Villain: Transmigrated Into A NTR Manga As The Antagonist Chapter 37: Trolling a Class Full of Feminists

Chapter 37: Trolling a Class Full of Feminists

The next day, Alex was having lunch at the university’s cafeteria. These days he no longer ate alone. It wasn’t as if he suddenly made friends with people; it was more like a group of girls now orbited around him, all wanting his attention, which he refused to give them, and instead simply ate in silence. He did not have time for sluts and attention whores. However, interestingly enough, one of the girls broached a subject with Alex that he nonchalantly answered to.

"Hey Alex, what are you doing after lunch? Do you have another class to get to?"

Alex did not even think about this question, or why the girl would ask it. He simply shook his head after biting into a particularly delicious roast beef sandwich made by his stepmother.

"Nope, I’ll have to sit around and wait until three until my next class begins… Fucking pain in the ass…"

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This caused the girl to smirk and propose a question to the man, which she was hoping he would accept.

"Cool, so if you’re free, then how about you attend a lecture with me? I get extra points for bringing a boy!"

Alex was confused about what kind of class would possibly allow a student to get extra points for bringing a boy, and thus he was quick to ask.

"Alright… I’ll bite… Just what kind of class is this?"

Immediately the girl answered, and in doing so caused Alex to wear a devious smirk on his face.

"It’s a feminist class. The teacher wants to introduce boys so they can properly learn about social justice!"

The moment Alex heard he was going to attend a course on feminism, he could not wait to do so. Not because he gave a damn about gender equality or social justice, but because he simply thought it would be fun to piss off a bunch of raging feminists with his worldview. Thus, he took another bite of his sandwich while thinking about how his stepmother needed to make more of them, before responding to the girl with a single word.


The girl obviously had no idea that Alex intended to cause a commotion and thus she was excited to hear he would attend the lecture with her.

"Really? Thanks! You’re the best!"

Meanwhile, Alex began to prepare himself for an hour and a half of causing trouble.


Alex sat down next to the girl who had invited him to the course after lunch had ended. Where he waited for the professor to arrive. Once she had done so, she was actually surprised that one of the girls in the class had brought a boy with them. She was even more surprised that the boy that sat in her class was a westerner. Thus, she was quick to introduce herself.

"Welcome to an Intro to Feminism and Social Justice. I see that a student of ours has brought with her a boy. Do you mind introducing yourself, young man?"

Alex did not even bother to stand up, as he sat in a way that he knew would deliberately trigger feminists. He spoke so casually that it was almost painful for the professor to hear.

"Sup, I’m Alex…"

Immediately, the feminist professor could tell that Alex was not exactly the most socially conscious young man, and thus she sighed before asking why Alex had agreed to come to her lecture.

"So… Alex, why did you decide to join my lecture?"

Alex looked around and confirmed that most of the young women in the class were not particularly good looking, as one might expect from a group of feminists, and thus he sighed heavily before voicing his comments aloud.

"Well, If I’m being honest, I thought my odds of picking up chicks might be better in a class full of them, but aside from you, and this bitch next to me, none of you are particularly good looking…"

The girl who had invited Alex to the lecture suddenly remembered what type of guy Alex was, and immediately flushed in embarrassment, while the rest of the harpies in the class began to scream at Alex.


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How Alex was racist he did not know, but these people weren’t exactly the most logical or rational of types, and thus he just shrugged his shoulders with a smug expression on his face. All the while, the professor eyed him carefully. She sighed once more before asking Alex a question she knew she would regret.

"So you decided to show up to my class just to pick up women? Let me ask you this: just what exactly do you think of women?"

Alex looked around, and could see that the entire class was already frustrated with him, which caused him to smirk as he began to troll them even harder.

"Honestly? I think that women are physically and intellectually inferior to men. Your role is to bear children and ensure the survival of our species. Anything else is just us men entertaining you girls. Which, I might add, was a stupid decision on the part of our forbearers.

Now that being said, you look like you still have some fertility left in you, and are the very least you’re not hideous unlike the rest of these harpies, so how about after class we meet up for some coffee, and I can help you bear the role that evolution has forced upon you?"

Alex could practically see the feminist professor have an aneurysm after she heard his words. As for the rest of the class, they immediately became embroiled in an uproar, shouting all kinds of insults at Alex, while he just smirked as if he had already won the debate.

The girl who had taken Alex to this class, now realized it was a horrible idea to bring a guy like Alex to a feminist lecture, after all, if she were just the slightest bit more intelligent she may have been able to recognize this was exactly what would happen. Thus, she could only sigh and shake her head, hoping the rest of the class wouldn’t hate her as well.

The professor gazed upon Alex with fury in her eyes, as she began tried to debate with him about his points.

"So you think women are worthless in society?"

However, Alex shocked the woman by not immediately agreeing to her loaded question. He answered it in a way that suggested women had some use. While still saying it in a way that he knew would agitate the entire class.

"Did I say that? I think you are putting words into my mouth, missy! No, I think women are crucial to a functioning society! However, it is not as CEOs, or HR managers, but as wives and mothers. In every other role but that of a mother, a woman will be inferior to a male counterpart. This is undeniable.

But a boy needs both a mother and father. If he is even lacking one of them, the odds are that he will turn out rotten. I have a particularly good relationship with my stepmother, and I would not consider her useless. After all, she made the sandwich which I ate for lunch today."

By now, the class was screaming at Alex, and some of them were even considering assaulting him. Meanwhile, Alex was just sitting smugly in his seat. The feminist professor could honestly not believe her ears. In all her years, she had never heard a man so blatantly speak such misogyny aloud. Did Alex seriously just say his stepmother wasn’t useless because she made him a sandwich?

She had no idea if she was being trolled right now, or if Alex was completely serious. After all, the look on his face just appeared like he was enjoying the chaos that he had created. But surprisingly, it was the girl sitting next to him that finally spoke up, after listening to Alex deliberately provoke the class.

"So, what? Am I worthless to you, then? I’m not your wife or mother, so I have no other use in society?"

Alex simply scoffed when he heard this, before patting the girl’s head in a condescending gesture, where he then spoke in an equally conceited tone.

"Not at all! You’re not entirely useless! Sluts serve a very important role in society! You are good practice so that when we men finally get married to a proper virgin, we will be experienced enough to please her!"

The girl was absolutely appalled at what Alex had said. She was aware that he did not think much of women he considered to be sluts. After all, he made things very clear with the girls he had random hook ups with. They weren’t worth his time other than to have sex with.

But she always thought this was just him playing hard to get. For him to outright say her only use was her body, it greatly offended her. As for the professor, she was rubbing the bridge of her nose with her thumb and index finger. She could not believe that such a man actually existed. He was the living embodiment of the strawman that feminists used in their arguments against men.

And yet, she could not help but engage with Alex. He was simply too enthralling. Thus, she would continue to ask the man questions throughout the entirety of the lecture, and when they could not come to an understanding, she was quick to ask the man out for a further discussion.

"It has become abundantly clear to me that you will need some private lectures in order to get over this toxically masculine mindset that you have… You and I will discuss this further after class!"

Alex knew that he had won at this point, and thus he accepted the woman’s offer. Where they would go out for coffee, argue for two hours, and then head back to Alex’s penthouse, where he showed the feminist professor just what it meant to submit to a man. By the end, she was a true believer in Alex’s philosophy, or at the very least, in his cock.


Thank you for reading my novel, if you wish to read a more serious story with an intricate plot, and complex world building, as well as a decent sized harem, and a few smut chapters. Please check out my two other novels: Tyranny of Steel, and Interstellar Age.

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