Villain: The Play of Destiny Chapter 196 196

"I will kill you!"

Mustering up some strength out of nowhere, Hound destroyed the bounds and rushed at Isuel, snarling and ready to smash her face with his aura-covered fist.

Iseul did not even blink or try to dodge the attack. She knew that he would never make it to her, and truly, the moment his fist was about to hit her, Hound froze in his place as if he was a sculpture.

The Aura around his fist dissipated, and his eyes frantically moved here and there as he tried his best to break free of the invisible bindings that held him.

"What’s wrong, Baldy?" She smirked at him. "For a moment I thought that you wanted to destroy my beautiful face. You know, that would have been very rude of you?"

Hound could not even open his mouth to say anything, and just stayed here frozen in an attacking posture, confusing and scaring his two mates.

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"Senpai, can I chop off his limbs?" Iseul turned to look at Keith and asked.

"Sure." He simply shrugged and then to the amazement of their prisoners, Hound suddenly moved.

He panicked when he found himself floating in the air, but fear truly dawned on him when he was pinned on the floor with his limbs spread apart.

Tiger and Hummingbird struggled with their bindings when they saw Isuel taking out an Axe from a hidden safe. The sadistic smile on her face chilled their hearts, and it was not long before they started pleading, begging her to not harm their friend.

"Don’t! Please don’t!" Tiger had tears streaming out of his eyes, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not break free of his shackles.

"Hey, Baldy. This will hurt a little, but you know, when a body goes through too much pain, it eventually numbs your mind. You won’t feel anything by the time I get to your legs." Iris sweetly smiled at the bald man who was spread on the floor.

Naomi knew what was going to happen here, and she wisely left the basement before the chilling scream of the man reverberated in the room.

Blood pooled out of the wrist that had lost its hand, and the two bound people screamed too as if they were suffering from the same pain that their friend was feeling.

"Oops. Sorry, it wasn’t a clean cut." She apologised to the man in pain before dramatically raising her axe and swinging it down.

Yingying felt goosebumps over her body when she heard the unmistakable sound of bones breaking. She saw that the arm of the man had been cut right from his elbow, and it was not a clean cut in the least.

"Sorry. I am a little rusty." Iseul apologised again with a sad expression, which suddenly blossomed into a brilliant smile. "I promise I will do better on your other arm." She told the man who was screaming in agonizing pain and skipped over to his other side.

Hummingbird had turned her face away and shut her eyes as the screams of her friend reverberated in her ears. But she could not contain herself anymore and threw up when she heard Iseul repeat the same words about the first cut not being clean enough.

It was quite funny that even a woman like her, who had her hands stained in the blood of hundreds of people could be made to feel sick to her stomach so easily by someone.

But then again, Keith’s Iris was not a normal person, and her sadistic side was not something anyone could handle.

Just as she had promised Hound, by the time she reached his legs, his throat was hoarse after all the screaming, and his mind was quite numb after the blood loss, numbing the pain.

She chopped off his feet first, before making two clean cuts right above his knees, feeling proud that she had finally managed to make them.

"Senpai, I think he is about to die." She feigned some worry and looked at Keith.

"Oh. Want to chop off his head?" He knowingly asked.

"You know me best, Senpai!" She brightly smiled. "May I?"

"You may." He nodded his head and looked at the dull eyes of Tiger, who witnessed his friend being slain so brutally.

Whatever blood Hound had in his body drained too after his head was separated cleanly from his neck in one fluid swing.

Tiger listlessly watched as Iris picked up the head as if it was some trophy and placed it right next to Panda’s head.

"I hope the two of them are together now." She sighed, and then looked at the two people bound to the chairs. "You two are disgusting people who did not even come forward to save their friend. Poor him..."

Somehow, her words ticked them both off, and they struggled again against their bindings.

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Something strange happened at that moment that baffled them. Those indestructible bindings suddenly broke, freeing them, and even when they stood up, they blankly stared at the shackles that had been holding them.

"Woah! You are strong!" Iseul mocked them with a sneer, and the two of them realised that Hound had not broken free of his shackles but was allowed to rush at this girl just like they had been allowed now.

