Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist Chapter 614 Wang Jian Comes Faces Other Cosmos Protagonists

Chapter 614 Wang Jian Comes Faces Other Cosmos Protagonists

Across the Eastern Cosmos, similar debates raged. In the sprawling palace of the Star Gods, the jade invitation sparked discord.

"An invitation to the Astral Jade City?" boomed the Dragon Emperor Star God, his voice echoing through the chamber. "A chance to explore their hidden secrets and ancient ruins! This is precisely why we came to the East!"

The Brahma Divine Star Goddess, her beauty as breathtaking as ever, nodded in agreement. "Knowledge is power, Dragon Emperor. This delegation could be most advantageous."

The Tyrannical Emperor Star God, a hulking figure with fists like boulders, grunted his assent. Strength alone wouldn’t guarantee victory. Understanding the Eastern Cosmos was key.

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However, the arrival of the invitation met with resistance from the Astral Wraiths. The Ghost Emperor Astral Spirit, a wraith whose form flickered like a restless spirit, scoffed. "These Easterners are deceitful," he hissed. "This is a trap to lure us in and eliminate us."

The Nether Empress Astral Spirit, her ethereal beauty tinged with malice, echoed his sentiment. "I trust no creature bathed in the light. We stick to the shadows, observe, and strike when the moment is right."

Amidst this clash of opinions stood Yun Tian, the man of dual True God heritage. A sly grin tugged at his lips as he scanned the coveted invitation. "The Heavenly Jade Pavilion, you say?" he drawled, his voice dripping with amusement. "I’ve heard whispers of this sect – a haven for beautiful women, skilled in the art of cultivation. Perhaps this delegation has merit after all."

Both the Brahma Divine Star Goddess and the Nether Empress Astral Spirit felt their faces flush with displeasure at his perverted leer. However, voicing their disapproval in such a volatile setting was unwise. Secretly, they harbored their own dissatisfaction with Yun Tian’s insatiable desires.

Across the vast Eastern Cosmos, in the newly formed settlement of the Southern Cosmos factions, similar debates raged. The Nature Clan, a race known for their harmony with nature, viewed the invitation as an opportunity for peaceful coexistence.

"Sharing knowledge and developing trade," chirped a wizened elder, his voice echoing with a peaceful cadence. "This delegation could pave the way for a prosperous future."

However, the Corrupt Dragon Clan, steeped in violence and conquest, remained skeptical.

"A waste of time," growled a battle-scarred elder, his voice echoing within their opulent tent. "These Eastern cultivators are weak. We should focus on claiming territory, not sipping tea with them."

Dong Zhuo, the young prince with the Corrupt Dragon bloodline, met the elder’s gaze with steely determination.

"Patience, elder," he countered, his voice surprisingly calm for one so young. "This delegation allows us to assess the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, the true power behind the Eastern Cosmos. Knowing their strengths and weaknesses will be invaluable when the time comes to claim our rightful place."

His words, laced with veiled ambition, resonated with his father, the Corrupt Dragon Clan leader. A flicker of agreement passed between them. Perhaps this delegation held more value than initially thought.

After a moment of consideration, he conceded. "Very well," he grumbled, a hint of grudging respect for his son’s insight. "We shall attend this delegation. But let them not mistake our presence for weakness."

News of the decisions reached Cui Lan through the intricate network of Heavenly Jade Pavilion spies. A satisfied smile graced her lips as she watched the intricate dance unfold.

Huang Zhi, driven by curiosity, Yun Tian by perverted desires, and Dong Zhuo by strategic thinking – each with their own motives, they were all on a collision course with the Eastern Cosmos.

Three days later, a flurry of activity descended upon the Astral Jade City. Dignitaries from each of the intruding factions, accompanied by their retinues, arrived for the long-awaited delegation.

From the Northern Cosmos, Huang Zhi led the procession.

Flanking him were two breathtaking women – one with wings shimmering with celestial light, the other adorned in crimson armor that exuded an aura of infernal power.

These were none other than the princesses of the Angel and Devil Clans, respectively, and their presence spoke volumes about Huang Zhi’s unique position as a bridge between the two warring factions.

At their sides walked the imposing figures of the Angel and Devil Clan leaders. The Angel leader, a vision of grace with eyes as serene as a summer sky, presented a stark contrast to the burly Devil Clan leader, whose gruff features and hulking physique embodied raw power.

The Western Cosmos delegation boasted a more imposing presence.

The formidable Star Gods – Brahma Divine Star Goddess, Dragon Emperor Star God, and Tyrannical Emperor Star God – strode in with an air of regal authority.

