Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives Chapter 37 Irrational Jealousy [Bonus ]

Villain Ch 37. Irrational Jealousy

Indeed, Zoe didn’t show much interest in him, but she couldn’t deny that he was her type. With his bad boy appearance and sharp eyes, he seemed like he could be trouble, but his friendly personality contradicted that notion. She found herself attracted to him more than she cared to admit.

Her thoughts wandered to the scene earlier that evening when she saw Allen giving Vivian a ride. She couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy. Although she understood why Vivian needed a ride, a part of her wished she was the one who hugged him from behind.

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Zoe knew she couldn’t be too upset about it. After all, Vivian was the only one among them who didn’t know how to drive because of her childhood trauma. She couldn’t own a car and relied on taxis or Guuber to get around.

She opened the door to her room and walked in, her mind still preoccupied with thoughts of Allen. She had planned on taking a shower after her conversation with Shea, but as soon as she closed the door behind her, she let out a deep sigh and collapsed onto her bed.

The mattress bounced under her weight as she threw herself onto it, her arms flailing out to her sides. She lay there for a moment, staring up at the ceiling as her mind continued to race. The image of Allen kept flashing through her mind, and she couldn’t shake the weird feeling that had settled in her chest.

Zoe’s mind was racing with thoughts and emotions that she couldn’t seem to control. The mere thought of being close to Allen made her heart race and her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She knew she shouldn’t feel this way, but she couldn’t help it. Allen had an irresistible charm that was hard to ignore.

She grabbed her pillow and held it tight. She needed to calm down and regain her composure. But the more she thought about Allen, the more her heart raced and her breathing quickened.

Suddenly, an image flashed through her mind of hugging Allen’s waist as they rode on his sport motorcycle. The thought alone made her blush deeper and she had to cover her face with the pillow to hide it. The idea of their bodies touching made her feel lightheaded, and she had to take deep breaths to steady herself.

"Noooo! What am I thinking about?!" she whined frantically as if what she thought was a heavy crime.

Zoe knew she was being ridiculous. After all, she had only just met Allen, and they were just teammates in a game.

Her thoughts turned to the game they had all been playing earlier. ’Wait… I have to do that with him in the game?’ she thought. His intimate request made her heart skip a beat.

The imagination crossed her head. Her heart was pounding even more and panic overtook her. "How can I do that when I’ve already met him in the real world?!" she half screamed in panic. Somehow, she felt she would not be able to sleep tonight.


The sun peeked over the horizon when the first rays began to filter through Allen’s bedroom window. The soft light caressed the room, slowly illuminating every corner and casting a warm glow over everything it touched.

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The time on his phone showed 07.00 AM. The gentle sound of the alarm clock on his phone shattered the stillness, jarring him out of his peaceful slumber.

Allen stirred slightly, his eyes flickering open for a moment before he groaned and turned his head to bury it under the pillow. The incessant buzzing of the alarm clock was like a jackhammer in his ears, pounding away at his senses and threatening to ruin his entire day before it had even begun. He knew he had to get up, but he couldn’t bring himself to move just yet. He reached out a hand to hit the snooze button on his phone, hoping that just a few more minutes of rest would be enough to reinvigorate him.

But instead of getting up, Allen felt himself sinking back into the depths of slumber. His body felt heavy, like a lead weight, and his mind was filled with a thick fog that refused to clear. He knew he was risking being late, but he couldn’t seem to find the motivation to get moving.

Five minutes later, the phone rang again, shattering the peace of the morning with its shrill tone once again. It was a ringtone for a call, not an alarm ringtone. He groaned, not wanting to be disturbed from his precious slumber, but knew he had to answer it. He swiped his finger across the screen, bringing the device to life, and pressed it to his ear.

"Hello?" he mumbled; his voice thick with sleep.

A voice, male and irritable, came through the speaker. "Please don’t say you’re still sleeping," it said, dripping with annoyance.

"I’m awake, Gerry," he lied, not wanting to admit to his friend that he had been caught.

"Don’t give me that bullshit! I’ve been waiting for you for an hour here!" Gerry snapped; his irritation clear in his tone.

Allen’s eyes snapped open, his drowsiness melting away as a shot of adrenaline coursed through his veins. It was impossible, he had only hit the snooze button a few minutes ago. He should have at least ten more minutes before his alarm rang again. But what if he had been asleep for much longer than he realized and hit snooze multiple times without realizing it?

"Huh?!" he half-screamed in shock as he jolted up in bed. He glanced at the clock on the wall.

07.06 AM

He scoffed. "Nice try, Gerry," Allen said in annoyance.

"Oh! You are awake now!" Gerry exclaimed, his voice bright and cheerful. "See you at the gym. Don’t forget to bring my request," Gerry said casually. Then, without any further ado, he hung up the phone, leaving Allen feeling frustrated and irritated.

Allen’s eyes narrowed as he stared down at the phone in his hand, his fingers clenching around it tightly. "That asshole," he muttered under his breath, a deep-seated irritation bubbling up within him. But even as the words left his lips, he couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth.

With a sigh, Allen rose from his bed, his bare feet padding softly against the cool hardwood floor. He stretched his arms above his head, feeling the tightness in his muscles loosened with each movement.

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