Villain: Transmigrated Into A NTR Manga As The Antagonist Chapter 29: Handy Man

Chapter 29: Handy Man

After sexually assaulting Sakura in her high school’s gym storage closet, Alex returned to Min-Ah and assured the girl that her friend was alright, and just needed some time alone. He then drove the girl home. Without a slightest mention of his scandalous actions.

Once they had entered the driveway, Alex noticed the milf from next door smiling and waving. Interestingly enough, she was also one of the heroines which he was forced to conquer in South Korea. Thus, he told Min-Ah to head on inside, before approaching the woman. Which was something that brought a smile to her pretty face.

"Mrs. Kwon, is there anything I can help you with?"

Alex could tell by the look on the woman’s face that she was just looking for an excuse to talk to him. Thus, he took the initiative. After all, he needed to improve his score with this woman as well, especially after he had raised Sakura’s favorability so drastically in one day.

Jung-Hyun wore a pretty smile as she nodded her head before confirming there was something that Alex could help her with.

"I do have a slight problem, but whether or not you are able to help me will depend upon how handy you are…"

Alex was confident in his ability to do household repairs, and thus and he nodded his head before giving the milf the answer which she wanted to hear.

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"Tell me what your problem is, and I’ll let you know if I can help…."

This response caused a flash of excitement to appear in the mature beauty’s red eyes, as she quickly spoke of the problem she was having.

"Well, you see… My kitchen sink is clogged, and my husband is too busy at work to pick up my calls. Meanwhile, my son is entirely useless. I was just about to call a plumber to check it out when you showed up. Do you think you can help?"

Alex knew his way around a kitchen sink, and thus he nodded his head before confirming that he should be able to help.

"Well, I won’t make any promises, but I’ll see if I can fix your sink for you…"

This once more caused the mature beauty to wear a pretty smile as she grabbed hold of Alex’s hand and led the man inside her home. This was only his second time being inside his neighbor’s house, and naturally her spoiled brat was home playing video games while snacking on junk food. The moment he saw Alex, he turned hostile, as he shouted at his mother in a very rude tone.

"What the fuck is he doing here?"

Jung-Hyun was quite upset with her son for being so rude to her guest, and immediately responded in a slightly forceful tone.

"Language! Alex here has come to help with the kitchen sink. So you would be best to mind your manners while he fixes mommy’s little problem!"

Alex simply smirked at the kid before inquiring about where Jung-Hyun’s husband kept the tools.

"I’m assuming your husband’s tools are in the garage?"

Jung-Hyun scoffed at this remark before nodding her head.

"Of course, the man has never touched them since he first purchased them. It’s good that they will finally be of some use, because they were quite expensive!"

Alex could immediately tell what kind of man Jung-Hyun’s husband was, and forced himself not to laugh. He then entered the garage and got the required tools that he needed before taking a look at the sink. After some effort, he found the root of the problem, which was a clog in the pipes. Undoubtedly, someone had improperly disposed of something they shouldn’t have.

Once he had unclogged the pipes and put them back together, Alex made sure the sink was perfectly functional before returning to Jung-Hyun.

"Alright, it’s fixed. Somebody tried to dispose of this in the kitchen sink, which clogged the pipes…"

Alex pulled out what appeared to be a chicken bone. Which immediately caused Jung-Hyun to frown, as she knew exactly who was responsible for the clog. She then called out to her son in a rather angry voice which resounded across the house.

"Chin Nam-Seon! You get in here this instant!"

Jung-Hyun ultimately had to repeat this five times before her overweight son waddled into the room. Where he looked rather displeased.

"What the hell, mom! I was in the middle of a match! How is my team supposed to win without their jungler!"

Yet Jung-Hyun was not having any of her son’s bullshit, and quickly scolded him for his careless actions.

"How many times have I told you to stop trying to dispose of bones in the sink? Do you have any idea how much this would have cost your father and I, if Alex wasn’t here to help?"

The boy did not seem to care in the least about his actions. Instead, he was simply aggrieved that Alex had been the one to solve the problem he caused, and that his mother was praising the man. Thus, he was quite rude to the woman once more.

"Okay, fine, I get it! Now, can you please kick that asshole out of here? I’m fucking busy, and I don’t need him snooping around!"

Jung-Hyun was beyond angry after hearing her son be rude to the man who had just been so helpful to her family, and because of this, she decided to punish her son for the first time in a long time.

