Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives Chapter 7 Cyber Building

Villain Ch 7. Cyber Building

He reached up and carefully removed the VR game device from his head, he felt a sense of disorientation wash over him. The world around him suddenly seemed stark and colorless, lacking the vibrant hues and vivid landscapes he had just experienced within the game. He paused for a moment, his hand hovering over the device as he adjusted to the real world once again.

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The device itself was a sleek and futuristic piece of technology, with a smooth, matte-black finish that reflected the dim light of the room. It fit snugly over his head, encasing his skull and ears in a soft, padded shell that blocked out all external sounds and distractions. Removing it was a deliberate and methodical process, one that required precision and care to avoid any damage to the delicate components.

With the device and controllers safely stowed on his desk, he leaned back in his chair and ran his fingers through his short, messy hair. The strands were a deep shade of blue, reminiscent of the character he had been playing in the game. Despite the color, his hair was well-maintained and neatly trimmed.

His eyes were a rich, warm brown, and they glinted with a mixture of satisfaction and curiosity as he gazed around the dimly lit room. The walls were adorned with posters and artwork from various video games and movies, lending the space a cozy and welcoming vibe. A small window on the far wall allowed the sunlight to filter in, casting soft shadows across the floor.

He was 23 years old and a simple person at heart, with few material possessions and a humble lifestyle that suited him well. He had always been drawn to the world of gaming and fantasy, and he had found a way to turn his passion into a career as an online writer.

Despite the sedentary nature of his work, he was in excellent physical shape. He made a point of working out regularly. His physique was lean and toned, with well-defined muscles that hinted at a rigorous training regimen.

His eyes gazed at the gaming device on his desk, the black surface glinting in the dim light of his room. The clock on his desk showed 1.04 PM, the digital numbers glowing brightly against the dark background. His heart was racing with excitement, a broad smirk spreading across his face as he muttered his role in the game.

"Devil Emperor," he whispered, the words feeling almost sacred on his tongue. He could hardly believe that he had just played the biggest villain in the game, a role that had been his ultimate dream since he first started playing. The rush of adrenaline and excitement was still coursing through his veins, his body tingling with anticipation.

This was the first time he had ever been given the opportunity to play such a pivotal role in the game, and he knew that it was a chance that might never come again.

With a deep breath, he reached over and turned off his gaming device, the screen flickering briefly before going black. He then grabbed his phone, quickly searching for the address of the Cyber Building where he was supposed to meet with The Game Staff. His fingers flew across the screen, tapping with practiced ease as he scanned through the search results.

Once he had the address, he stood up from his chair and grabbed his motorcycle key from his coat pocket before he quickly slipped on his jacket, zipping it up to his chin. He then grabbed his helmet, the black and silver exterior gleaming in the dim light.

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He made his way to the basement via the elevator, his fingers tapping impatiently against the metal doors as they slowly descended. The apartment and motorcycle were his. They were the result of the prize money he had won from a gaming tournament two years ago. It was a time when he had been obsessed with gaming, but now, as an online writer, he was content to simply enjoy the game as it was.

Once he reached the basement, he made his way to his sport motorcycle. It was a beast of a machine, capable of taking him to speeds. He swung his leg over the seat and settled in, feeling the comfortable leather beneath him.

He revved the engine to life. With a roar, the motorcycle shot out of the basement and into the busy streets of Revine City. Skyscrapers loomed high above him, their gleaming glass surfaces reflecting the bright sunlight. The sidewalks were crowded with people, all rushing to and fro on their daily business. It was a chaotic and bustling city, one that never slept.

Despite the hustle and bustle, he navigated his way through the streets with ease. He had ridden through these streets a thousand times before, and he knew the best shortcuts and hidden alleys to take to avoid the worst of the traffic. There were no fantastical creatures like elves and dwarves in his real world, only humans existed, and the city looked just like any other normal modern city.

After half an hour, he spotted the tall building from a distance, his heart racing with anticipation as he recognized it as the Cyber building. It loomed large and impressive against the city skyline, its windows reflecting the bright sunlight in dazzling patterns.

He expertly navigated his motorcycle into a parking space near the entrance and dismounted, taking a moment to smooth out his jacket and put his helmet in the luggage. As he entered the building, he was greeted by the cool air conditioning and the bustling energy of the lobby.

The lobby was spacious and airy, with gleaming marble floors and floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a stunning view of the city. People rushed back and forth, talking on their phones or typing on their laptops, all in a hurry to get somewhere.

Smoothly, he approached the receptionist, a young woman with bright green eyes and a friendly smile. He cleared his throat nervously. "Excuse me," he said, his voice betraying his nerves.

She greeted him warmly. "Good afternoon, sir. How can I help you?" Her voice was soft and pleasant.

"My name is Allen Grayblight. I’m a Hell’s Gate player, and Kafra asked me to come here," he said, flashing a grin.

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