Villain’s Rising Chapter 6 6. Breathe Your Last

“I mean there are 8 billion or so people in this world. Why the hell did she have to fall for THAT guy!?”

Sam complained before taking a huge gulp from the bourbon bottle in his hand.

“Was I not good enough for her? I mean honestly, the bad guy vs the good boy, the choice is crystal clear! Yet she decided to fall for his cape wearing ass!

“I mean I was there for her at her lowest! I was there when she was excommunicated by her father, hell I was the one who fixed that mess!

“I was there when she needed someone to lean on after she failed her missions after missions, because of the guy she’s in love with right now by the way!

“I was there to get her drunk ass back home at nights! I was there when there was no one on her birthdays! I was there when her first boyfriend dumped her sorry ass!”

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Sam massaged his eyebrows before taking a big gulp from the bottle of whiskey again.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get all sentimental on you but I just- I hate the fact that she’s jeopardizing our plan of years because she is crushing a guy who would never love her back!

“You know who would love her back? Me! I would! But noooo it’s always sone other guy! I’m sooooo exaust! I even went with her bullshit idea to join the Hero Academy, so if you have to, blame all of this on her.

“Oh by the way do you know, her father is a big shot in the underworld. But not everyone under him have the strength to protect themselves. So according to his father, we kill the heroes to protect the weak! We fight heroes to protect OUR people, basically his kingdom! I know right! Bullshit!

“I mean if you wanna get rid of the heroes because they are getting in your way for world domination or whatever his goal is, just say so! Don’t glorify your murder!

“Well in that aspect I’m way better than him, I never do that, glorify my murder I mean.

“I kill because I love to. Or of course because someone has pushed me to the end of my rope, like your friend. I gave her signs that I was aware of her watching me, but her dumbass just kept on staring at me and now look at you, it’s all her fault..

“Anyway so, Kiara never wanted to be a villain, long story short, she had to become one because she wanted her daddy to love her. I helped her become what she is today! From the shadows yes, but still!

“And that girl! She had the audacity to fall for some guy who is not me!? I admit I may be bad, I hear voices in my head for god’s sake, but I’m the only one who’s good enough for her!”

Sam slammed the bottle down on the wooden floor, breaking it into pieces and spilling all the bourbon inside.

Sam sighed before putting both his palms on his face.

“Sorry I know I know, this is our first time meeting and I’m opening up a little too much but I don’t have many friends because of the nature of my profession you know. I’ll stop okay I’ll stop. Let’s hear about your day, how was your day?”

Sam waited a few minutes for a reply before speaking;

“Oh right I’m sorry, I forgot you were dead lol.”

Rose’s body was lying on the carpet in front of Sam. There was no blood anywhere, no signs of struggle. But for some reason the girl wasn’t moving, or breathing, there was no heartbeat either. The girl was just dead.

“Gee I should close your eyes coz it’s starting to get a lil creepy now lol.”

Sam got up but before he could even take a step, he heard a knock on the door.

“Ah look Rose, your friend is here.”

Sam turned and proceeded to walk towards the door.

“Rosie I’m sorry I was a bitch earlier, open up I brought your favourites.” the voice came from the other side of the door.

Sam was about to open the door before stopping as if he remembered something important.

He then quickly closed his eyes. His face structure started to change. His eyes that were pitch black earlier started to change to scarlet red. He grew a few inch taller too.

‘This should be good enough. I won’t change my hair coz it’s the best thing about my appearance.’

“Click” with a click sound he opened the door and greeted the beautiful woman standing outside.

“Hello my dear prey.” he tilted his head and spoke with a disturbed smile on his face.

“And may I complement you on how lovely that dress look on you. And of course I like your black hair, honestly there are not many people left with black hairs. It’s just rainbow out there nowadays; I heard on old Earth, the black hair was the most com-“

“Who the fuck are you!” Jannah grabbed Sam’s collar by one hand, still holding the dinner she brought with another.

“Wh- I’m sorry, I haven’t introduced myself did I? I’m… the one who killed your friend back there.”

Sam spoke, again with the same disturbed smile, pointing his thumb back towards the main hall, where Rose’s body was.

“ROSE!” Jannah shouted dropping the dinner from her hand and punching Sam in his abdomen.

Sam didn’t dodge or stopped her because the speed with she threw that punch was not enough to even hurt a fly.

‘How strong of a punch can a clairvoyant even throw?’ Sam scoffed in his mind.

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However when the punch hit his stomach, he felt absolutely nothing. Not even the little pain he had expected, nothing!

Jannah quickly ran inside, and started checking her bestfriend’s pulse. Seeing this Sam smirked, he turned around and started walking towards her direction.

“Huh? Are you ignoring me? Honestly every woman I meet nowadays is ig- … huh?”

Feeling the bare hard wooden floor against his face, he realised he had fallen. He tried to speak but instead of voice, blood gushed out of his mouth.