"That’s it Mr.! No video games for you for the rest of the week! And I don’t just mean on your computer, no mobile games, and no playing your consoles either!"

This caused the boy to become further enraged as he screamed at his mother with all the fury he could muster.

"What the hell! Who gives you the right to punish me for speaking the truth?"

Jung-Hyun had finally had enough, as she screamed at her son in an equally shrill tone.

"That’s it! Two weeks! Now go to your room, and I swear to God if I see you playing on your computer, or any of your other devices, I will unplug the internet, and seize your computer, phone, and consoles! Do you understand me?"

This punishment caused the teenage boy to kick the wall in a fit of fury as he walked out of the room. In doing so, he actually put a hole through it, which caused Jung-Hyun to absolutely flip her shit. Though Alex grabbed hold of her shoulders and calmed her wrath before she could get any further enraged.

"Hey, don’t worry about it. I can fix this as well. I’ll need to get to the hardware store to get some materials, but it’s not a problem. By the end of the day, I can have that whole patched up and repainted as if it never occurred in the first place!"

Jung-Hyun looked at Alex as if the man were a living saint before asking if he could really do such a thing.

"Really? You would do that for me?"

Alex smiled and nodded his head, while raising his thumb, assuring the mature beauty that she could indeed rely on him.

"Don’t sweat it. Give me a few hours, and it will be good as new!"

This caused the woman to sigh in relief before staring at her son’s room while scowling. She could not help but comment on how she would punish the boy for causing Alex so much problem.

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"This is the last straw. He will have no electronics for the next month because of this!"

As for Alex, he quickly borrowed his mother’s car, and went to the hardware store where he picked up what was required to fix the hole in Jung-Hyun’s wall. It took him a few hours to do so, but once the sun had begun to set; the job was finished, and all that was needed was for the paint to dry. Which caused Alex to sigh in relief.

Interestingly enough, Jung-Hyun had approached Alex while dressed in nothing but a bathrobe with an ice cold beer in her hand, which she pressed against his temple, before thanking Alex for his effort.

"I can’t thank you enough for your help today… The least I can do is offer you a beer!"

Alex smirked as he wiped the sweat from his brow with his filthy hands before chugging the beer in a matter of seconds. Once he had finished it, he noticed the woman’s favorability towards him was hovering around eighty. This was good news, because it was previously only around fifty-five. Thus, his effort was not for nothing.

After realizing he was coated in sweat, grime, filth, and paint. Alex sighed heavily before announcing that he was going to return home for the night.

"Well, I’m just glad I could be of some help. Now if you will excuse me, I intend to go home and clean myself before spending the night relaxing with a six-pack."

This caused Jung-Hyun to giggle, but contrary to what Alex was expecting, she insisted he clean himself up in her own home.

"Don’t worry about that. You can use my master bathroom, get yourself cleaned up. I’ll stop by your place for a fresh pair of clothes. After what you did for me today, the least I can do is cook you a nice meal!"

Alex decided instantly that he would do this. And thus, he did as the woman had said. Before he knew it, he was out of the shower, where a proper change of clothes was waiting for him. Which he changed into.

Once he had done so, Alex approached the kitchen to see that Jung-Hyun had gone out of her way to make him a nice meal. Which Alex was more than happy to partake of. All while having a nice conversation with the woman.

Once the meal was finished, Alex was once more about to return home, when Jung-Hyun suddenly started grabbing the back of her neck. Something which Alex immediately took notice of, especially when the mature beauty began to complain of pain.

"Ugh! I swear that kid is going to be the death of me, so much stress… Hey Alex, do you mind if I ask one last favor of you before you return home?"

Alex could take a guess where this was headed, and smiled before asking the question which Jung-Hyun had prepared for him. 𝐟reew𝗲b𝐧𝚘𝐯𝐞l.c𝚘m

"Let me guess, you want me to give you a massage?"

For the first time since he had met Jung-Hyun, Alex had caused the woman to blush, which he found to be absolutely endearing, and thus he chugged the rest of his beer, before picking the woman up off her feet, and carried her to the bedroom princess style.

"Alright fine, I suppose I can help you with this one last thing before going home…"

After saying this, Alex placed Jung-Hyun down on her bed, where she shamelessly stripped out of her bathrobe. Revealing her naked backside. Alex had to admit, the woman had a body that was equal to, if not superior, to his stepmothers. And thus he would take great pleasure in giving her a massage.

