Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives Chapter 565 The Ghost’s Bad Hair Day

Chapter 565 The Ghost’s Bad Hair Day

Villain Ch 565. The Ghost’s Bad Hair Day

Allen’s intuition signaled that this encounter would not unfold like the previous one. His eyes bore into the spectral figure, the anger etched on her ghostly features. Allen’s voice, tinged with a newfound wariness. "No, I think she isn’t trying to communicate with us."

Shea, quick to grasp the shift in atmosphere, posed a question that mirrored the collective concern. "You mean she will attack us this time?"

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"Possibly," Allen replied, his disbelief evident. The group tightened their formation, ready for whatever spectral onslaught might follow.

Zoe’s curiosity cut through the tense air as she inquired, "Why? Did you guess that from her form or because she ordered those monsters to attack us?"

Allen weighed the factors. "Her gesture doesn’t show that."

"Ya know, you shouldn’t judge the book by its cover. Except if the cover is a naked lady picture," Alice chimed in with a playful jest, attempting to ease the tension.

Her attempt at humor was met with a series of flat stares from the group, including Allen, who seemed unamused.

Alice, sensing the misstep, grinned nervously. "I’m just trying to neutralize the atmosphere, ya know."

Allen redirected the focus. "Just prepare for another ambush or attack, okay? I will go first."

A collective nod rippled through the group.

Allen treaded cautiously towards the ghostly figure, his every move deliberate. His hands remained poised, ready to unleash his skills should the need arise. The weeping lady’s angry wails surrounded him, creating an eerie symphony.

"Hello, miss. We mean you no harm. Can you tell us what happened?" he inquired, maintaining a calm and diplomatic tone.

But she didn’t answer him. The weeping lady’s ghostly form seemed to flicker, caught between sorrow and fury. The atmosphere brimmed with anticipation as the others observed from a safe distance, their readiness echoing Allen’s caution. The angry wails persisted, a cacophony that hinted at the depth of her anguish.

Suddenly, the wailing lady’s piercing screams abruptly ceased, replaced by an eerie silence that hung heavy in the chamber. Instead of turning her spectral form towards Allen, she executed a grotesque motion that defied the natural order—her head rotated 180 degrees, fixing her unsettling gaze directly on him.

It was a chilling manifestation. The chamber remained cloaked in an uneasy stillness, the air thick with the eerie presence of the ghostly figure.

The unexpected twist in her spectral contortion sent a shiver down Allen’s spine, causing him to gasp and instinctively halt in his tracks. His heart raced, caught off guard by the otherworldly display. The girls, too, were on the verge of letting out horrified screams, yet they managed to stifle their reactions, a testament to the warning Allen had given them.

’I shouldn’t expect less from a mature-rated VR game,’ Allen thought, feeling the tension gripping him. The eerie encounter with the wailing lady had taken an unexpected turn.

"Liang Feng," the wailing lady’s ethereal voice resonated once again. "You said you wanted to take me out of the palace. You said we’d get out of there together. But you drugged me and brought me here… why?" Her words dripped with anger, accusing Allen of deeds committed by a character he didn’t recognize.

A frown appeared on his forehead as he tried to analyze what she meant and connected the dots about what happened. "I’m not Liang Feng. I’m not your lover," Allen attempted to clarify, his words falling on deaf ears. The wailing lady remained fixated on her grievance, her spectral form pulsating with an otherworldly rage.

As if unaware of Allen’s protestations, she unleashed another spine-chilling scream, a symphony of anguish reverberating through the chamber. The dissonant sound seemed to amplify the surreal atmosphere, emphasizing the depth of emotion embedded in the ghostly encounter.

Upon the wailing lady’s haunting scream, a murmur, like an unholy incantation, resonated through the chamber. Allen braced himself for a repeat of their first encounter, but to his surprise, this time, the situation unfolded differently. As he stepped back, a sensation of resistance halted his movement, and he found himself pressed against a transparent barrier. It wasn’t the wailing lady’s skill; it appeared to be a game mechanic designed to intensify the unfolding battle.

Glancing behind him, Allen observed the shadows converging on the girls. While confident in their combat prowess, the worry in their voices as they called out his name echoed through the chamber. Trapped alone within the confines of the spectral barrier.

