Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives Chapter 599 Underappreciated

Chapter 599 Underappreciated

Villain Ch 599. Underappreciated

A hush fell over the group as Shea’s revelation sank in. Glances exchanged spoke volumes, laden with a cocktail of emotions. The silence echoed a shared realization—they were in the game’s intricate web.

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Mixed feelings swept over them. The recent game update had granted them the ability to hunt alongside players, to experience the highs and lows of the gaming world. Yet, Shea’s words hinted at a deeper truth—that the game’s developers wanted to remind them of their primary role as villains.

In those few seconds of quiet contemplation, they grappled with the paradox. The game compelled them to kill players with whom they shared bonds. It was a twist that underscored their role as antagonists, a narrative choice they couldn’t escape. Since they had just hunted with Father^Alex, so his name appeared on all of their killing lists.

Allen scrutinized his killing list, a peculiar realization dawned on him—the names weren’t just random entities in this game. No, these were players he had encountered, engaged with, and even shared a chat or two during market haggling sessions. Sophia, Elio, and Liam, familiar faces now etched into the hit list.

His eyebrows raised in surprise. The irony of hunting down players he’d casually chatted with wasn’t lost on him. The game, in all its algorithmic glory, was playing a psychological game of its own. A quick glance at the others revealed a similar trend—names they recognized.

In other words, the game developer wanted to make Allen and the others remember that even though they could have fun with the players, they had to remember that they were the players’ enemies. Their hearts still had to maintain their role.

Bella’s cringe-worthy humor cut through the silence, breaking the tension that lingered after their hit list revelations. "I wonder if killing and respawning multiple times will make him frustrated?" she quipped, her words hanging in the air like a punchline.

Allen couldn’t muster a chuckle this time. Bella’s joke hit too close to home. The thought of repeatedly taking down Father^Alex brought an uncomfortable twist to the situation. Sure, it was a game, but behind every avatar was a real player with real emotions.

He pondered, a frown etching across his avatar’s face. Father^Alex was no ordinary player; he was a valuable asset. The last thing they wanted was to push him to the brink of rage quitting.

Then, an idea sparked in Allen’s mind. "It looks like we can team up to kill him. So Father^Alex only needs to die once." He voiced the suggestion, drawing from the mechanics they had experienced during daily quests. When one of them scored a kill, the others would get it too. The idea struck him as a potential solution, a way to carry out the quest without turning it into an aggravating loop for their ex team.

Vivian, raising a skeptical eyebrow, questioned the seemingly excessive strategy. "Eight of us to take down a priest? Isn’t that a bit much?" Her doubt hung in the air, a valid concern about the optics of overwhelming Father^Alex. It wasn’t every day that a group of villains gathered to target a healer, making it seem like he was some invincible raid boss.

Zoe, letting out a long exhale, chimed in with her own reservations. "I mean, seriously. It’s overkill. Father^Alex might start thinking he’s the main character of this game, with all the villains lining up just to take him down." Her?tone held a mix of humor and concern. It was just a game, but the dynamics of the plan seemed to mess with the intended balance.

"Yeah," Larissa added her agreement to the?discussion. "It’s like we can’t handle a healer alone. We’re villains, not a raid party. Yet, repeatedly killing him feels a bit too cruel." The idea of swarming Father^Alex, even in the context of a game, raised ethical questions among the group.

Jane, injecting a dose of empathy into the conversation, chimed in, "But with that tactic, at least Father^Alex only had to die once." Her words resonated with a hint of sympathy.

Shea, aligning with the sentiment, nodded and added, "Yeah, I agree with that. We don’t want to overdo it," she nodded.

Zoe’s jest about Father^Alex becoming the main character of the game sparked an unexpected response from Allen. His gears seemed to be turning, and he proposed, "Since he’s on our killing list, what if we make him the main character of this game, like Zoe said?" There was a playful chirp in his tone, an attempt to turn the situation into a quirky game twist.

Zoe, taken aback, cringed at the unintended gravity of her own words. "I was just kidding, Allen," she quickly clarified, not expecting him to take her whimsical idea seriously.

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"I know. But I don’t," Allen retorted firmly, a mischievous glint in his eyes. It seemed like the idea of turning Father^Alex into the accidental protagonist of the game had struck a chord with him.

Shea, sensing Allen’s mischievous enthusiasm, leaned in and asked, "Okay, tell me your idea. I can see the gears turning in that devious mind of yours."

A grin spread across Allen’s face as he unveiled his scheme. "Well, you know Father^Alex always stays low despite his skills and abilities, right? He’s the unsung hero, helping other players without expecting much recognition." The sly tone in his voice hinted at the cunning plan brewing. "So, here’s the twist. All eight of us will ’take him down’ in front of everyone. Then, we’ll give a little speech about feeling threatened by the existence of a great priest like him."

The girls exchanged amused glances as Allen continued to lay out his plan. "Picture this," he continued, his eyebrows wiggling with mischief. "A dramatic takedown, a villainous monologue, and then, bam! Father^Alex becomes the unexpected star of the show. It’s like a boost to his reputation from the bad guys themselves."

A moment of contemplation passed among the group, and Alice admitted with a chuckle, "That’s a good idea." She could already envision the gaming forum headlines: "Villains Acknowledge Father^Alex’s Greatness – Unexpected Popularity Surge!"

Larissa, looking at Allen with a playful smirk, added, "Well played, Allen. Father^Alex is about to become the most sought-

after healer in Hell’s Gate. Move over Sophia."

"I agree," Bella chimed in, her voice filled with agreement. "I mean, after all, he did help us in the previous hunt. It’s only fair we return the favor," she added, a mischievous smirk playing on her face.

Shea, not one to waste time, cut straight to the logistics. "Alright, when should we pull off this unexpected performance? In the middle of his usual hunt with his main team? Or should we wait for him to join a random group, or maybe catch him in the act, helping out some low-level players?" Impatience laced her words, eager to set the stage for their grand scheme.

Jane’s eyes lit up with mischief as an idea sparked in her mind. "Oh, that last one will be great," she exclaimed, enthusiasm dripping from hertone. "We’ll be like, ’Huh! We just want to kill Father^Alex, you guys don’t even deserve to die at our hands since you’re too weak.’ It’ll shoot his reputation up to the sky."

The group erupted into laughter at the audaciousness of the plan. The irony of making Father^Alex the inadvertent hero in their villainous saga was not lost on them.

Larissa, catching the contagious excitement, chimed in, "Yeah, and we’ll make it seem like we’re doing him a favor by not wasting our time on the weaklings around him. The drama will be legendary."

Zoe, glancing at Allen, once again, could sense the gears turning in his devious mind. His silence held a calculated mischief, and from the subtle smirk on his lips, it was evident he had a plan brewing. Impatience edged Zoe’s voice as she prodded, "So what’s the plan, Allen? You’ve got that mischievous glint in your eyes, spill the beans."

Allen, reveling in the anticipation, finally shared his grand design. "Alright, here’s the plan. We catch him in the act, helping out some low-level players, right? We make our entrance, act all superior, and drop the bomb about wanting to kill him. Classic villain move. But the twist is, we spare the low-level players, emphasizing that they’re not even worth our time."

The group nodded in approval, envisioning the drama that would unfold. Bella, always ready for a dramatic twist, added, "And to make it more epic, let’s choose a location that adds to the theatrics. How about the heart of the Mystic Forest? It’ll give the whole scene a mythical vibe. I heard he often goes there."

"I agree," Alice chimed in.

"Black Castle is also a good place," Larissa added.

"Let’s see about that. But for sure, we need witnesses. The more the better," Allen said with a sly smirk.

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