Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives Chapter 477 Unnamed Ghosts

Chapter 477 Unnamed Ghosts

Villain Ch 477. Unnamed Ghosts

Bella’s words hung in the air, laden with unease. "Damn... I feel like I’ve entered a haunted house," she remarked, her fan weapon at the ready. A hint of sarcasm played in her tone as she continued, "Or torture house, whichever it is."

Alice couldn’t help but nod in agreement, her eyes scanning the ghostly figures that surrounded them. "I can’t deny it. This dungeon gives a more terrifying vibe than the Black Castle. I can feel that a tragedy has occurred here in the past," she admitted, the weight of her words lingering in the oppressive atmosphere. It was clear that she had sensed something about this place from the moment they entered the military building, though she hesitated to voice her thoughts.

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Shea, with her harp in hand, added her perspective. "That’s Emma for you," she quipped, as if to suggest that this eerie situation was just another testament to Emma’s penchant for the unexpected.

Allen shifted their focus back to the present danger. "Focus on the battle, guys," he reminded, his gaze directed toward the spectral soldiers surrounding them. Despite their relatively lower level, these monsters were no ordinary foes. The group understood that the ominous reputation of this dungeon suggested it held far more challenges and secrets than met the eye.

With an eerie synchronicity, the ghostly soldiers moved to attack the group. Unlike their counterparts above, these spectral foes displayed a range of tactics that went beyond mere melee strikes. Their attacks were infused with an otherworldly quality, blending martial prowess with dark magic.

The soldiers brandished ghostly blades, which they used to execute abilities like Ghostly Strike. These spectral weapons allowed them to deliver ethereal blows, leaving an unsettling chill in their wake. It was a stark contrast to the typical, straightforward approach of physical combat.

The ghostly soldiers exhibited a disconcerting ability to phase in and out of existence, similar to the elusive Ghost monsters found in the Tower of Power. This trait allowed them to reappear behind their targets, launching surprise attacks with malevolent speed. Their tactics were not only aggressive but also highly disorienting.

However, what set these apparitions apart was their haunting, relentless dialogue. Their grunts and whispered pleas for release told of their agony and reluctance to fight. They bemoaned their fate, expressing a desperate desire to escape this ceaseless combat and find solace elsewhere. These pitiful utterances served as a constant reminder of the tragedy that had unfolded within the heart of this forsaken military base, adding an unsettling layer to the already intense battle.

In the face of the relentless ghostly soldiers, Allen opted to rely on the formidable power of his Demonic Orbs and Demonic Lance skills. These spectral adversaries did not fall as easily as the soldiers in the building above, offering stubborn resistance to his attacks. Nevertheless, Allen didn’t think that was enough to make him draw his sword.

The chamber was alight with a fierce battle, a relentless massacre unfolding in stark contrast. Allen and his companions, wielding their formidable skills and weapons, unleashed their power upon the ghostly soldiers. It was a one-sided affair, a relentless assault in which only Allen and his party emerged as the assailants.

But, what weighed most heavily on their hearts were the heart-rending pleas and sobs of the spectral soldiers. These tormented apparitions, caught in a ceaseless cycle of conflict, cried out in agony, their voices a haunting lament that chilled the very air.

Yet, what further unsettled the group was the ceaseless onslaught of these ghostly soldiers. Wave after wave surged forth, as though they had unwittingly disturbed a colossal cemetery, awakening the spirits within to haunt and assail them. The relentless tide of enemies showed no sign of abating, making it feel as if the ghosts of the past had risen to avenge their fallen comrades.

The chamber resonated with the echoing sounds of spells and skills as Allen and the girls continued to unleash their relentless onslaught. It was a haunting reminder of their previous battle in the Orc dungeon, where the relentless tide of monsters had seemed endless. However, this time, the circumstances were different.

Each member of the group had honed their skills and acquired a greater variety of abilities. The cacophony of magical incantations, thundering explosions, and the whooshing of weapons filled the air. These sounds mingled with the grunts and desperate pleas of the ghostly soldiers, creating an eerie symphony of battle that reverberated throughout the chamber.

Then, as if rising from the shadows, they appeared—the ghostly player-type monsters…

The sudden onslaught began with a flurry of arrows hurtling toward Allen and the girls, followed by a barrage of spells launched by the mages. The coordinated assault unfolded so swiftly that there was little room for evasion.

