Villain: Transmigrated Into A NTR Manga As The Antagonist Chapter 39: A Round of Mini Golf

Chapter 39: A Round of Mini Golf

After enjoying a night with his stepmother and stepsisters, Alex spent the day lounging about in his underpants, until about ten minutes before he was supposed to meet up with Dal. He quickly took a shower and got dressed before hopping out the door. Rather than ride his bike this time around, Alex decided to show off his new Lambo, and thus, he took a quick stop at his penthouse before meeting up with Dal and her friends.

When he arrived at the mini golf course, Alex had turned all the heads. After all, his car was definitely not something that someone poor would have. And thus, even Dae-Hyun was forced to look over and wonder who was showing up in such a flashy sports car.

The man’s jaw dropped when he saw Alex step out of the Lambo. He had made sure to be on time for his date with Dal. However, his hopes were dashed when she said they were waiting for another friend. Once Dal saw Alex step foot out of his vehicle, she rushed forward to greet him with a platonic hug.

"Alex, you’re here! What kept you so long?"

Naturally, Dae-Hyun had rushed to the girl’s side in an attempt to keep up with her. He was just close enough to hear Alex’s excuse.

"Well, I figured I’d show up in fashion, so I had to stop by my penthouse to pick up the lambo… anyway, is this the friend you brought?"

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To add insult to injury, Alex reached out his hand in a "friendly" gesture to "introduce himself" to Dae-Hyun despite the fact that they already met prior.

"Hey, I’m Alex. It’s nice to meet you."

Dae-Hyun forced a smile on his face as he accepted Alex’s hand and shook it, only to find that the man’s grip was fierce. He hissed through his teeth, his thoughts on the matter.

"Actually, we already met…."

As if deliberately trying to pour an ocean of salt on the wound, Alex reacted as if he did not know this.

"Oh really? I’m sorry, I have a hard time remembering the faces of Korean men. You are all so effeminate that you just kind of look the same to me…."

Naturally, Alex recognized who this guy was. And was deliberately acting this way to piss him off, so that he would throw a hissy fit in front of Dal. However, before the man could fully chimp out and make a scene, Dal started giggling at Alex’s "joke".

"Alex… That’s not funny…"

Yet Alex simply smirked when he heard this and countered the woman’s words with pure logic.

"It made you laugh, didn’t it? Alright enough small talk. Let’s play some mini golf!"

Dal seemed ecstatic by this and approached the counter, with Alex by her side. Meanwhile, Dae-Hyun tried to keep up with her, but could not even get a word in. When they arrived at the counter, Alex quickly pulled out his card, and offered to pay for the three of them before Dae-Hyun could offer to do the same.

"Three for the mini golf, please."

Just when Dae-Hyun was about to speak up, the woman at the counter accepted Alex’s card and paid for the whole thing. Which she then asked which color of balls they wanted.

"Alright, since there are three of you, each of you gets to choose what color of golf balls you want. As you can see, the colors are over here."

Alex let Dal choose first, and she chose red, which matched her hair color. As for Dae-Hyun, he chose purple, which matched his eyes. However, Alex shocked the two of them when he went for a very peculiar color.

"Alright, I’ll go with pink!"

Dae-Hyun looked at Alex as if the man were gay, while Dal started to giggle. Alex then responded to the two of them, while jokingly accusing them of being bigots.

"What, a man can’t enjoy the color pink without being called gay? You guys should really be more open-minded…."

After saying this, Alex grabbed his pink golf ball, as well as his putter, and took the first crack at the mini golf course. In all honesty, Alex did not know a damn thing about playing golf, or mini golf, for that matter. But he was just here to have fun. Thus, he swung his putter with so much force that the golf ball smacked off the windmill and flew straight back at him.

Alex, of course, nimbly dodged the oncoming projectile, however by doing so, the gold ball managed to strike Dae-Hyun right in the gut, dropping him to his knees in the process. This caused Dal to react in shock.