Accompanying them were the enigmatic Ghost Emperor, shrouded in wisps of dark energy, and the equally enigmatic Nether Empress, her ethereal beauty radiating an air of otherworldly power.

Finally, from the Southern Cosmos, Dong Zhuo arrived alongside his wife, a radiant princess of the Nature Clan.

Beside them, her beauty rivaling her daughter’s, stood the Nature Clan leader, a woman who embodied the harmony of nature itself.

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Completing the picture was Dong Zhuo’s father, the hulking leader of the Corrupt Dragon Clan, his gaze a mixture of suspicion and grudging respect.

The sight of their unlikely alliance served as a testament to the fragile peace established between the two clans.

Each faction arrived with a retinue of guards, their uniforms and auras hinting at their origins. The air crackled with unspoken tension, a tapestry of power and ambition woven into the scene.

On Wang Jian’s side, a breathtaking spectacle unfolded.

Seated beside him, Cui Lan, the Pavilion Mistress, radiated a captivating aura. His wives, each a picture of unmatched beauty, occupied the seats of honor.

Su Xian, his first wife, possessed a dominating yet ethereal presence.

Fen Shuying, the second, exuded an air of deadly elegance.

Chen Yiyan, the youthful third wife, brought a touch of vibrancy.

Hong Meilin, the fourth, exuded a quiet grace.

The Butterfly Spirit Queen Stella, his fifth, shimmered like a celestial being.

Jin Meixiang, the sixth, emanated resoluteness from every pore.

However, this only represented a fraction of Wang Jian’s extensive harem. Scattered amongst them were some of his more prominent concubines and mistresses.

The Elf Queen Ilyndra, an ethereal beauty rivaling any celestial being, graced the room with her presence.

Zyrithia, the Nether Curseweaver Devil Clan leader, she is a stunning woman with eyes that held the power of darkness, exuded a captivating aura.

And most importantly, the Scarlet Star Slaughter Goddess Yu Qing, her beauty as breathtaking as it was deadly, sat beside them, a chilling glint in her eyes.

The arrival of the delegations was a sight to behold. As the various factions entered the grand hall, their eyes were immediately drawn to the spectacle before them. The sheer number of women, each radiating a beauty that eclipsed even the most celebrated figures in their respective cosmoses, left them speechless. It was a sight that defied expectations.

The men, accustomed to the beauty of their own Cosmoses, found themselves captivated. The Dragon Emperor, the Tyrannical Emperor, Ghost Emperor and the leaders of the Devil and Corrupt Dragon Clans were transfixed by the sheer number and breathtaking beauty of these women. Each exuded an aura that seemed on par or even surpassed that of the Nether Empress, the Brahma Divine Star Goddess, the Nature Clan’s princess and leader, and even the Angel Clan’s princess.

The Dragon Emperor Star God found himself mesmerized by the quiet elegance of Su Xian.

The Tyrannical Emperor Star God, whose eyes were accustomed to battles and bloodshed, was completely disarmed by the playful charm of Hong Meilin.

Even Dong Zhuo, who had grown accustomed to the beauty of his wife, couldn’t help but steal glances at the ethereal aura of Stella.

But the most shocking revelation came with the sight of Yu Qing. All but Yun Tian, who had risen to prominence after Yu Qing’s departure, recognized her instantly. And right now,

When these delegates of the Western Cosmos saw their sworn enemy Yu Qing sitting calmly beside Wang Jian as his wife, it annoyed them a little because they had spent many years trying to capture her, but it was all a waste.

Right now, among them, only Yun Tian stared at Yu Qing curiously, enthralled by her youthful beauty, unaware of the turmoil his gaze caused within the Nether Empress and Brahma Divine Star Goddess.

Yu Qing, in turn, met their gazes with a burning fury. These beings, these so-called leaders, were the embodiment of her past struggles. Their presence in the hall reignited the flames of her hatred. A cold aura emanated from her, sending shivers down the spines of even the most powerful cultivators in the room.

As the initial shock subsided, a hush fell over the room. All eyes turned towards Wang Jian, who sat serenely at the head of the table. His aura, usually unassuming, now held a strange intensity. It was an aura of power, of control, that demanded respect. He cleared his throat, his voice resonating with a calm authority.

"We gather today to address a pressing concern," he began, his gaze sweeping across the various delegations.

"The unauthorized entry of your respective factions into Eastern Cosmos territory. Why have you trespassed upon our borders?"

His question hung heavy in the air.

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