Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives Chapter 489 Dizzy

Chapter 489 Dizzy

Villain Ch 489. Dizzy

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Alice’s curiosity got the better of her as she approached Allen, her steps measured but her resolve firm. Without hesitation, she reached out and placed her palm gently on Allen’s forehead, her touch warm and delicate. "Hmm," she hummed, her fingers checking for any sign of fever. She couldn’t help but get lost in the closeness of the moment.

"You don’t have a fever, though," she noted, her voice soft, barely above a whisper. Her face was now incredibly close to Allen’s, and her heart raced in her chest. It was an intimate gesture, and her cheeks flushed slightly, but she tried her best to hide her nervousness. She had always been curious about what Allen was like up close, and this unexpected opportunity had thrown her off balance.

Moreover, as they stood there, Allen’s natural body fragrance filled her senses, a scent she had never experienced before. It was different from his usual cologne or perfume – raw and unfiltered, yet strangely comforting. It smelled nice and warm, drawing her in, making her wonder what lay beneath the surface of his everyday facade.

Bella couldn’t resist joining the conversation. "What are the symptoms?" she asked, her words cutting through the moment, causing Alice to lower her hand and turn her head to the side, her face now covered by her hands to hide her blushing cheeks.

Allen finally broke the silence, feeling the need to give both of them an explanation for his less-than-ideal condition. He ran a hand through his disheveled hair and confessed, "Just dizzy. Two days ago, I didn’t sleep well."

Bella couldn’t hide her mischievous grin, her playful nature ever-present. "Since you’re sick, should we take care of you?" she offered, her words laced with a touch of ambiguity. So she decided to clarify. "Alice and I have good cooking skills, you know," she added, her meaning now crystal clear.

Allen’s eyes darted between Bella and Alice, a hint of surprise in his expression. "Are you sure?" he questioned, genuine curiosity in his voice. This was uncharted territory for him. They had never mentioned their culinary talents before, and he was intrigued by the idea of them taking care of him.

As the offer of culinary assistance hung in the air, Allen couldn’t help but let his thoughts wander for a moment. Judging by their personalities, Alice and Bella seemed more suited to blowing up his kitchen than cooking a meal. But he quickly caught himself, realizing he shouldn’t be so quick to judge. An inner reflection reminded him of the influence of his mom’s conventional wife image, and he knew he had to shake off those preconceived notions. After all, they might surprise him.

"Okay, if you don’t mind, I really appreciate it," Allen said, breaking the momentary introspection. "But I only have a few ingredients, is that okay with you?" He wanted to be sure, making sure they were on the same page. They’d come empty-handed, so he couldn’t help but wonder if he had enough ingredients to whip up a decent meal.

Bella, with her easy going demeanor, didn’t seem fazed at all. "No problem," she reassured him, her casual tone putting Allen at ease.

"Alright, let’s see what we’ve got," Allen said as he led Alice and Bella into his compact kitchen. It was a cozy space, with a mix of modern appliances and a hint of his personality scattered across the countertops.

He opened the fridge and began introducing the contents. "Here I have chicken, some noodles, carrots, ginger, frozen vegetables," he said as he pointed to each item, "eggs, bell peppers," his finger moved across the items on the shelves, "and a head of lettuce." The fridge was a mishmash of essentials and random leftovers.

Allen then turned his attention to the spice rack, a motley assortment of jars and containers. "And over here, we’ve got the spice cabinet. We’ve got the basics—salt, pepper, some chili flakes, and soy sauce. Nothing too fancy, but it should do the trick."

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Alice and Bella took in the contents of Allen’s kitchen, their thoughts meandered into a realm of surprise and revelation. It was quite unexpected for them to find that Allen’s kitchen equipment was so complete, especially for a guy. The sight of a well-organized kitchen displayed his self-sufficiency, and it was a tangible representation of his independence.

Alice couldn’t help but feel a mixture of admiration and intrigue. It mirrored his determined personality and explained the initial hesitance he had shown when they had offered their help. It was evident that he was the kind of person who preferred doing things himself, someone who thrived on his own self-reliance.

Bella, while equally surprised, couldn’t help but feel a sense of fondness for Allen’s independence. His self-sufficiency made him more captivating in her eyes. He was the kind of person who didn’t easily rely on others, and that independence was both alluring and challenging. She admired his spirit, and this insight into his character was a tantalizing glimpse into the man they both secretly admired.

"I’m going to take a shower first, is that okay for you guys?" Allen asked, feeling the need to freshen up after a day that had left him a little under the weather.

"No problem," Bella chimed in with her usual easygoing attitude. She was ready to get to work in the kitchen.

"Take your time," Alice added, a reassuring smile on her face. She was prepared to be patient, her curiosity about their impromptu cooking adventure building.

"Okay," Allen replied as he headed towards the bathroom. However, before he could make his getaway, Bella’s considerate nature shone through as she spoke up again. "Do you need medicine or vitamins? I can buy it for you," she offered, concern lacing her voice.

Allen paused in his tracks, touched by Bella’s thoughtfulness. "No, thanks," he replied, appreciating her offer. "I have vitamins in the medicine box. That should be enough." With that, he continued on his way to the shower.

Once Allen had made his way to the shower, Alice and Bella shared a knowing look. The kitchen beckoned, and they were eager to get started.

"So?" Alice began, turning to Bella, her expression expectant. She was eager to hear Bella’s thoughts on what kind of meal they should whip up.

Bella didn’t hesitate, her confidence evident as she made her choice. "Ginger Chicken Soup it is," she declared with a nod, her culinary prowess shining through. She knew this dish well and had the determination to pull it off.

Alice sought clarification. "With rice?" she asked, double-checking their ingredients.

Bella quickly assessed the situation. "He doesn’t have any rice. We’ll go with noodles instead," she decided, adapting to the available resources.

"Sounds good," Alice agreed, a smile playing on her lips as they prepared to embark on their culinary adventure. "Okay, let’s go," Alice said, her enthusiasm matching Bella’s as they began to gather the ingredients they needed and get to work on their improvised meal.

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