Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives Chapter 130 Caught Red Handed

Villain Ch 130. Caught Red Handed

Shea’s hand inched closer to Allen’s body, and a sense of unease settled in her stomach. Finally, she decided to stop her movement.

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"What the hell am I doing?" she muttered in a low voice.

Was she really about to undress a man, a younger man no less, without his consent? The idea seemed preposterous, and yet her desire to catch a glimpse of his physique was overpowering her better judgment.

Her hand shook with the weight of her conflicting emotions as she fought to rein in her impulses. She couldn’t believe that she was actually considering this. It was reckless and irresponsible, not to mention morally dubious. What would happen if he woke up and caught her in the act? Would he think she was some kind of pervert?

As if on cue, a low moan sounded behind her. "Mmmmph…" Quickly, she withdrew her hand.

She turned to face Zoe, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and embarrassment. She was afraid of being caught, even though based on what happened, it was the other way around. Shea was the one who caught them, yet she was the one who was afraid of being caught for doing immoral things.

Luckily, what Shea had feared did not happen. Zoe was still using her VR headset, lost in her own virtual world. Shea breathed a sigh of relief. At least she wouldn’t have to face her daughter’s judgment or explain her questionable actions.

Shea’s internal conflict raged like a storm within her. She knew, deep down, that what she was about to do was unquestionably wrong. It was a breach of privacy, an invasion of personal space. Yet, the allure of the forbidden fruit was too tantalizing to resist. This was a rare chance, a moment that might never present itself again. It was as if fate had laid this opportunity before her, daring her to seize it.

With a mix of apprehension and determination, Shea extended her hand once more toward Allen’s stash. Her fingers trembled, the weight of her moral dilemma pressing heavily upon her. The seconds stretched into eternity as her hand inched closer, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts.

But fate, in its capricious nature, had other plans in store. In an unexpected turn of events, Allen abruptly removed his VR headset, his eyes widening with surprise as he caught Shea red-handed.

Time seemed to freeze as their gazes locked, a mixture of surprise and disbelief etched upon their faces.

Allen’s mind swirled with confusion. Was this some kind of hallucination induced by the virtual reality game? He had never encountered such a situation before, and the fact that Shea was wearing her everyday clothes shattered any illusion he might have harbored. This was real, it was happening in the real world, and he was at a loss for words.

Shea’s body froze in place, her hand hovering mere inches away from Allen’s stash. Panic gripped her like a vice, squeezing the breath from her lungs.

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At that moment, her mind became a chaotic mess of jumbled thoughts and frantic calculations. How could she have been so careless? Caught red-handed, she felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her, turning her cheeks a rosy shade of crimson.

"What are you doing, ma’am?" Allen’s voice finally broke through the stunned silence, his words laced with incredulity. The shock of the situation had prompted him to address her with a formality that was entirely out of character.

Shea’s heart raced as she struggled to find an explanation, her mind racing to come up with an excuse.

With a quick intake of breath, she managed to regain a semblance of composure and replied, her voice tinged with urgency, "We just received an email from the game developer. They’ve announced a special event for tomorrow, and everyone has already responded except for you and Zoe. I... I was just trying to wake you up to let you know."

Her explanation hung in the air, and Shea held her breath, praying that Allen wouldn’t ask much further about what she was doing.

"Wake me up?" Allen asked in disbelief, still trying to process what had just happened.

In his experience with full dive VR, waking someone from their games only required a shake of the shoulders, akin to waking up someone from his sleep. Yet Shea’s hand, poised close to his robe, betrayed her explanation. It was clear to Allen that her aim was not to wake him from the immersive game but something else. And her panicked interruption only confirmed his suspicions.

So, he decided to ask.

"But your hand was---" Allen began, but Shea cut him off before he could finish his sentence.

"I think you should tell the others whether or not you’re coming tomorrow," she said, her voice quick and urgent. "This is an important event, similar to the first war event. We can’t carry out the event without you," she urged him.

Allen was silent for a moment. "I get it. I’ll check my email soon. Thank you for telling me," Allen responded, his voice tinged with a mixture of acceptance and curiosity. He sensed Shea’s reluctance to delve further into the peculiar encounter, her intention to sweep it under the excuse. Though his mind buzzed with questions, he understood that prying further would only deepen the awkwardness that lingered between them.

With a nod of gratitude, Allen watched as Shea turned on her heel, her face flushed with embarrassment. It was as if a painter had delicately brushed strokes of crimson across her cheeks, a visible sign of her discomfiture. Her words tumbled out in a rush, a hasty explanation veiled in vague excuses.

"Um... Zoe, you know, she’s new to all this," Shea stammered, her voice betraying a hint of apology. " She is still inexperienced. So, please understand. Goodnight, Allen. See you tomorrow."

Allen watched in silence as Shea made a swift exit, her hurried footsteps echoing in the room.

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