However, she did not immediately check up on the man, instead Alex walked over and took another swing, which had a similar result, though instead of hitting Dae-Hyun in the stomach, it bounced off a pole, and flew by the windmill, before rolling a few inches away from the hole.

Alex then struck a dashing pose and pretended as if this was his plan all along.

"You see! That is what I meant to do, if Dae-Hyun hadn’t gotten in the way!"

Dal giggled in response to Alex’s antics. She was not stupid enough to actually believe this was what he intended to do from the start. Meanwhile, Dae-Hyun had managed to get back to his feet, where he was determined to show off his golf skills.

As someone who had grown up in country clubs, Dae-Hyun was naturally quite talented at golf, let alone mini golf, and thus he expertly hit the ball and, in doing so, got a hole in one. Yet Dal did not see his "magnificence" because she was busy teaching Alex how to properly swing a putter.

"Alex…. Don’t tell me you have never played Mini-Golf before? You have to hit it like this!"

Dal had grabbed hold of Alex’s hands and guided them in the proper motion, which made the two of them seem like a couple. This was something that infuriated to Dae-Hyun, who spoke to Dal in a shrill voice.

"Dal, what are you doing? It is your turn! Don’t keep us waiting!"

This had the opposite effect that Dae-Hyun wanted, as Dal simply looked at the man with offense before slowly walking towards the starting position, and hitting her ball through the windmill with ease, and by doing so knocked Alex’s ball into the hole.

While she took her swing, Dae-Hyun approached Alex and said something to him that he would not dare say in front of the young campus goddess.

"I don’t know if you stole that Lambo, or simply spent your life savings renting it for a night. But you and I both know that an impoverished asshole like you will never be able to legitimately own a Lambo in this life!"

Alex simply smirked at Dae-Hyun. He could tell that he had wounded the man’s pride by showing up in a car nicer than his own. Thus, he simply scoffed at how petty the man was, while remaining silent. And in doing so, made the man feel as if his assumption was correct.

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After taking another swing and getting her ball in the hole, Dal approached the two men and dragged them off to the next one. Where Alex took Dal’s advice and made a proper swing in an attempt to get the ball through an alligator’s mouth. He missed four or five times before finally accomplishing this and then took another three swings to get it in the hole.

But Dal helped him correct his swing with each defeat. And though Dae-Hyun managed to get a hole in one each time, as if mini golf was simply too easy for him. He did not manage to attract Dal’s attention, and instead had become the third wheel of what was clearly a date between Alex and Dal.

This caused the man to grow absolutely bitter, and he began to seethe with rage every time Alex and Dal got close. No matter what he did, he could not attract her attention, and it was starting to aggravate him to no end.

By the end of the course, Alex offered to take the two of them out for dinner and some drinks, which finally caused Dae-Hyun to snap.

"There is no way you can afford to rent a Lambo for the night, and pay for mini golf, and pay for drinks and dinner for three people! Stop bluffing, you fake! You’re not rich!"

Dal immediately got offended at Dae-Hyun’s attitude and called him out on it.

"What is your problem, Dae-Hyun? Did you seriously think that I didn’t notice every time I took a swing, you took it as an opportunity to approach Alex and make some snide remark? Alex has been kind enough to pay for all of us, and yet you repay him with such rude behavior? You know what, Dae-Hyun, if you’re not having a good time, you don’t have to force it for my sake. Just go, Alex and I will get a bite to eat without you, if you are going to be this ungrateful!"

Alex was surprised that the girl would speak up on his behalf like this, and thus he pulled out his keys, and unlocked his car, where he walked over to the glove box, and pulled out the paperwork for the car. He then handed it over to Dae-Hyun and pointed something out that he didn’t realize until now.

"I never claimed I was rich, nor did I ever say I was poor. You just assumed I was. But as you can clearly see, this vehicle belongs to me. Do with that information what you will. Come on, Dal, let’s get out of here…"

After saying this, Alex snatched back the paperwork and put it in his glove compartment, where he then drove off with Dal, leaving Dae-Hyun completely bewildered. He could not fathom how he was the bad guy in all of this? All he could do was get back in his Porsche and drive home.