"Alex, the oil is in the dresser to the right…"

Alex had already guessed such a thing where he reached in the drawer, not only to find a bunch of oil, but several sex toys and lube as well. Clearly, this woman was a sexually frustrated housewife. But he did not pay attention to these things, and instead grabbed hold of the oil, where he spread it out on his hands, before shamelessly grabbing hold of the mature beauty’s fat ass and started with that.

Jun-Hyun giggled like a schoolgirl as she felt a man half her age grope her ample bottom before he began to move up her body. Kneading, and pressing firmly into all the right spots, which he had learned in his previous life. This caused her to moan in a sensual manner. That is until Alex finally got to her breasts, which he was more than happy to fondle. Once he had done this, Jung-Hyun scoffed before "scolding" Alex for his shamelessness.

"Oh, you naughty boy!"

After saying this, she rolled around onto her back, revealing her massive perky breasts, along with her tight puffy kitty, who, like his stepmother, had a finely trimmed bush hovering above it. Once Alex could see the woman’s naked body from the front, he got incredibly excited. Which caused the woman to mock him in a playful manner.

"Oh, do you like what you see?"

Alex’s response to this was to grab the woman’s breasts and fondle them some more, as he played with her dark pink nipples. Something which caused her to moan once more. With a confident smirk on his face, Alex confirmed that he did indeed like what he saw.

"Of course… It’s not every day I get to see a woman as beautiful as you naked…"

This was a complete and utter lie. In fact, every day Alex saw a woman just as beautiful as her, and roughly the same age, naked. In fact, he did far more with her than he was doing with Jung-Hyun now. But the compliment was flattering, and thus Jung-Hyun took it.

Alex eventually became bolder as he groped the woman’s breasts with one hand, while reaching down with his other to stick his index finger inside her moist twat. Which he found was much tighter than he had ever expected it would be.

He continued to finger and fondle the woman until she had squirted all over her bedsheets. Causing her favorability to rise to a solid 90/100. Once he had done this, Alex licked his fingers before ending it for the night.

"Well, I believe that ought to have solved your problems, now didn’t it miss?"

Jung-Hyun scoffed before responding to Alex’s question with a playful tone.

"Mhm, you are such a tease…."


While Alex was giving Jung-Hyun a sensual massage, her chubby son was in his room, fapping to a netorare manga. Once he had finished all over his keyboard, he sighed heavily before condemning the main character of the manga for being such a cuck.

"What a pussy! How could he not defend his own mother from such an asshole?"

Speaking of which, he had not seen his own mother for several hours, not since he had thrown the tantrum, which resulted in a hole in the living room’s wall. Wondering why his mother had yet to cook him dinner, Nam-Seon wondered off through the house, where noticed that the hole he had made was already patched up.

He had no idea how this had happened and was even more curious about where his mother was. Thus he approached her master bedroom, where he witnessed the scene of Alex groping and fingering his own mother. The teenage boy was outraged that this foreign bastard would dare to touch his mother. But was also curious.

After all, Nam-Seon had never seen such sensual activities outside porn before, and thus he watched closely with interest. That is until Jung-Hyun squirt all over her bedsheets. Once it became clear that Alex was not doing anything further, and was instead approaching the door to head out. Nam-Seon sprinted back to his room faster than he had ever run before in his life.

Of course, Alex noticed the sound of this, and simply scoffed, as he could tell then and there that he and Jung-Hyun had a spectator. Judging by the fact that the teenage boy had just watched his mother get fingered by a stranger, and did nothing to stop it. Alex could not help but shake his head and insult Nam-Seon in the same exact way the boy had previously done to the character in his manga.

"What a pussy! How could he not defend his own mother from such an asshole?"

With that said, Alex departed from Jung-Hyun’s house and returned home. Where he would immediately release his pent up sexual desires on his own stepmother. However, Jung-Hyun was not wholly satisfied with just being fingered.

Thus she immediately reached into the drawer where she pulled out her largest dildo, which was not even half Alex’s length, and began to play with herself, all while dreaming of Alex coming back to fuck her. Once she was finished, Jung-Hyun quickly came up with another excuse to have Alex over the next time they met.


Thank you for reading my novel, if you wish to read a more serious story with an intricate plot, and complex world building, as well as a decent sized harem, and a few smut chapters. Please check out my two other novels: Tyranny of Steel, and Interstellar Age.

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