Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist Chapter 325 Meeting Up With Empress Victoria

As Wang Jian’s group approached the borders of the Verzen Empire, he took deliberate measures to amplify his aura.

He was keenly aware that in the vast expanse of the Northern States, an Emperor Realm expert’s spiritual senses extended far and wide.

This was particularly true for Empress Victoria, the ruler of Verzen.

Utilizing their Spatial Techniques, Wang Jian’s group rapidly closed the distance to the Verzen Empire.

However, unbeknownst to them, Empress Victoria had detected their significant surge of Spatial Techniques and aura.

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Her senses tingled with the foreign presence, and she swiftly decided to intercept this approaching group before they could breach the borders of her empire.

In her mind, Victoria had initially presumed that these newcomers might belong to the Dwarven Race, a constant concern that her empire faced.

She was poised to defend her territory from any potential threat, unaware that the group she sought to confront consisted of Wang Jian and his companions, individuals aligned with the human race.

Little did Empress Victoria realize that her life was on the cusp of a dramatic transformation.

From a reigning empress, her fate would take an unforeseen turn, leading her down a path she could never have anticipated—one where her primary focus would shift to pleasing Wang Jian, enhancing her allure, and finding fulfillment in passionate lovemaking with him.

Wang Jian and his group soon came face to face with Empress Victoria, their arrival drawing her attention as she regarded them with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion.

The Empress’s gaze bore into Wang Jian, and she couldn’t help but wonder about the identity of this imposing figure and the four women accompanying him. Her first question, laced with a hint of caution, was straightforward: "Who are you?"

In response, Wang Jian met her inquisitive gaze with a measured appraisal of his own. His eyes, the windows to his intent and desire, assessed Empress Victoria as if weighing her worthiness for his harem. Though the situation appeared serious, his underlying intentions remained ever-present.

With measured seriousness, Wang Jian introduced himself, "I am the Emperor of the Everlasting Mystic Empire, hailing from the Southern Region of this continent."

Empress Victoria’s response was not one of shock or surprise, but rather a calm acknowledgment of the information she already possessed. Her words held a tinge of knowledge that hinted at her awareness of events beyond her empire’s borders.

"...The Emperor of the Everlasting Mystic Empire? So, you are the one who is part devil and part human. Furthermore, you are also leading the coalition of Empires within the Southern Region?" Her inquiry was more of a confirmation, suggesting that she had kept herself informed about the developments in distant lands.

Wang Jian responded to Empress Victoria’s skepticism with a wry smirk, his casual demeanor unwavering despite her doubts.

"Do you truly care about my devil lineage? Perhaps you should be more intrigued by the fact that I’ve come here to offer aid in your Empire’s struggle against the Dwarves," Wang Jian remarked, his tone holding a note of amusement.

The Empress, however, met his words with a hint of disdain, her skepticism firmly rooted. "I find it hard to believe your intentions are pure," she retorted. "Furthermore, I doubt your ability to make any significant difference. I’m well aware of the struggles your Southern Region coalition faces, battling the Barbarian Race armed with the Dwarves’ substandard weapons."

With an air of exasperation, Empress Victoria continued, "The only reason your coalition managed to repel the Barbarian Race, wielding those Dwarven weapons, was due to the assistance of the three sects from the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion. They prevented the Dwarven shipments from reaching the Barbarians in the South."

It was Han Xifeng, positioned beside Wang Jian, who couldn’t resist interjecting with a touch of exasperation. Rolling her eyes in disdain, she challenged Empress Victoria’s perspective. "Do you truly believe those sects halted the Dwarven shipments out of the goodness of their hearts? Are you so naive, Your Majesty?"

Victoria was taken aback by the audacity of the woman’s words. Few dared to disregard her regal aura or address her in such a manner, especially after she had inherited the Golden Roc God’s Legacy.

However, as her gaze shifted among the group before her, it became apparent that they cared little for her status as the Golden Roc God’s legacy bearer or her position as the Empress of the Verzen Empire, the final bastion in the Northern States.

"You mean to say that you are the reason those sects have actively stopped the shipments of the Dwarves from reaching the Barbarian Race in the south. And you are further trying to imply that you possess influence within these sects," Victoria spoke seriously. This was a huge news for her.

Lady Zhuoran, her demeanor radiating pride, responded with conviction. "Indeed," she began, her tone steady, "my dear husband has come to offer you an opportunity that could help you counter the Dwarves’ attacks. Are you not the slightest bit curious?"

Empress Victoria regarded Wang Jian with a measured gaze, her demeanor composed but cautious. "Explain to me then, how do you plan to confront the Dwarven Powered Immortal Dominion? You are aware that it is an Immortal Dominion, are you not? Even with the combined might of my Empire, the coalition of other Empires, and the cooperation of the three major sects under your husband, breaching it would seem impossible."