After voilently vomiting a mouthful of blood he started loosing all sensation in his body. However for some reason he was feeling warm around his abdomen.

He reached out with his hand to touch the source of heat that was engulfing his body, but instead of founding something there, he found nothing, literally nothing.

There was a hole in his stomach, the same place where Jannah hit him earlier.

‘Huh? What is happening?! She didn’t even punched me that hard! Damn it I was careless!’ he cursed himself in his mind as the darkness around him started creeping in.

Within a few seconds his heart stopped and his pupils dilated. Sam… had died.

“Rose! Rose please don’t do this to me! You promised you won’t ever leave me! Pleaaseee! Think about your fiance! How will I tell him this!? Please Rose please!!”

Jannah held her bestfriend’s lifeless body in her loving embrace and cried until her voice started to break.

After a few minutes of crying, she wiped her tears with her tee-shirt sleeves and tried to regain her composure.

‘It’s not the time to cry!’ she thought. ‘First I should check on that guy’s body to find out a clue about who he was and then report this to HQ. Maybe he was the same guy who killed Tanya.’

“Oh are you done love?”

‘What!?’ Jannah couldn’t believe her ears. It’s the same voice! But that’s not possible! she thought.

Her mind already went to the worst case scenario but she still turned her head around slowly, all the while praying desperately to be wrong… but she was right, the voice belonged to the black haired guy. The same guy who she has killed not just a few minutes ago.

“I was just trying to talk and you killed me?! I didn’t attend any etiquette classes in my life but I think it’s pretty rude to kill someone without even bothering to know their name first! Honestly!” Sam rolled his eyes.

“An Im-Immortal…” Jannah voiced her disbelief. She bit her lips in the next moment and ironed her resolve.

‘Just because he have immortality as his ability doesn’t mean he’s strong!’ she thought in her mind and activated her ability.

In the next moment Jannah, who was kneeling besides her bestfriend’s dead body earlier, appeared right in front of Sam and threw a jab, this time with an incredible speed.

However that still wasn’t fast enough to hit Sam, he effortlessly dodged the punch coming at him by swirling to the left. However just when he thought he had dodged her, Jannah disappeared and appeared right behind him in a flash.

‘Clairvoyance, Superstrength AND Superspeed!?’ Sam widened his eyes in shock.

Jannah saw that Sam was distracted and didn’t waste that opportunity. She threw a lightning fast roundhouse kick, threatening to completely split Sam’s abdomen in half this time.

“You’re strong I can’t have any more chances with you.” Sam didn’t dodge and stood his ground.

Jannah stopped her roundhouse kick midway and distanced herself from him in an instant. Her face was a mixture of shock and terror. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

“Your eyes, just how much can you see with them?” Sam tilted his head and asked with a smirk. “You knew you would die if you were to continue with that kick, the question is how? Can you see the future?”

“Yo-You are a monster!” Jannah screamed and tried to run for the door. For some reason she couldn’t activate her ability, but that didn’t stop her from running fast. Just before she could step outside however, every fiber of muscles in her legs were crushed.

“Aghh-…” she tried to scream in pain but the voice stopped coming out midway. She couldn’t move her vocal cords, it was a weird and painful feeling.

Now, with her heart stricken in panic, she tried to crawl out the appartment door by using her hands, but before she could even attempt that, the door was closed off and all she could see now was a pair of legs.

With fearful eyes she followed the legs up only to find the same black haired guy grinning as if he was having the time of his life.

“Don’t you wanna take revenge on me? You know, for killing your bff and all? Besides I wanna know how the hell can you possess three ability, there are only 9 people in this world who possess more than two abilities and they are famous as hell! While you, no offense but I didn’t even knew your name until I looked you up in Rose’s memories.”

Jannah widened her eyes in disbelief. She had her doubts, but the guy in front of her just proved all of her suspicions correct.

“Yes yes, what you’re thinking is right. I possess ability to tamper, alter, and manipulate the physical form of all life. I have biokinesis. I know I know I’m a god and all but flattery will get you nowhere. Now show me your memories.” Sam kneeled down and placed his palm on Jannah’s forehead.

Jannah tried to scream but no sound came out. She tried to struggle but for some reason she couldn’t even feel her hands. She was completely at the mercy of the guy in front of him, for right now, he really was her God.

Sam’s palm emitted a violet hue for a second. He frowned and retreated his hand.

“So you had just two abilities. Clairvoyance and Inertia manipulation huh. Pretty neat if you ask me. Unfortunately you can only manipulate it, thus you need to move first in order to create inertia.” Sam spoke while scratching his chin.

“Anyway it’s playtime so look alive before I make you breathe your last.”

Jannah’s fearful eyes reflected the face of a black haired guy, his smile so wide that it was practically a grin. A creepy grin, scary enough to reap a soul out of person’s body just with a look.

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