Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives Chapter 520 The Emperor Is Among Us [Part 5]

Chapter 520 The Emperor Is Among Us [Part 5]

Villain Ch 520. The Emperor Is Among Us [Part 5]

Once Elio’s decisive command echoed through the group, the members scattered like startled birds, following his instructions to the tee. Each went their separate ways, disappearing into the twisted, eerie corridors of the once-secure headquarters. It was a surreal scene – the unity they had a moment ago shattered, leaving Sophia standing alone, as if her words had evaporated into the air, her advice disregarded.

Feeling the sting of being left behind, Sophia stood her ground, her frustration simmering. In this chaos, she yearned to shed her image as the dependable healer, to stand up and challenge Elio, to seize control of the guild. But in this critical moment, she couldn’t risk such a confrontation. The stakes were too high.

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Sophia’s eyes tracked Elio as he swiftly vanished into the shadows. Resentment brewed within her, a mixture of disappointment and anger at the disregard for her opinion.

She contemplated her guild, the Order of Valiance, and the dynamics within. The guild was a force to be reckoned with, a solid team forged through battles and shared experiences. But Sophia couldn’t help but feel a tinge of dissatisfaction. Other guilds, while not as renowned, often had a more flexible approach. They were not as rigid in their hunting methods, often teaming up with various other guilds to hunt. It irked her because this meant she had to form new teams constantly, wasting valuable time on the hunt.

The allure of other powerful guilds with members just as skilled lingered in her thoughts. Yet, the strength and unity displayed by the Order of Valiance in hunts were unrivaled. It was a double-edged sword. Their method of hunting may have been less flexible, but when it came down to it, they were a formidable force.

In this moment of solitude, Sophia found herself torn between her allegiance to her guild and her personal ambitions. She yearned for change, for something new, yet the solidarity and familiarity within the Order of Valiance held her back.

She clenched her fists, the desire for a different path burning within her. But for now, she remained rooted, conflicted by her loyalties and aspirations.

Sophia had been trying to branch out, exploring options beyond the Order of Valiance. She’d attempted to tag along with teams from other guilds when Elio and the crew were taking a break from their hunting routines. But she found out that switching teams was a common trend among many members of famous guilds – keeping things simple, saving time, and avoiding unnecessary hassle.

Frustrations bubbling inside her, Sophia took a deep breath, forcing down her annoyance. She made a split-second decision and sprinted after Elio. "Wait up!" she called out, trying to keep her tone as composed as possible. "I’ll join you," she chimed in, flashing a sweet smile, masking the irritation she felt moments ago.

Hiding alongside Elio seemed like the smartest move. In the worst-case scenario, she could use Elio as a diversion for the emperor. Elio was tough, and that could buy Sophia a few extra moments to slip away and find another hiding spot.

Elio, with his stoic demeanor, simply nodded. "Just keep quiet, alright?" he cautioned. The last thing they needed was for Sophia’s sudden sprint or her loud footsteps to tip off the emperor to their location.

Elio’s words hung in the air, but before anyone could respond, a sudden groan of pain sliced through the silence. The eerie sound was swiftly followed by a spine-chilling, malevolent laughter echoing from not too far away, signaling the near presence of the emperor.

Elio and Sophia tensed up like two coiled springs. Their eyes exchanged a silent conversation, wordlessly debating their options – check out the source of the sound or bolt from the scene. But both options felt like walking into a trap. It was crystal clear that staying put was not an option either. The only way out was to slip away unnoticed.

With a shared nod, they knew what had to be done. They moved with the stealth of shadows, taking careful, hushed steps as they edged toward a nearby room, slipping through the doorway unnoticed. It was a warehouse, crammed with various items and crates, providing a temporary cover from the imminent danger lurking outside.

They pressed their backs against the cool, rough wall, their breathing shallow and controlled, trying to silence the pounding of their hearts. They held their breath, waiting for the echoes of the emperor’s laughter to fade away. The tension was palpable, thick in the air, as they exchanged cautious glances, a silent acknowledgement passing between them.

