Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives Chapter 562 Anguish and Wail

Chapter 562 Anguish and Wail

Villain Ch 562. Anguish and Wail

"I don’t know anything. I’m just a passerby," Allen tried to calm himself down, his voice carrying a hint of nervousness. His heart raced, the unexpected turn of events leaving him on edge.

The ghostly weeping lady, her demeanor now devoid of sorrow, continued to regard Allen with an unsettling stillness. The playful banter just moments ago evaporated, replaced by a collective unease. The girls redirected their attention entirely toward Allen, their expressions betraying a mixture of concern and curiosity.

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Out of sudden, the weeping lady, now standing with an ethereal grace, gazed at Allen with profound sadness etched across her spectral features. The plea was clear in her eyes, conveying a depth of emotion that resonated with an otherworldly sorrow.

What sent a chill down Allen’s spine was the realization that the weeping woman’s feet didn’t touch the ground. Instead, she floated with an eerie weightlessness, adding an unsettling dimension to her already ghostly appearance.

But rather than his own voice, Allen could hear the girls’ startled screams echoing from behind him.

"Allen, get out of there," Vivian urged, her voice carrying a low tone filled with genuine concern and a pleading undertone.

Bella, however, voiced her discomfort with a whine, "I hate ghost monsters." Her playful demeanor from earlier had shifted into genuine unease, the encounter tapping into a personal fear.

Alice, attempting to anchor herself in the virtual reality, repeated a mantra under her breath, "This is just a game, this is just a game." The rhythmic self-assurance was an attempt to quell the unease rising within her.

Jane, on the other hand, seemed thrilled by the unexpected twist. Her eyes sparkled with interest and excitement, the prospect of unraveling the mystery behind the ghost captivating her spirit.

Meanwhile, Zoe, Shea, and Larissa stood ready with their arsenal of skills and weapons, prepared to intervene if the ghost’s sorrow took a more sinister turn. They poised for action.

The weeping lady addressed Allen with a mournful plea, "Why did you lock me here? I don’t love the emperor. My heart belongs to you." Her words hung in the air.

Allen, caught off guard and bewildered by the unexpected turn of events, responded with a furrowed brow and genuine confusion, "What do you mean?"

The weeping lady’s sorrowful sobs filled the chamber once again. Allen, driven by a desire to uncover the secrets hidden within the quest or dungeon, pressed for more information, hoping the spectral figure would offer clarity. However, the weeping lady remained elusive, her tears serving as a cryptic response, leaving the true nature of her plight shrouded in mystery.

Allen extended his hand, reaching out in a futile attempt to grasp the weeping lady, but she dissipated like mist in the wind. In her stead, a subtle glow lingered, and a message materialized in front of Allen.

[You received 1 The Concubine Love Letter (Part 1).]

The revelation was met with a collective gasp from the group as an announcement simultaneously illuminated their holographic screens.

[The Emperor’s Favorite Concubine Quest is active!]

Before Allen could check the letter, the broken-hearted woman’s eerie echoes reverberated through the chamber, each word laden with the weight of revenge and resentment. The space seemed to quiver in response, the ethereal voice piercing through the silence with a haunting intensity. The girls exchanged uneasy glances.

As if summoned by the anguish in her voice, an unsettling symphony of whispers emerged from the shadows surrounding Allen. The auditory landscape became an indistinct murmur, a cacophony of spectral voices. The whispers were indecipherable, yet the ominous cadence suggested an ancient curse, a malevolent force lingering in the unseen threads of the emperor’s tomb.

"Oh ow!" said Alice, glancing in all directions. All of them already knew it was bad news.

Allen instinctively began to retreat, taking measured steps backward towards the group. His hands hovered in readiness, fingers poised to summon his weapon or unleash a potent spell should the need arise. The silence was now broken by an unsettling manifestation—the emergence of shadows, sinuous tendrils that materialized one by one from the very walls that framed the chamber.

These shadows bore an otherworldly aura, their eyes aglow with an ominous crimson hue that seemed to pierce through the dimness. Though taking on a humanoid form, their compositions were ethereal, akin to tendrils of smoke that danced with an eerie sentience. What heightened the disconcertion was their ability to defy the boundaries of the physical environment, effortlessly passing through walls as if the stone barriers were mere illusions.