In a heartbeat, Allen and Jane’s quick thinking came into play, as they instinctively activated their Barrier skills. The protective energy enveloped the entire group, forming a shimmering shield that deflected the incoming arrows and absorbed the magical onslaught.

[A barrier has formed!]

Amidst the chaos, the group found themselves shielded from the relentless attacks, their Barrier skills holding firm against the ghostly assailants.

The arrows and spells collided with the protective barrier, creating a deafening, terrifying boom that reverberated through the chamber. Fire sparks erupted in all directions, painting a chaotic and fiery tableau on the ghostly battlefield.

The intensity of the impact was reminiscent of the initial experiences of first-tier players in the beginning of the game, encountering formidable skills and spells for the very first time.

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"This is insane... " Jane muttered under her breath, her voice tinged with disbelief. Her hands were outstretched, fingers crackling with energy as she summoned her protective barrier. "We haven’t even moved far from the entrance," she lamented, the glow of her barrier casting an eerie light on her face.

Larissa shared the sentiment, her expression serious and contemplative. She shook her head, her earlier expectations shattered by the unrelenting intensity of the battle. "I didn’t expect it to be this intense," she confessed. Her eyes held a hint of surprise, for she had thought that the challenges ahead wouldn’t be this daunting. Yet, the reality was far different from what she had imagined.

Zoe couldn’t help but grin, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "But I have to say, this is really fun. I mean, I’m a bit bored with our usual hunting. We usually just spam skills and they die. But this... this has its own challenges," she enthused, relishing the unexpected thrill of the battle.

Vivian nodded in agreement, her voice filled with a sense of wonder. "I couldn’t agree more," she confessed. "At least now we know why the assassin has to use his Hiding skills to explore this place," she mused, the revelation shedding light on the mysteries of the haunted military base.

Allen, too, shared the sentiment. His determination burned brighter, and he couldn’t deny the allure of the formidable challenge before them. "Let’s see how far we can go," he declared, embracing the newfound excitement that had come with the eerie and relentless battle.

With unwavering focus, Allen used his Telekinesis Blast, unleashing a surge of energy that rippled through the chamber. The relentless attacks hurtling towards them were intercepted and forcefully blown away, leaving a momentary pause in the assault.

It was their opportunity to strike back, to turn the tides of the battle. With the attacks halted in their tracks, Allen and his companions were poised to retaliate.

Shea’s melodic voice filled the chamber as she invoked her Lullaby skill. The haunting tune wrapped around the ghostly soldiers, casting a soothing spell that left them momentarily entranced. Their spectral forms froze in place, their ethereal weapons lowering as if in a dreamlike state.

Jane, seizing the opportunity, employed her Shadow Grasp skill. Inky tendrils of darkness coiled around the ghostly monsters, further ensnaring them in an ethereal prison. The combination of Shea’s Lullaby and Jane’s Shadow Grasp created a formidable crowd control effect, silencing the restless spirits and rendering them defenseless.

With the monsters subdued and their names and levels clearly displayed above their heads, Allen and the others could now focus on their attacks. The eerie calm in the chamber had shifted the momentum in their favor.

Unnamed Swordsman Ghost

Unnamed Mage Ghost

Unnamed Archer Ghost

Unnamed Dual Dagger User Ghost

Their pallid visages and lifeless expressions lent them an eerie resemblance to the deceased players. The vacant gazes of these apparitions sent shivers down Allen and the others’ spines, even though they were fully aware that this was all part of the game.

However, what truly left them in shock were the ethereal female players who stood behind these haunting apparitions.

Unnamed Healer Ghost

"Oh shit…" Zoe’s exclamation rippled through the group, her tentacles morphing into formidable crimson blades. The others mirrored her actions, brandishing their weapons and unleashing their most potent skills, fully aware that the presence of healers meant this battle could be as intense as a player-versus-player war.

"Demonic Aura," Allen used his skill. He rarely used this skill on regular hunting lately since usually, it was too easy for him. Usually only for when he faced a boss or mini boss, but this was an exception. He couldn’t even believe that he had to use this skill in this level one dungeon.

[Your attack and defense have increased by 125%]

[You have decreased enemies’ attack and defense by 50% within a 10-meter radius]

[Countdown: 15 minutes.]

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