They had never been so utterly scared of something in their lives, and out of instinct, their eyes turned to look at Keith who was indifferently smiling at them.

"You are an Esper..." Hummingbird fearfully said, and even though he neither denied nor acknowledged her guess, his silence was taken as his acknowledgement by her.

"What do you want?" Tiger suddenly said, which made Keith raise his brow at him.

"What made you think that I want anything from you?" He quizzically asked.

Tiger frowned, but remained silent, intently looking at Keith, waiting to hear what the Heir of the Demiliore Family wanted from them. f𝚛𝚎𝗲we𝗯𝗻ovel.𝐜om

"Do you think I am going to ask you to do something detrimental to your Captain or try to sway you to my side?" He smiled and asked. "If you believe that, you are gravely mistaken, Tiger." He smiled brightened. "You see, you have only been brought here to be slaughtered by me." He said and pointed at the camera on the wall. "And I will gift your last moments to your Captain."

His words chilled their hearts, and they even forgot to breathe for a good few seconds.

"Captain will avenge us, bastard!" Hummingbird suddenly said, which prompted Iseul to break out into giggles.

"Sorry, Scarface. But your Captain can not do anything to my Senpai." She smiled at the girl. "He picked the wrong enemy this time."

"It’s getting boring now. Do you want to die fighting or should I hand you over to my friend to play with you?" He asked in a bored manner as he looked at the two of them, and despite all their fears, they subconsciously rushed at him, evoking a light smile on his face. "Good."

Keith calmly deflected the fist that Tiger threw at him, and then hopped in the air, dodging the low kick by Hummingbird. He spun around in the air and smacked a sound kick to the back of Tiger, which took the breath out of his lungs and made him crash right into his teammate, resulting in them tumbling down the floor and smashing into the wall together.

"Hurry up." He indifferently said as they both got back up on their feet, and they again rushed at him, still shocked by how skillfully he had dealt with them.

No matter what they tried, and how hard they fought, his hands always broke past their Aura as if it did not even exist, and every next second, they found themselves against the walls with their bodies aching in even more pain.

They were helpless against him like they had never been before in their lives, and Hummingbird had tears streaming out of her eyes as Iseul’s words echoed in her mind. Her sixth sense was telling her that her Captain had indeed picked the wrong enemy this time, and he was going to be just as utterly helpless against Keith as they were right now.

Her will broke first as she dropped her head and no longer rushed at him, and Tiger managed to go on for another few minutes before each bone of his body was broken by Keith, leaving him unable to get back up on his feet.

Keith slowly walked over to him and crouched next to him, wearing a light smile.

"Don’t worry, I will send your Captain to meet you in the afterlife. Now go, don’t keep your friends waiting for you..." He covered his right hand in his amethyst Aura, making a blade out of it, and cleanly severed Tiger’s head from his body.

"Kill me... please..." Hummingbird begged him when she watched him place Tiger’s head next to the two heads of their friends.

"You must live a little longer, girl. After all, live bait is always more effective than a dead one." He chuckled, making more tears pool out of her eyes. "But don’t worry. Viper will be keeping you company these few days." He told her before he nodded to Iseul and then left the basement together with Yingying.

Julian had arrived at the location too, and Keith found him chatting with Naomi when he stepped into the lounge.

"Zor will be here by 5 pm, and then you will help him move Viper and Hummingbird to Australia." He instructed them.

"When will you be coming over?"

"You are not going to Australia. Stay here and be ready for any unexpected event." He smiled at them. "I should be leaving for Australia in a few days."

"Okay." They did not ask any questions and simply nodded to his words.

Keith did not stay long at the Villa, and after chatting with Naomi and Julian for a short while, he left together with Yingying, heading home.

A lot of trivial things needed his attention, and he had to make sure that the press presented the right story about today’s events.

He checked the System Logs, and simply glanced at the System Points and Fate Value that he had gained after the destruction of Ye Tian’s biggest strength, his Mercenary Group, before returning his attention to driving the car.

He had already dropped Ye Tian’s Fate Value down to the point where he could kill him off without wasting any Fate Value, but he wanted to make the man’s life even more miserable. After all, the first Child of Destiny had disappointed him a little too much, so now he had to make it interesting for himself.

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