse of the intricate strategy that this devil might be orchestrating behind the scenes.

Wang Jian’s voice held a tinge of intrigue as he proposed his strategy, "If you’re open to it, I have a plan that might help your three Empires preserve their strength while dealing with the Giant Race assaults."

His words held a certain air of cunning, suggesting that he had an unorthodox solution in mind.

"Please, share your thoughts, Emperor Wang," Xenios inquired with evident curiosity.

Wang Jian seized the opening, his words poised like a crafty game piece about to be played, "I suggest involving the Heavenly Court in this matter."

Andreas reacted with a snort of disdain, his voice dripping with frustration, "Do you think we haven’t tried? We reached out to the Heavenly Court, but they’ve given us the cold shoulder."

Theodoros chimed in, shedding light on the situation, "It seems the Heavenly Court’s focus is fixated on the legendary devil Jiang Chen. They’re either attempting to seal him again or eliminate him. Hence, they’ve turned a blind eye to the attacks on our Empires by the Giants."

Wang Jian’s response was laden with subtle wit, "Your approach to seeking help from the Heavenly Court might need a little tweak. Change your tactics, and I assure you, they’ll be at your doorstep."

His words left all three rulers in stunned silence. Andreas’s skepticism was vocalized, "And how do you propose we do that?"

Wang Jian’s calm reply carried an air of intrigue, "Spread the word that Jiang Chen has descended upon the Western Deserts, aligning with the Giant Race to wage war against all human Empires. Stir the pot by suggesting Jiang Chen’s intention to weaken both sides, leaving him to easily take over the Western Deserts once you’re sufficiently drained."

"That could work! But hold on... Wouldn’t the Heavenly Court eventually see through the facade? They won’t just let it slide," Xenios pondered, his brow furrowing.

"That’s a valid concern, Xenios. But consider this: even if the Heavenly Court uncovers the deception behind the rumors, they won’t likely take punitive action against your Empires," Wang Jian explained, delving into the intricacies of his suggested plan.

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He continued, his tone carrying conviction, "Their primary responsibility is to safeguard humanity against threats from other races. Engaging the Giants would fulfill that obligation, and they won’t have grounds to accuse or penalize your Empires."

His words seemed to dispel the lingering doubts among the rulers. The realization that their position was robust, regardless of how events unfolded, emboldened their resolve. There was no time to waste; swift action was the need of the hour.

These rulers, each well-versed in the art of manipulation and influence, possessed extensive networks of contacts spanning not just within their own Empires, but radiating into other regions of the continent as well.

A rumor took root, spiraling outward like wildfire. It painted a vivid picture of Jiang Chen’s alleged involvement in the battle between the Giant Race and the Western Desert Empires.

The narrative quickly gained momentum, seeping into the consciousness of people throughout the continent.

The rumor about Jiang Chen’s involvement in the Western Desert conflict had taken a firm hold in the Central Region of the Continent. Sects and organizations across the region were rallying behind this narrative, urging the Heavenly Court to intervene swiftly and deploy their formidable experts to the Western Desert.

Just as this momentum was building, another wave of news began to ripple through the lands. Rumors of Jiang Chen aiding the Sea Monsters in their struggle against human kingdoms and clans in the Eastern Sea spread like wildfire.

This new development struck Wang Jian and the Western Desert rulers like a bolt from the blue.

Caught off guard by this unexpected turn, they considered two possible explanations.

First, that Jiang Chen had indeed ventured into the Eastern Sea and aligned himself with the Sea Monsters against humanity.

The second, and equally plausible, scenario was that the Eastern Sea’s experts had astutely deciphered the Western Desert Rulers’ stratagem. These experts might have realized that the rulers sought to exploit the Heavenly Court’s intervention against the Giant Race.

Responding with a counter strategy, they could have intentionally propagated the rumor about Jiang Chen’s involvement to lure the Heavenly Court’s formidable forces into dealing with the Sea Monsters.

Both scenarios carried their own weight of possibilities, leaving the rulers and Wang Jian in a state of uncertainty and intrigue.

In the thick of this very incident, a realization dawned upon Wang Jian - a truth so vital it felt as though he’d unearthed a well-kept secret.

It was almost as if the World’s Essence had stepped in to manipulate the unfolding scenario. Among the ranks of the Heavenly Court were experts of unparalleled prowess, capable of erasing Jiang Chen from existence.

However, something astounding had occurred; a shift so profound that these formidable experts chose not to venture into the Western Deserts to deal with Jiang Chen, a choice undoubtedly influenced by the World’s Essence. This alteration in the narrative was nothing short of remarkable.

In the midst of this staggering revelation, Wang Jian’s earlier suspicions found validation, now transformed into unwavering certainty.

Jiang Chen wasn’t just rumored to be in the Western Deserts – he was undoubtedly present there!

"This is getting interesting," he mused, a mischievous grin playing at the corners of his mouth. The wind carried with it a sense of anticipation, like the calm before a storm.

As news of Jiang Chen’s alleged presence within the expanse of the Western Deserts spread far and wide, the man himself became privy to this newfound narrative.

It turned out that the source of this revelation was none other than the very human Empires he had aided in their times of need. A surge of astonishment rippled through him momentarily, as he grappled with the idea that his true identity had been uncovered. However, he swiftly quelled this initial shock, delving into deeper contemplation. After all, he had taken meticulous precautions to ensure that not a single detail, be it his physique, his countenance, his mask, or his aura, could be linked back to him. The odds of these Empire rulers identifying him were virtually non-existent.

But as Jiang Chen dwelled on the matter, a thought dawned on him—a possibility that this revelation might be nothing more than a cunning ruse employed by these Emperors. A scheme engineered to lure the formidable experts of the Heavenly Court into the Western Deserts, all under the guise of dealing with the Giant Race threat.

This realization brought about a sigh of relief from Jiang Chen, but it was a fleeting respite. For he knew all too well that once the Heavenly Court’s experts set foot in the region, they wouldn’t rest until every grain of sand had been overturned in their search for him. A situation that boded ill for his grand plans.

He might be compelled to press pause on his meticulously laid-out strategy and retreat back to the sanctuary of the Silver Devil Asura Dominion. It was a prospect he’d rather avoid, but the looming threat of the Heavenly Court experts left him with little choice.

However, in the wake of a few days’ time, a tangible sense of relief washed over Jiang Chen. Rumors—cleverly fabricated—spread like wildfire, asserting his presence in the distant expanse of the Eastern Sea, his involvement in aiding the Sea Monsters.

Jiang Chen found himself reassured, confident that the Heavenly Court would take a step back to analyze the intricacies of the situation before making any calculated moves.

The tension that had gripped his chest began to ebb, allowing him to draw a deeper breath, the pause in his journey providing an unexpected moment of respite in the midst of his grand scheme.

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