Villain: Transmigrated Into A NTR Manga As The Antagonist Chapter 3: A Little Taste of Milf

Chapter 3: A Little Taste of Milf

Alex quickly got dressed after having a nice breakfast with his family. His attire was simply casual, a sleeveless hoodie, which was blasted with a logo from the local MMA gym he was currently fighting out of, and a pair of gym shorts. Along with a pair of running shoes.

As a man who was absolutely ripped, Alex did not need to care about dressing up to attract chicks, and because of that, he liked to show off his muscular arms and legs as much as possible. After walking out of his room, with his backpack and gym bag slung over his back, Alex found his step mother waiting for him at the door.

Chae-Yeong still had not quite gotten over what had happened earlier in the morning and was extremely flustered, especially as Alex grabbed a hold of her, and hugged her tightly in his embrace. Before thanking her for giving him a ride to campus.

"Thanks, mommy, I really appreciate your help."

Upon seeing that Alex was being so touchy with her body, Chae-Yeong struggled out of her stepson’s embrace, with an embarrassed expression on her face, as she grabbed hold of his wrist and dragged him out the door. She did not even a say a word as she and Alex entered one of the two cars which their family had for daily use.

As Chae-Yeong started the engine, she noticed the next-door neighbor waving at the two of them. For which she reminded Alex to be polite.

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"Alex, you should properly greet your neighbors…"

Alex looked over, out his window and saw a stunning milf, dressed in a rather revealing summer dress. She had long and curly green hair with blood-red eyes. Currently, she was watering the flowers in her garden and waving at Chae-Yeong.

Perhaps she had such an unusual hair and eye color, because Alex was now living in a manga. That was the only explanation that Alex could come up with as he pondered about the question. Regardless of the reason, Alex simply smiled and waved at the woman, while Chae-Yeong drove out of the driveway, before heading towards the campus of the University that Alex would begin attending as of today.

While driving, Chae-Yeong turned on the radio, which had her favorite station playing. It was your standard k-pop music, which if Alex was being honest, he found to be slightly irritating. Something which his step-mother immediately noticed, before lecturing him on his lack of assimilation to Korean culture.

"Alex, if you are going to be living in Korea, you should learn to, at the very least, be tolerant of our pop culture. There is nothing wrong with K-pop!"

Alex sighed, before placing his earbuds in his ears, where he began to listen to the music, which he found to be enjoyable. Which was primarily rock and metal out of America and Europe. Chae-Yeong began to pout when she saw that her stepson was now ignoring her, so much so that Alex began to notice her favorability rating was dropping. It was at this moment he heard a familiar voice call out to him.

"She doesn’t like being ignored… Alex, you really should be more attentive to your step-mother."

Realizing that the Queen of Hearts was calling out to him, Alex sighed, before turning off his music and removing his earbuds. Where he then grabbed hold of his stepmother’s free hand, something which shocked her. Alex wore a warm smile before speaking to Chae-Yeong with a soft voice.

"I’m sorry, mommy, I was being rude. You’re right, I should learn to be more respectful. So what’s your favorite band?"

Chae-Yeong giggled when she heard Alex say the word "band", instead of the proper terms that were used in the genre. The man clearly did not know the jargon of the K-Pop industry, and thus, for the rest of the ride, his stepmother lectured him on the ins and outs of K-Pop, which, though emotionally taxing, Alex took with stride.

Once Chae-Yeong had parked her car, she leaned over and hugged Alex, and thanked him for a nice conversation.

"Thank you Alex, for listening to mommy’s rant. You are a really good son!"

Seeing that his step-mother’s favorability rating was the highest it had ever been, Alex decided to take advantage of the situation, as he leaned in and kissed Chae-Yeong. This stunned the woman, causing her to immediately pulled away from Alex’s grasp with an embarrassed look on her face. After all, she had been thinking about Alex all morning, ever since she first saw his naked body. For him to suddenly kiss her, it was simply too much, and thus she made a comment about this.