The room was dimly lit, casting eerie shadows across the stacked boxes and scattered equipment.

Elio and Sophia huddled together, peeking cautiously through the narrow gap in the door, hoping to catch a glimpse of what was happening outside. Their hearts raced, the suspense thick in the air, as they strained to see, but there was nothing to be found. Just the haunting echoes of screams, ricocheting from one end to the other.

The frantic chaos unfolded in the guild chat.

NyxSpecter: He is in the hall!

Greg: Me and Darren are out, guys. We are at the city gates

AetheriaShadow: Anyone alive?

ValkyrieBlade: Fuc-klddjfbsdaynsd.

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That last message was clearly written in panic.

Elio and Sophia exchanged worried glances, their hearts pounding in their chests. They had no clue who else remained, who was safe, or who had fallen prey to the menacing presence stalking them. The countdown clock stood tauntingly in front of them, each passing minute feeling like an endless stretch of eternity. The seconds crawled by, each tick of the clock echoing like a drumbeat in the tense silence of the room.

The tension was thick enough to slice through with a butter knife. Silence settled over them like a heavy fog, the kind that makes your skin crawl. It was eerie, sending shivers down their spines, as if they were the last souls in this twisted, dangerous game.

"Think they’re okay?" Sophia whispered, her voice trembling with unease.

Elio, just as on edge, whispered back, "I don’t know."

The two of them lapsed into a heavy silence, their hearts pounding loud enough to feel like drums in their chests. All they could do was hunker down and pray that the countdown would be over soon. But then, a glimmer of hope flickered to life as a message popped up.

Gil’s message illuminated the dim room like a beacon in the dark.

Gil: Guys, are you still here?

Elio wasted no time and swiftly replied, eager for any sign of life amid the haunting silence.

Mac: We’re in the warehouse. Where are you, Gil?

Gil: I’m using my mad hiding skills, chilling behind a pillar in the hall.

Mac: Alone?

Gil: Yeah, flying solo. Oh, and guess what, INeedAHotGF hit me up with a message. He’s en route from Eyon. Also, he’s sorry for skipping out on this event.

Mac: Let’s deal with that later. Right now, just focus on staying alive.

Gil: Got it.

In the midst of Gil and Elio’s exchange, Sophia’s mind whirred with thoughts of survival. She cast her eyes around the warehouse, a chamber teeming with towering shelves crammed with potions and assorted raw materials.

Sophia’s determination to ensure her survival surged. She needed a better hiding spot, a place that would grant her a bit more time, a shred of advantage if the emperor were to come crashing into their refuge. Her gaze roamed the room, scanning for a better place to conceal herself.

There it was—an imperfect, yet somewhat promising spot. It wasn’t flawless, but it was an improvement over standing shoulder to shoulder with Elio. Sophia wasted no time, seizing the opportunity to relocate to a more strategic position. The newfound spot was behind a stack of iron ingots, an arrangement of cold, metallic blocks. It wasn’t a perfect cover, but it was certainly better than nothing.

With swift, silent movements, Sophia sidestepped, her steps as soundless as the night. She positioned herself behind the pile of iron ingots, lowering herself into a crouched position, trying to make herself as inconspicuous as possible. She hugged her knees to her chest, her breaths shallow and controlled.

The weight of the situation pressed down on her, her pulse racing, every fiber of her being urging her to stay hidden. If the emperor breached their hiding spot, she hoped her positioning would provide an extra moment’s grace, giving Elio a bit more exposure. It wasn’t a noble thought, but in the game’s harsh reality, survival took precedence over honor.

Sophia’s heart raced as she huddled behind the ingots, her breaths shallow and tension in the air. But her hiding was only for a brief moment. Just when she thought she’d found a decent spot, Elio’s voice cut through the silence.

"What are you doing?" he asked, curiosity and concern lacing his tone.

Sophia’s heart pounded even harder. She knew she had to come up with a good excuse, and fast.

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