Alex took Dal to a restaurant which he enjoyed. It was not some high end fancy place that Dae-Hyun would have taken her. Not because he couldn’t afford it, but more because he couldn’t stand such snobbish environments.

Instead, the place was more low-key, but the food was great, and the drinks were priced well. Thus, Dal seemed to be enjoying herself. While the young beauty was drinking a beer, she apologized for Dae-Hyun’s actions.

"I’m sorry for how Dae-Hyun behaved towards you. He is usually so friendly around me and the others. I don’t know what came over him tonight. Maybe he was just upset that someone else in our group has money…"

Alex simply scoffed as he heard this. He avoided answering for a few seconds while sipping on his beer, and Dal immediately noticed his peculiar expression, which she was quick to ask about.


Despite the question, Alex simply shook his head and deflected.

"I didn’t say anything…."

However, Dal knew he wanted to say something and was quick to point this out.

"No, but you clearly want to! You don’t have to hide your thoughts from me. By all means, tell me what’s bothering you…"

Since the girl had asked, and because the system kept telling him that she hated frauds, Alex decided to be honest with the red-haired beauty, and sighed heavily before revealing his thoughts.

"I honestly can’t tell if you’re just na?ve, or pretending not to notice for the sake of keeping things civil between your so-called friends."

This statement had stunned Dal, as a genuine look of curiosity appeared on her pretty face.

"What do you mean?"

Now knowing that the girl was just genuinely oblivious, Alex sighed once more before revealing why Dae-Hyun was acting this way.

"Isn’t it obvious? Dae-Hyun likes you, and I don’t just mean as friends, he wants to be romantically involved with you. But he’s a spoiled brat, and so he keeps throwing money around to chase off your other potential suitors. Like the other men in your group. Now that someone new has come around who he can’t buy off, or scare away, he’s afraid that he will lose you to me. So he’s trying everything he can to make me look bad."

This news shocked Dal, who looked at Alex in a weird light, before asking the immediate question that came to her mind.

"Wait… Hold on a second, Dae-Hyun likes me?"

Alex simply sipped his beer and nodded his head before confirming this was true.

"Yeah, so do all the other boys in your group. They all want to get into your pants, that’s exactly why Dae-Hyun is acting this way… Until you approached me, he probably saw himself as the most likely to end up with you."

This information was almost like a nuclear bomb had gone off in Dal’s mind, as she struggled to come to an understanding of this. She had never realized that all the guys who wanted to be friends with her were just doing so, so that they could sleep with her. She then got a weird look on her face, as she asked Alex the next question on her mind.

"So… then, do you want to sleep with me too?"

A confident smirk etched itself on Alex’s face as he responded to the woman’s question with a definitive answer.

"I’d be lying if I said I didn’t… After all, you are a beautiful young woman, perhaps the most beautiful in our entire university. And I am a man, just like any other man. I see a beautiful woman and I want to make her mine. The difference between me and Dae-Hyun is I’m at least honest about my intentions, while he hides his own behind a mask of friendship."

This response caused Dal to blush and avert her gaze. She did not say another word, and instead just drank the rest of her beer. Once they had finished the meal, Alex drove the girl back to her place. Just when she was about to step inside, Alex smirked before saying something, which caused Dal to become even more flustered.

"Oh, by the way, if you want to hang out again then just know it won’t be as friends, instead we’ll have to go on a proper date… You know how to reach me, so if you are interested send me a message. I’ll be waiting…."

After saying this, Alex climbed back into his Lambo and drove off back to his home. Where he would spend the rest of the night making love to his stepmother and stepsisters. As for Dal, she had a lot to think about, and would stay up late doing so.


Thank you for reading my novel, if you wish to read a more serious story with an intricate plot, and complex world building, as well as a decent sized harem, and a few smut chapters. Please check out my two other novels: Tyranny of Steel, and Interstellar Age.

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