Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives Chapter 89 Madness

Villain Ch 89. Madness

Without pause another attack came.

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As he prepared to launch another attack, Allen noticed something strange happening above him. A strange red and orange glow began to fill the air, and he could feel the heat radiating down toward him. It was Fire Ball skill. He knew instantly that he was facing yet another opponent, this time a mage.

’Shit!’ he thought. He knew he couldn’t dodge normally, so he used his skill.

’Shadow Walk!’

Allen’s body turned into smoke that billowed and disappeared without a trace. At the same time, ten fireballs plummeted from the sky and slammed into the ground with a thunderous explosion. The force of the impact sent shockwaves rippling outwards, causing the ground to shake and tremble violently. The deafening roar echoed through the virtual world, making it feel as if the very fabric of reality was being torn apart.

As the smoke cleared and the dust settled, Allen found himself transported to an empty place. He stood up, his mind racing as he tried to process what had just happened and surveyed his surroundings, his attention was drawn to the other side where his attackers were positioned. Two archers lurked in the corner, camouflaged behind the big pipes, and a mage was perched atop a platform. Despite their strategic positioning, Allen was out of their range and thus they were unable to attack him.

However, he knew that this was not the end of the threat. The dual-dagger user was still lurking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. And then there was Mac, who was stationed in front of an empty treasure box. Allen suspected that Mac’s team also had a healer, who was probably using an Invisible Crystal to remain hidden.

In other words, he was up against six skilled players, and he was alone.

But rather than fear or panic, Allen reacted differently.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Allen couldn’t help but laugh in excitement. It was complete madness. "This is amazing!" Their formation was so neat, and so was the plan at least for early games. It shocked him and ignited his excitement. He even completely ignored the kill announcement in front of him. It was already 100 players anyway. Now, his goal had changed, he wanted to kill all of them. This team.

As if answering Allen’s mad laughter, Gil reappeared behind him, swinging his daggers once more in a fierce Backstab skill. Allen sensed his presence and deftly dodged the attack.

Gil swung his daggers towards Allen once again. But then, he was shocked to find that his attacks were effortlessly brushed aside by Allen. In an instant, Allen had disarmed Gil’s attack, leaving him wide open. Gil gritted his teeth, bracing himself for what was coming next.

Without mercy, Allen pounced on Gil, his claws ripping through his chest with ease. The sound of tearing flesh echoed through the air, as Gil’s body convulsed in pain. The force of Allen’s attack was relentless, and Gil screamed in agony.

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The damage was severe, enough to make Gil fall to his knees in pain. His health points were rapidly decreasing, and he knew that he was no match for Allen’s ferocity.

But Allen was not content to let Gil suffer in agony. He saw an opportunity and seized it without hesitation. With a swift and brutal kick, Allen landed a blow right in the wound he had created, driving Gil’s health points to zero in an instant.

The force of Allen’s kick sent Gil sprawling onto the ground, his body convulsing in pain.

As Allen landed the final blow on Gil, he noticed another sudden movement behind him. Whipping around, he saw Mac raising his sword, ready to strike. But Allen was not taken aback, and instead of countering Mac’s attack directly, he chose a different tactic.

With a flick of his wrist, Allen unleashed his Demonic Lance level 1 toward Mac to reduce the cooldown time. Although the spell was only at level 1, it was still a powerful force to be reckoned with. The lances tore through the air, hurtling toward Mac with deadly accuracy.

But rather than focusing solely on Mac, Allen knew he had to prioritize his targets. He could sense the danger posed by the enemy’s ranged DPS, and he knew that they had targeted him with deadly accuracy.

Mac swung his sword with ferocity, trying to deflect the incoming Demonic Lances. Despite his efforts, some of the lances still managed to land on him, tearing through his uniform and leaving deep wounds in his flesh.

The force of the impact sent Mac stumbling backward, his sword arm shaking from the shock. He gritted his teeth in pain, determined to keep fighting, but the damage had taken its toll.

At the same time, the two archers who had moved forward and hid in the pipes in front of them had used the distraction of Mac’s attack to prepare to shoot Allen again, but before they could take aim, Allen disappeared in a puff of smoke.

The archers turned around, scanning the area for any sign of Allen, but to their surprise, Allen had reappeared behind them.

"Surprise~" he said with a sly grin, as he plunged his claw deep into the back of the first archer. The attack was impossible to dodge, as the pipes provided a shield from the front but left their backs vulnerable to attack.

The archer let out a cry of pain, trying to twist his body in a desperate attempt to shake off Allen’s deadly grip. But it was too late. Without hesitation, Allen withdrew his claw and swung his other claw in a swift arc, slicing cleanly through the archer’s neck and ending his life in a swift, brutal strike.

Blood spattered across Allen’s face as the archer’s lifeless body fell to the ground, his bow clattering uselessly beside him. Allen’s heart pounded in his chest with the rush of adrenaline, his senses heightened as he scanned the area for any sign of the remaining players. The second archer.

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