As the shadows closed in on the girls, they engaged in combat, each unleashing their skills to repel the encroaching darkness. The scenes unfolded like a nightmarish ballet, shadows colliding with spells and blades in a chaotic display. Allen knew they could handle those monsters without him.

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The wailing lady’s grievances continued, her spectral form maintaining an unrelenting focus on Allen. "Arggg…" the grunt that came from in front of him made Allen look forward.

The Wailing Lady underwent a macabre transformation. The spectral entity, once a ghostly figure of sorrow, evolved into a more menacing form. Her hands, once ethereal and sorrowful, now bore sharp, elongated nails that gleamed with an otherworldly malevolence. Teeth, once innocent, sharpened into formidable points, adding a feral quality to her visage.

Strands of her hair, floating as if stirred by an unseen breeze, began to undulate with an unnatural energy. The lack of wind in the tomb made the motion all the more unsettling. The transformation was a symphony of horror, an augmentation of her spectral essence into something more predatory, more fearsome.

A peculiar detail caught his attention—a name that materialized above the Wailing Lady’s head. It wasn’t there before. A name.

Angry Woman Ghost (Mini Boss)

A sly smirk etched itself onto Allen’s lips, a subtle acknowledgment of the looming challenge that lay before him. Deep down, a flicker of nervous energy danced within, a mix of apprehension and excitement. The Wailing Lady, now transformed into a formidable mini-boss, commanded an eerie presence that sent shivers down Allen’s spine.

The anticipation of facing this spectral adversary alone added a layer of thrill to the encounter. He couldn’t deny the unsettling aura that surrounded her. Yet, in the heart of that discomfort, there thrived an exhilarating excitement—a chance to test his skills and strategies against a formidable foe.

In the face of the looming confrontation, Allen steadied himself, ready to confront the enemy.

’Demonic Aura.’

[Your attack and defense have increased by 250%]

[You have decreased enemies’ attack and defense by 50% within a 10-meter radius]

[Countdown: 15 minutes.]

He also immediately summoned his black sword. He was alone. He would rather take a precaution before things turn bad.

The Wailing Lady unleashed her mournful wails once more, ethereal hands materialized, each adorned with elongated, ghostly nails. The transparent limbs thrust forward in a coordinated assault, aimed at Allen’s form.

Quick on his feet, Allen extended his hand to the front and responded with a swift Telekinesis Blast, a surge of invisible force that rippled through the air.

- Whoosh!

The gust disrupted the spectral onslaught, causing the ghostly hands to recoil momentarily. Seizing this opportune distraction, Allen surged forward, his sword poised for a decisive strike. His target was clear—the ghastly visage of the Wailing Lady. He needed to act fast. Who knew if this battle could turn bad.

Yet, the spectral adversary wasn’t one to succumb easily. Reacting with crazy speed, the ghost crossed her incorporeal hands in a defensive stance. The clash between the sword and the ghostly barrier created an otherworldly resonance, a collision of weapons against the intangible.

- Clang!

Allen’s strike, initially aimed at the ethereal being’s head, now met an unexpected resistance. The ghost’s defense thwarted his attempt to land a decisive blow.

In a swift and calculated move, Allen activated his Shadow Step skill. The world around him shimmered as he seamlessly transitioned into a dark, ethereal form. In the blink of an eye, he materialized behind the Wailing Lady, his sword poised for a decisive strike.

The element of surprise was on his side as he swung his weapon with a practiced fluidity. He targeted her neck. However, the ghostly foe, displaying an uncanny awareness, turned her head and shifted her hand with spectral precision. It was as though she anticipated Allen’s maneuver, an eerie dance of preternatural intuition. It was an eerie scene.

The unexpected resistance took Allen by surprise, a flicker of shock briefly crossing his visage. The ghostly adversary wore a smirk, a taunting expression that seemed to mocking him. Then the Wailing Lady conjured another set of transparent hands. Allen instinctively reacted. Unfurling his wings with a swift motion, he glided backward, creating a nimble distance between himself and the impending spectral assault. The air around him crackled with tension as the ghostly hands closed in, aiming to ensnare their elusive target.

In response, Allen summoned his Demonic Lances, hurling them with precision towards the approaching ethereal appendages. The lances, dark and malevolent, streaked through the atmosphere, colliding with the transparent hands in a clash of otherworldly forces.

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