Wang Jian chose his words carefully, his tone laced with a touch of diplomacy. "Indeed, Miss Victoria, such matters deserve a more refined discussion. Let us return to the Royal Palace to address this issue properly. While I do have a plan in mind, there are many details to be settled, and it is not yet finalized."

As Victoria surveyed the group before her, it became evident that Wang Jian was the sole Emperor Realm expert among them. However, his cultivation had only reached the 7th Stage of the Emperor Realm. Victoria, in contrast, possessed the formidable might of the 10th Stage of the Emperor Realm, marking her as a peak Emperor Realm cultivator or, in essence, a Half-Saint.

Her confidence swelled further, knowing that she had many trump cards at her disposal: legacy weapons, her bloodline spirit, a formidable domain, and more. Empress Victoria believed that she could prevail against Wang Jian, especially if she could lure him and his group back to her palace. 𝓯𝘳𝘦𝑒𝓌𝘦𝘣𝓃ℴ𝘷𝘦𝘭.𝓬𝘰𝑚

Unbeknownst to her guests, the palace was intricately layered with restrictive formations, an intricate network of arrays derived from the legacy site of the Golden Roc God. These formations created multiple overlapping barriers, designed to ensnare individuals Victoria deemed her adversaries. Even the sharpest minds among the Dwarven Race had struggled to decipher these unique blueprints, rendering them susceptible to the power of these enigmatic arrays.

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After a brief contemplation, Empress Victoria nodded, her expression retaining its regal composure. "Very well, Emperor Wang Jian, I shall extend an invitation to you and your esteemed group to enter our Empire. We can further discuss your proposal within the confines of the Royal Palace."

With the matter settled, Wang Jian’s group followed Victoria through the Empire’s gates and into the heart of Verzen’s Royal Capital.

The capital, named Aurion, was a testament to the Empire’s grandeur. Its architecture exuded an air of timeless elegance, with majestic spires that seemed to touch the heavens.

As they entered the city, Wang Jian and his four companions couldn’t help but take in the splendor around them.

The streets were wide and clean, adorned with blooming flowers and manicured gardens. The citizens moved about with an air of purpose, their clothing reflecting the Empire’s rich culture and history.

Despite the impressive sights before them, the group maintained their composed demeanor. Wang Jian, ever the observant leader, noted the meticulous planning that had gone into the city’s layout.

Aurion’s architecture flowed seamlessly, creating a harmonious blend of aesthetics and functionality.

"Remarkable," Lady Zhuoran commented quietly, her gaze scanning the cityscape. "The Empire of Verzen has certainly upheld its cultural heritage."

Luo Qiu, the perceptive one, added, "The attention to detail in city planning and maintenance is admirable. It reflects a well-organized society."

Yan Niu, known for her regal aura, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, the clean and orderly streets speak volumes about the governance here."

Han Xifeng, the candid and mischievous one, chimed in, "I must say, Wang Jian, this Empress of yours certainly knows how to maintain her domain. Quite impressive."

Wang Jian himself couldn’t help but appreciate the capital’s beauty and functionality. While they traversed Aurion, he knew that appearances could be deceiving, but the city’s charm spoke volumes about Victoria’s ability to govern.

As Empress Victoria led Wang Jian and his group through the grand entrance of the opulent Royal Palace of Verzen, the atmosphere buzzed with curiosity and surprise.

Ministers and officials, engrossed in their daily duties, abruptly halted their activities, their gazes fixated on the unusual sight of their Empress personally accompanying a group into the hallowed halls of the palace.

"Would you look at that? Our Empress personally escorting a group? That’s unheard of!"

"Indeed, something significant must be afoot."

Whispers and hushed conversations floated through the air like a subtle breeze, the ministers exchanging astonished glances and discreet remarks. The presence of outsiders within the sanctified heart of the Royal Palace was an unprecedented occurrence, and the court was abuzz with intrigue and speculation.

"Who are these people? Do you know?"

"Not a clue, but they have the Empress’s attention. Must be important."

Among the gathered courtiers, the reactions of certain male ministers were more than evident. Their eyes, aflame with a mixture of greed and lechery, lingered a tad too long on the four captivating women who accompanied Wang Jian.

"Would you just look at those women! Stunning!"

"Indeed, we’ve never seen such beauties in the palace before."

Meanwhile, the female attendants and maids who bustled about the palace’s corridors and chambers couldn’t help but be spellbound by Wang Jian’s captivating presence.

"Did you see him? He’s like a celestial being!"

"Those eyes... and that silver hair. So enchanting!"

Giggles and hushed conversations erupted among the female staff as they exchanged fervent whispers, their voices carrying the undeniable excitement of those who had glimpsed an enigmatic visitor capable of stirring their imaginations.

"I’ve never seen anyone like him. He’s like a living legend!"

"Careful, you’re drooling."

In the midst of this whirlwind of intrigue and curiosity, Wang Jian and his group navigated the palace with an air of serene self-assuredness. They wore expressions of calm detachment, exemplifying their grace and composure in the face of newfound attention.

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