"Alex, we can’t… I am your mother!"

Alex simply wore a confident smirk on his face as he leaned in and whispered to his step-mother with a charming tone in his alluring voice.

"What, I can’t kiss my mommy goodbye?"

As much as her mind was telling her not to fall for her stepson’s charms, Chae-Yeong could not deny the heat she currently felt, and thus she was far more docile the second time, when Alex leaned in and kissed her again.

The mother and son began to twirl their tongues, while Alex reached his hand under Chae-Yeong’s shirt, and began to grope her breasts. Something which she was absolutely powerless to deny. Alex was shocked when he first grabbed hold of the woman’s magnificent tits.

He had always known that his step-mother had a fantastic body, ever since he first laid eyes on her. But he could not believe the softness and buoyancy of these boobs. Was it because he was currently in a manga? That was the only logical explanation for what he was feeling.

Alex became engrossed in the moment as he continued to kiss his step-mother, all while playing with her nipples. Until finally, seemingly out of nowhere, Chae-Yeong began to pant. Before long, she had climaxed, simply from the act of kissing and having her breasts fondled. She squirted all over her seat, with a slight splash on the steering wheel and dashboard.

Seeing as how she had basically just wet herself, Chae-Yeong pulled away from Alex in an act of embarrassment. She could not even look at her stepson in the eyes, and instead meekly told him to get to class.

"Alex…. You’re going to be late, you should go…"

Considering that he had taken things too far, and pushed his step-mother past her comfort zone, Alex simply chuckled, and exited the vehicle, where he grabbed hold of his backpack and gym bag, before saying farewell to Chae-Yeong.

"I’ll see you soon, mommy…"

Once Alex had shut the door, and left his step mother behind to sit in her own mess. Chae-Yeong rested her head on the steering wheel. After Cumming, from little more than some fondling, her sense of reason had returned to her. As she muttered beneath her breath, the thoughts that were currently plaguing her mind.

"Oh Chae-Yeong, what have you done?"


Chae-Yeong was right. By staying behind and fondling his step-mother’s breasts, Alex was nearly thirty minutes late to class. Thus, the moment he entered the room, he saw a bunch of students seated in the lecture hall, along with the furious expression of his teacher. Naturally, Alex was the only white student of hers, and thus she could tell exactly who he was, which she was quick to give voice to.

"Well, look who finally decided to join us. Alex Smith I presume? Tell me, young man, why do you think it is appropriate for you to be late to my lecture?" 𝗳r𝐞𝐞w𝐞bn𝚘ve𝚕.co𝐦

Alex did not even bother listening to the teacher’s scolding, and instead sat down at the nearest open seat. Which ended up being in the front of the class. Sitting next to him was a particularly petite, and flat chested young woman who wore round glasses. She had dark brown hair, which was fashioned in the style of a braided ponytail, and beautiful hazel eyes.

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The girl was engrossed in taking notes, and was very clearly the nerdy type, and yet there was something appealing about her. Thus, rather than listen to the teacher as she shouted at him, Alex leaned over and introduced himself to this little cutie.

"Hey, how’s it going? I’m Alex. What’s your name?"

The girl heard Alex’s words, but did not even think for a moment that a guy like Alex would ever dare talk to her, and thus she ignored him. The fact that Alex had intruded on the lecture, and immediately started flirting with a fellow student, irritated the teacher to no end. Who quickly shouted so loud that it finally grabbed Alex’s attention.

"I will see you after class Alex! If not, you can expect that I will drop you from this class. Am I understood?"

Alex finally gazed upon the teacher, to see that she was actually quite a beautiful older woman in her own right. The woman had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. She also wore glasses, but they were not round, instead they were rectangular, which went well with her facial features.

However, what was instantly recognizable was the voluptuous body which was poorly concealed beneath her suit and skirt. Upon noticing that his physics teacher was actually quite stunning, Alex wore a charming smirk as he responded to his teacher in a fashion which she found irritating.

