Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives Chapter 121 Mini Boss Pact!

Villain Ch 121. Mini Boss Pact!

With the slime king held fast by Alice’s Shadow Bind skill, the team saw an opportunity to take the fight up close and personal. They all closed in on the creature, weapons, and skills at the ready.

eaglesnov?1,сoМ Allen led the charge, his Demonic claws flashing in the virtual light. He swung his weapons swiftly, tearing at the slime king’s jelly flesh with a fury that was almost palpable. The other team members followed suit, attacking the creature with everything they had.

The battle raged on, and the slime king’s health bar began to drop drastically. The team’s relentless attacks had taken their toll on the creature, and it was clear that it was struggling to stay alive.

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But even as its health bar dwindled, the slime king refused to give up. It fought on with the last of its strength, unleashing a series of powerful attacks in a desperate attempt to turn the tide of the battle, another barrage of acid balls.

The team members were not deterred, however. After they dodged, they continued to press forward, attacking with renewed vigor and determination. They knew that victory was within their grasp, and they were not about to let it slip away.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of battling, the slime king’s health bar dropped to zero. The creature let out a final, pitiful cry as it collapsed to the ground, its body dissolving into a pool of acidic slime along with his minions.

[Congratulations! You have defeated The Slime King!]

[Level up!]

[You are now level 57!]

[You received Resurrection Crystal 1 ea and 500 Coins.]

Exhausted, but with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, they grinned from ear to ear. Alice’s face was bright with excitement. Bella let out a hearty laugh, relief flooding over her face. Jane let out a contented sigh, her eyes shining with pride. Shea smiled softly, nodding in satisfaction.

"We did it," Larissa said softly.

"I got a Resurrection Crystal," he said in happiness. It was a rare crystal for resurrecting another player, as long the body hadn’t disappeared yet.

While Zoe let out a disappointed sigh." I can’t believe we went through all that just for a pudding dish," she grumbled, shaking her head.

Shea, on the other hand, was beaming with joy. "I got a winged headgear! It’s so cute!" she exclaimed happily.

Vivian, inspecting her own reward, let out a disappointed sigh similar to Zoe’s. "All I got was slime’s saliva. Great," she said sarcastically.

But instead of focusing on the girls’ chat, Allen concentrated on the new announcement in front of him.

[Do you want to use Mini-Boss Pact skill?]

[Yes / No]


Allen reached out his hand to the slime king’s remains, its body lying lifeless on the ground. A dark aura began to emanate from his hand, enveloping the remaining slime. Suddenly, the cute, innocent-looking creature began to change. Its shape warped and twisted until it resembled the slime king they had just defeated. But something was different. The slime’s expression had changed. Its once adorable, friendly face had transformed into something more sinister, and its eyes had turned a deep, menacing red.

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As the dark aura continued to surround the creature, it became even more terrifying than before. The slime king had been revived, but it was clear that something dark and powerful had taken hold of it. Allen watched as the slime began to stir, its body twitching and writhing on the ground. His team stood beside him, watching in awe and trepidation as the once-cute monster began to rise to its feet.

The transformation was complete, and the slime king let out a guttural roar that frightened everyone.

[Congratulations! You have successfully made The Slime King your subordinate!]

[Now, you can summon The Slime King at event time!]

The group’s eyes were fixed on the newly transformed slime king, stunned by its appearance. Allen stood with his hand still outstretched, and a dark aura surrounding him. Once cute and harmless, the slime king had turned into a dark and intimidating monster.

Bella spoke up first, breaking the stunned silence. "Wow, he looks even more terrible than before."

Alice nodded in agreement, "At least this way the slime king didn’t look like a jelly pudding anymore."

Zoe chimed in, "He still looks like a jelly pudding, just an angry one."

Vivian shrugged, "I don’t know what to think about this."

Allen grinned, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. "Don’t worry, he’s on our side now. So now that we have a new addition to our team," Allen gestured towards the slime king that was now following him closely. "Do you girls want to continue hunting for other mini-bosses?"

The girls all nodded eagerly in agreement.

"I want to fight something more challenging than this," Shea said with a determined look on her face. "Something scarier!"

Allen rubbed his chin in thought for a moment before he spoke up. "Well, I do know of a mini boss around the Gorroc Desert. It’s called Gryphon."

"Gryphon?" Bella repeated, her eyes widening with excitement. "I’ve heard about that one! It’s supposed to be really tough."

"Yup," Allen confirmed with a nod. "The map is a bit far away, so I’m sure that most players haven’t been able to reach it yet. But with our team, I’m sure we can take it down." The player’s teleportation could only access towns and villages, so they needed to walk manually to reach that map.

"Let’s do it!" Alice exclaimed.

Zoe added, "I can’t wait to see what kind of loot we’ll get from that one."

And Vivian joked, "I hope it won’t be as slimy as this one."

The girls’ faces showed a mix of excitement and determination.

Allen smiled at the group’s enthusiasm, "Great! But first, let’s restock our potions and repair equipment." He also wanted to distribute his skill and status points.

Allen raised his hand and used his portal skill. A dark force enveloped it and a portal materialized in front of them. The girls stepped forward and entered the portal one by one.

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