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In the confined pathways of the emperor’s tomb, the shadows slithered with an unholy grace, their movements synchronized with the haunting symphony of the ghostly woman’s lament.

Allen’s eyes darted across the shadows, assessing the looming threat. The absence of discernible features in the smoke-like entities only heightened the sense of dread, leaving the group on edge as they braced for the spectral onslaught.

One shadow….

Two shadows…

Three shadows…

The once-dim pathways of the emperor’s tomb were now teeming with elongated shadows, their numbers multiplying with every passing moment. In the blink of an eye, realization dawned upon them—they were encircled. It was an ambush!

Allen’s eyes darted from one shadow to another, the rendition of dread mirrored in his expression. The lengthening shadows seemed to birth an army of spectral adversaries.

Shadow Soldiers

Allen and the girls swiftly shifted to combat-ready stances. Each of them assumed a position of vigilance, weapons poised and skills at the ready.

Their eyes darted frenetically, attempting to assess the scope. The group tried to count their assailants, but the challenge lay in the shadows’ numbers. More than fifty had emerged from the confines of the path, but the true magnitude of the threat lay shrouded in uncertainty. The nature of these ethereal foes, capable of permeating solid barriers, nullified their earlier strategy. Bella’s ability to summon stone walls, a previously effective maneuver, now appeared futile against enemies that could effortlessly traverse barriers.

Zoe with her tentacles poised, scanned their spectral monsters. Her typically calm demeanor betrayed a sense of uncertainty as she remarked, "OK, I didn’t expect this."

Larissa, echoing the sentiment, chimed in with a succinct "Totally," emphasizing the unexpected turn of events. Meanwhile, Bella, who had already expressed her aversion to ghosts, couldn’t resist reiterating her disdain, muttering, "I hate ghosts."

Alice tilted her head towards Jane with a wry smile, her eyes still fixed on the encroaching shadows. "They look like your wraiths. Maybe you should summon them and let them have a good talk. Just tell them that we come in peace," Alice suggested, injecting a touch of humor into the tense atmosphere. The jest, however, was met with a momentary silence from Jane, who seemed to contemplate the feasibility of the idea.

Surprising the group, Jane broke the silence with a measured response. "Let’s try it," she declared, prompting incredulous looks from the other girls. The unspoken question hung in the air: seriously? Jane seemed to entertain the notion that diplomacy, even with spectral monsters, might be a viable approach.

The girls exchanged glances, a mixture of skepticism and curiosity in their eyes.

Jane raised her hand, and with a flourish, summoned her wraiths. The ethereal beings materialized, their forms reminiscent of twisted shadows brought to life. These wraiths, dark and indistinct, hovered near Jane, awaiting her command.

She wasted no time in issuing orders to her servants. "Ask those shadows why they ambushed us? And who is their leader?" she commanded, her tone firm and authoritative. The wraiths, with a silent acknowledgment, moved towards the encircling shadows, their ghostly figures gracefully gliding through the air.

As the wraiths approached the shadowy entities, a strange tension hung in the air. The rest of the group, including Allen, observed in silent anticipation. It was a unique moment.

For Allen, curiosity mingled with a sense of caution. The unpredictability of this encounter intrigued him. He pondered the significance of the shadows’ response, wondering if their motives would be revealed through this unconventional exchange. After all, they had nothing to lose if the discussion failed. Like it or not, they still had to fight those monsters.

The shadows, sensing the wraiths’ approach, seemed to react with an awareness. The encounter unfolded as an uncharted interaction, blurring the lines between servants and monsters. The girls, poised for battle, held their breath, their gaze fixed on the unfolding spectral dialogue.

A subtle hum emanated from the two ghostly forms, resembling an otherworldly whisper that transcended the realm of words. The shadows seemed to respond with a series of undulating murmurs.

The exchange, however, proved to be fleeting. The shadows, characterized by their ominous presence, erupted into a discordant chorus of angry wails. The response was unmistakable—the shadows rejected the attempt at communication with a visceral disdain. The girls and Allen, attentive witnesses to this unusual dialogue, discerned from the shadows’ reactions that their peaceful overture had been met with hostility.

Allen let out a long breath. "Prepare for the battle, guys," he gave his cue.

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