"Certainly teach. I look forward to it!"

The Teacher practically had an aneurysm from the level of anger she felt right now. She was ultimately forced to take a deep breath and calm herself before properly introducing herself to the tardy student.

"That is Doctor Park Hae-won to you! You would do best to remember that, Mr. smith! Now, where was I before you so rudely interrupted my class?"

Hae-won then began to lecture the class about physics. Alex’s grades were decent enough to get into a good Korean University, but science and mathematics weren’t exactly his strong suit, thus he struggled to keep up with the class. Until finally he sighed in relief as the lecture came to an end.

He was just about to get up and exit the classroom when a hand firmly gripped his shoulder from behind. Followed by a voice that seemed like it was on the verge of screaming.

"And where do you think you’re going, young man?"

Alex only now remembered that he had promised to stay behind after class, and thus he smiled before telling the teacher exactly what she wanted to hear.

"I guess nowhere?"

Hae-won, nodded her head, confirming that he was indeed going nowhere, before telling him to take a seat in front of her desk.

"Sit down, we have something important to discuss!"

Alex sat down in front of the desk and spread his legs in a fashion that a feminist would deem to be manspreading. He then had a smug look on his face, where he asked his teacher just what she wanted.

"So, what is this about?"

Hae-won could tell from a first glance at Alex that he was the type of man that she would refer to as a thug. She did not like men like him, not at all, and she did not pretend to do so, instead she began to scold him about his tardiness.

"Mr. Smith, give me one reason why I shouldn’t drop you from my class? You were well beyond the reasonable time period for being what is considered late. Nearly half of my lecture went by before you decided to grace us with your presence. And on your first day, no less, that is hardly what I would consider being acceptable!"

Alex could tell this woman did not like him one bit, but he was fine with that. If anything, he enjoyed changing a woman’s mind. Thus, he immediately came up with some bullshit story to get him out of trouble.

"Listen, it’s not my fault!"

Hae-won simply scoffed at this, but she allowed Alex to continue whatever excuse he could concoct on the spot to get out of trouble. Which Alex was quick to do so.

"My mother had an emergency. I was forced to take care of her. Because of this, I was a little late. It won’t happen again."

As much as Hae-won knew that Alex was bullshitting her, she could not help but ask questions in an attempt to poke a hole in his story.

"Oh really, just what kind of emergency did your mother have?"

A sheer look of confidence, and perhaps a bit of smugness, etched itself on Alex’s handsome face as he concealed his shameless actions with a bit of wordplay.

"Well, you could say that she had become overheated, and I had to help her overcome that…."

This was perhaps the worst excuse that Hae-won had ever heard a student make, and thus she quickly pulled her cell phone out of her bag before calling Alex’s bluff.

"Oh really? So if I call your mother right now, will she confirm that to be true?"

This remark caused Alex’s brows to narrow. He did not like being treated like a child, especially since in his past life he was a thirty-year-old man, and currently had the mindset of one. Thus, he challenged the teacher on her threat.

"Why would you need to call my mother? I’m a grown ass man. This isn’t high school. Is my word not good enough?"

The mature beauty of a teacher did not expect Alex to get so offended. After all, he was a freshman, which meant he was at most nineteen years old. For him to speak of his word as a man, as if it meant something important to him. She found this to be totally laughable, and thus, she outright rejected Alex.

"Not in the slightest. I need to make a call. I will be right back."

Hae-won proceeded to make a call to the administration, who gave her Chae-Yeong’s phone number, which was listed as an emergency contact on Alex’s paperwork. While his teacher conversed with his mother, Alex pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, where he began to smoke in the middle of the classroom. All while waiting for Hae-won to return. After all, he was pretty damn sure that his step-mother would cover for him.


Thank you for reading my novel, if you wish to read a more serious story with an intricate plot, and complex world building, as well as a decent sized harem, and a few smut chapters. Please check out my two other novels: Tyranny of Steel, and Interstellar Age.

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