Villain: Transmigrated Into A NTR Manga As The Antagonist Chapter 20: Family Chaos

Chapter 20: Family Chaos

While Alex had hung up on his biological mother, the chaos that he had started continued on within the city of Las Vegas. In a luxurious mansion, Diana and her husband Richard were confronted by her two daughters about Alex and his current whereabouts.

Although Diana had begun to feel guilty about what she had done to Alex, she did not immediately want to admit where the boy was or what he was up to. In fear that perhaps her daughters might leave her to go find him. As for Richard, he immediately put his foot down, as he demanded that his step daughter cease their interrogation.

"That’s enough! I won’t have anymore talk of that wretched boy! As far as this family is concerned, he is dead, and has been for some time! There will be no discussion of this matter!"

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This, of course, was not a satisfactory answer for the two girls who had suddenly come to the realization that their beloved brother was actually still alive. And thus the oldest of the two was quick to stand her ground. Kristina Smith was a young woman in her early twenties, and like Alex, was currently enrolled in college.

She was only about two years older than her little brother, but she shared many physical characteristics with him. Such as her golden blonde hair and sky-blue eyes. Her hair was tied into twin braids, while she dressed rather modestly. Still, despite this, her sublime figure was hard to conceal. It was abundantly obvious that the girl had large breasts, a thin waist, thick thighs, and wide hips, just not to the same degree as her mother, who was an exceptionally curvy woman.

Kristina’s face was practically red from all the rage she currently felt after her mother and stepfather had lied to her for years on end. And she was quick to let this be known.

"Fuck you! You’re not my father! You lied to me! All these years you told me that Alex was dead, but really he was living with Dad? Where is he now? What has he been up to all these years? And why has mom suddenly called him? What’s going on?"

Richard was absolutely livid that his step-daughter had said he was not her father. He had tried his best to be a proper paternal figure to these two girls after he had married Diana roughly five years ago. And for a long time, the two girls treated him like he was actually their father.

Yet the moment they learned that Alex was still alive, and that their parents had been lying to them, the two girls suddenly turned on their stepfather. Which was abundantly clear as Madison nodded her head in agreement with her elder sister.

Like her elder sister and brother, Madison had blonde hair and blue eyes, though her hair was flowing like a river of gold in a long and wavy style. She had a body that was similar to Su-Jin’s and was definitely smaller than her sister. She was roughly two years younger than Alex and was still in high school, much like Min-Ah. In fact, she went to a private all girl’s school, where she received the best education money could buy.

Madison was just as outraged by this sudden revelation as her sister was and demanded answers, but she was far more timid, and merely backed up her elder sister’s words with her own.

"Kristie is right! If Alex is alive, we have a right to know where he is! You can’t keep us away from our brother!"

Upon seeing how pumped up these girls were about their biological brother, their stepbrother, whose name was Ryan, was visibly upset. After all, he had been trying for years to sleep with the two girls, but they simply looked at Ryan with disgust.

The man was morbidly obese, and because his father was a wealthy man, he was also an entitled brat. In all honesty, Kristina and Madison had never even thought of Ryan as a member of their family, despite how much their mother and stepfather insisted that he was their brother.

Richard was just about to say something when Diana interrupted him. At first, Diana had not wanted to inform the girls of where their brother was. But after seeing how devastated they were about the fact that Alex had been taken away from them, the guilt finally overwhelmed her. Thus, she openly declared what little information she knew about Alex.

"Your brother is currently living with your father in South Korea. But before that, they moved up north to Reno, where they lived together for five years. It was Richard’s idea to say that Alex was dead, so that the two of you would decide to stay with us after the divorce was finalized. After all, we know how much you both loved your brother."

This news suddenly shocked and dismayed Kristina and Madison, who were quick to demand an answer about why their brother was not allowed to live with them.

"All this time…. Maddie and I thought that our brother was dead, yet he has been alive, and was living only nine hours north of us? What the hell, mom! How the hell could you ever allow this? Why was Alex not permitted to live with us? Did he not want to?"

Diana had already decided to come clean to her girls, and thus she sighed heavily before narrowing her eyes towards her husband, who was shocked at what he perceived to be a sudden betrayal by his wife, who had previously agreed never to contact her son again, or speak of him in front of him. The voice in Diana’s voice was cold as she pinned the blame entirely on Richard.

"I don’t know, Richard…. Why was my son not allowed to live with us?"

Richard gritted his teeth. He was so enraged that he wanted to strike both his wife and daughters, but he restrained himself as he took a deep breath before revealing his thoughts aloud.

