Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives Chapter 510 Weird Event

Chapter 510 Weird Event?

Villain Ch 510. Weird Event

Allen couldn’t deny the uncertainty that the impending changes could bring. He was genuinely concerned about maintaining the familiar dynamics among his girls. "But I’m still me, and I hope you don’t change either. I like this. I don’t want you guys to suddenly turn formal or something," he expressed, a touch of worry in his voice.

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The girls shared a collective giggle. "Of course, that won’t happen," reassured Alice, trying to ease Allen’s concern.

"Acting all formal sounds scary to me. That’s a nightmare," Bella chimed in with a shudder, expressing her aversion to the idea.

"But in some cases, we may have to act like that. Like at formal events or in front of special guests," Zoe reminded them, trying to introduce a sense of practicality into the conversation.

"Don’t worry, we know when to be formal," Jane reassured, acknowledging the importance of being prepared for the event’s protocol.

Larissa quickly steered their attention back. "Anyway... shall we concentrate on the next event?" she reminded them, emphasizing the urgency of the situation.

Her reminder jolted everyone to the reality that time was running short. "The time is almost here," she reiterated, prompting a collective gasp as the reality of the deadline set in.

"Oh crap!" Bella exclaimed, panic tinting her voice.

Allen, taking on a leadership role, jumped into action. "Okay, just do what we planned yesterday and take the position immediately. It would be very bad if we just entered their bases after the event started. They will recognize us," he advised, stressing the importance of stealth and avoiding detection.

"Got it!" the girls chorused in unison, their collective response reflecting their readiness to execute the plan.


In Ront City, the atmosphere was electric, especially at the big eight guilds. With the impending event, half an hour away from commencement, a sense of urgency hung in the air. Leaders from these prestigious guilds decided to gather for a final pre-event meeting, an uncommon occurrence to have all the leaders in the same place.

The venue chosen for this significant assembly was the prestigious tavern’s VIP room, an exclusive setting that befitted the significance of the impending meeting. The room was lavish, adorned with sophisticated décor that echoed opulence. Plush chairs and elegantly carved tables were set up, creating an ambiance that reflected power and authority.

The sight of all eight leaders together was an exceptional scene, something that rarely happened in Ront City. Each leader exuded a distinct aura, carrying themselves with an air of authority, confidence and high-level equipment. Their presence alone commanded attention. It was clear that these individuals were pivotal figures, each representing a powerful and well-established guild in that virtual world.

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They held this meeting in anticipation of the forthcoming event. Discussions were serious and focused, reflecting the weight of what lay ahead. Strategies, tactics, and last-minute adjustments.

Red_King leaned back in his chair with a frustrated sigh. Frustration was evident in Red_King’s voice as he admitted, "You’d think they’d just make a show of power," mused Red_King, his frustration palpable. "But this weird hide-and-seek game? It’s absurd. Are we supposed to entertain these mystery-makers or play at being detectives now?"

He had hoped to employ tactical maneuvering to leave their headquarters vacant, an attempt to deceive potential traitors. However, the rules of the event made it clear that leaving their base empty would result in disastrous consequences. The villain would seize the opportunity to destroy their headquarters, a costly act that required numerous in-game coins to repair.

Arcana shook her head in disbelief. "Yeah, seriously! We’ve been training, gearing up, and focusing on strategies. And what do we get? A scavenger hunt? A spy chase?"

Elio, with his confidence, leaned against the back of his chair and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "You know we won’t win with just that, right?"

Warlord, who often took a more optimistic approach, leaned forward and offered his perspective. His eyes were filled with a glimmer of hope as he explained, "It seems like the game company wants to give us a chance to win the event. So instead of using our strength, they ask us to use our brains." The event’s complexity had left many players scratching their heads, but Warlord saw it as an opportunity to shine.

Justice Bringer, on the other hand, couldn’t hide his skepticism. He scoffed at Warlord’s optimism, implying that the event was far from a straightforward victory. "Overly optimistic," he remarked, his tone laced with doubt.

Warlord didn’t shy away from defending his viewpoint. He turned toward Justice Bringer and stated, "Better than always being a pessimist. That’s why my guild is developing faster than yours." The words carried a sense of friendly rivalry between the two leaders, reflecting their different approaches to leadership.

Justice Bringer threw a sardonic comment into the mix. "So much talk for a guild leader who ranks below me," he sneered, drawing attention to the rankings but also subtly challenging the others’ authority.

Elio, a little exasperated by the rising tension, intervened to refocus their energies. "Okay, cut it out and concentrate on the event, people," he implored, trying to steer the conversation back to the impending challenge. His intent was to unify their focus on the task at hand.

Warlord, not keen on prolonging the brewing conflict, rose from his seat. "Yeah, just concentrate on the event," he echoed Elio’s sentiment. With an air of nonchalance, he added, "I’ll go back to my headquarters since I’m no longer interested in this useless discussion." Without waiting for any response, he exited the room, signaling the end of the conversation.

Elio, sensing the need to break the silence and get back on track, decided to address the lingering tension directly. "Alright, Warlord has left, and we’ve got an event to win. Let’s not allow personal conflicts to interfere with our performance. Any thoughts on how we should approach this event?"

Red_King finally spoke up, voicing his own doubts. "Frankly, I’ve got nothing. I can’t quite wrap my head around about this event. It’s like they want us to think outside the box."

"Agreed," added Arcana, who was still trying to make sense of the event’s intricacies. "I wish we had more information about what’s coming. All we know is that there’s a spy among us, and it’s our job to find them before they sabotage our headquarters. But beyond that, it’s all very hazy."

Justice Bringer remained aloof, not one to freely share his thoughts. "It’s a strange event, that’s for sure. They’re pushing us to use our wits, but it feels like there are a thousand ways this could go wrong. We can’t afford to make a single misstep."

After that short discussion, they were silent again.

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