"If I had taken custody of that brat, then I would have had to accept him as my son. I would have had to take responsibility for him, put him through college, give him a job at my family’s company, and perhaps even write him into my will. I only need one heir, and that is your actual brother!"

Ryan wore a hint of pride, as his father declared him the only living heir to his fortune, as well as Madison and Kristina’s only brother. But this was not a sentiment which the girls shared. In fact, Kristina was so disgusted that she pointed at Ryan before declaring he was never a member of her family.

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"Who the hell cares about your creepy land whale of a son? Ryan has never been our brother and never will be! It is an insult to Alex to say that this fat tub of lard is our actual brother, you greedy old bastard! All these years I thought of you as my father, but you are just a manipulative dick! I don’t ever want to see you again!"

After saying this, Kristina stormed off, while Madison followed after her. The two girls shared the same sentiment when it came to their stepfather and his despicable actions. Hell, they were not exactly pleased with their mother for going along with this farce, either.

Once they were gone, Ryan trembled with anger. These two bitches had never given him the respect he deserved. Hell, most of the time, they didn’t even acknowledge his existence. Thus, he roared with rage across the hall so that the two young women could hear him.

"Why don’t you run off to Korea and go live with your impoverished brother and pathetic father, you ungrateful cunts!"

Diana was so angry at this remark, partially out of the fear that she would also lose her daughter’s over this revelation, that she slapped Ryan across the face as hard as she could before scolding him.

"Don’t you dare speak to my daughters like that, you spoiled brat! No wonder my son loathes you!"

Diana then muttered under her breath in a voice so low that neither her husband nor her step son could hear her.

"You perverted fat fuck…"

Ryan broke out into a fit of tears after being slapped by his stepmother. He had never before been hit in his life. And because of this, he was incredibly soft. So much so that he began to throw a hissy fit that was worthy of an out-of-control toddler.

"You hit me? You actually fucking hit me? Father, you must punish this woman! She struck your son!"

Meanwhile, Richard entirely ignored his own son after he was slapped across the face by his wife. Instead, he was enraged over the fact that Diana had told her daughters the truth about Alex, and immediately cornered her on it.

"Why the hell did you tell them the truth!?! You could have made something up! Now my precious daughters hate me! It’s all thanks to you!"

Diana, however, had finally snapped, after hearing her own son speak to her as if she were a mere stranger. Not only that, but the way Chae-Yeong had spoken to her had also done a number on her mindset. Thus, she was quick to affirm that Richard was, in fact, at fault for all of this chaos. While also shifting the blame entirely onto him.

"Me? You’re the one who drove my son away, you miserable prick! Now he’s living in that god forsaken oriental country, while engaging in all forms of depravity! Did you know that my baby boy is now treating another woman as if she is his mother? My own flesh and blood doesn’t even consider me his mother anymore! Do you have any idea how horrible that makes me feel? And it is entirely your fault! I should have never listened to you!

As for my daughters, they deserve to know the truth, especially now that the cat is out of the bag. If I had lied to them a second time, they would never forgive me! And then I would truly be alone in this world!"

Richard was outraged that his wife was defying him, and was quick to share the same sentiment that his son had said to her daughters.

"If you suddenly care that much about the boy, then why don’t you just go move to Korea to be with him! You miserable bitch. After everything that has happened, you are trying to pin me with the blame for what happened to your son? As if you did not agree to my demands this entire time! You really are a two-faced cunt! Get out of my sight!"

Diana simply smirked in response to this before grabbing hold of her purse, which was nearby, and confirming that she and her daughters would be leaving for the night.

"Gladly! I am taking my daughters away to a hotel for the night. After everything that has happened tonight, I would not feel safe here, with you and your brat of a son lurking about. Perhaps I will even rent out the penthouse suite at one of your competitor’s resorts! All on your dime, of course!"

The idea that Diana would take his daughter’s away, and spend the night at one of his rival resorts for the night was enough to drive Richard mad with rage. But he knew that no matter what, he could not harm the woman, and thus he simply screamed at her at the top of his lungs.

"Get out! Get out, you fucking whore! I don’t want to see or your wretched daughters again until you are all on your knees begging for my forgiveness!"

With this, an enormous rift had formed between Diana and her husband, one that might never be mended. While at the same time, Diana and her daughters suddenly got the idea that perhaps they should fly out to Korea and visit Alex. It had been five years since they had last seen the boy, and it was impossible to know how he had changed, and what he had gone through during this time.


Thank you for reading my novel, if you wish to read a more serious story with an intricate plot, and complex world building, as well as a decent sized harem, and a few smut chapters. Please check out my two other novels: Tyranny of Steel, and Interstellar Age.

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