Villain’s Rising Chapter 60 60. Battle Royale Start

—2 Hours Earlier—

-“Say what?!”

-“Are you saying we have to fight against each other again?!”

-“This is some bullshit!”

-“How about we all fight you?!”

As soon as Iroha announced that the special exam will be a battle royale, everyone… every single one of the students present there burst out at her.

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A few veins popped up on Iroha’s head as she heard the students’ mindless wailing and complaining.

“Every calm down! I SAID EVERYONE CALM THE FUCK DOWN!” Iroha said calmly.

The temperature around the deck started dropping down to the point where it was now unbearable for them to even breathe.

All the Warrior class students, who were used to this kind of treatment from Iroha by now, couldn’t stop themselves from sighing out loud.

After a moment only dreadful silence could be heard on the deck. Everyone was too busy breathing and trying not to freeze their lungs.

“Now that everyone has calmed down, Miss Iroha, would you please continue?” a man in a red tight body fit costume spoke.

He was Red Runner, the headroom teacher of the Special Class. Although the body tight suit he was wearing was covering almost all of his body; only leaving space for his mouth and eyes, judging from his accent one could tell that he was Mexican..

“Thank you, Red Runner.” Iroha nodded before she began reciting the set of rules to the 1st year student body.

“First let me tell you all this, the Special Exam that’s being conducted is indeed a battle royale. The rules will be as follows:

“Everyone will be given a bracelet. Each bracelet is worth 50 points for you and 10 points for others. Every individual’s goal will be to protect their bracelet till the time period of two weeks ends.

“However, if that was all then it would be very boring, right? So by the end of the 13th day, only the students with 60 points or above will be left as winners. And on the 14th day, those winners will once more fight among themselves to determine one single victor.

“The way you can earn points is by either stealing the bracelets or breaking them.

“The risk will be that the losers will have to do 14 hours worth of community service. The reward will be that the winner won’t have to give midterms.” Iroha said before putting down the hand she was holding the speakerphone in and waiting for students to react.

The students, contrary to her expectations, didn’t react at all. Some were too stunned to speak while others were just too scared to mutter anything.

One of the students mustered all her courage and spoke up from the crowd.

-“What about security? What if students get hurt?” she asked.

“These bracelets that you’ll be given are your 1st security measure. They’ll nullify all the extensive force or any lethal move that could endanger your life in any way by creating a force field around you.

“What’s more is that they’ll monitor your vitals. So if anyone’s vitals drop unnaturally, I will arrive there within a flash of a second.” Red Runner replied.

“Now that, with everything said and done, let the game begin!” Iroha raised her hand and gestured for students to dismiss.


“Are you saying you want to go alone?” Lucy asked to confirm.

“Remember, if you go alone we may have to face each other during the exam!” Drake tried to reason too.

“As I said guys, I’ll be fine on my own. And about facing you Drake, I’ll be looking forward to it.” Anthony said with a sweet smile.

That smile sent shivers down Drake’s spine. Only so many people in this world can be so confident against Dragonhearts.

“Anyway, I’ll be going off now.” Anthony said before his body left off the ground and he flew toward the forest.

“Sigh,” Sam could only sigh at his display of ability.

Who could guess that he was suffering from seasickness just a few moments ago.

Lucy Griffin, Adam Stealth, Sira Ishta, Drake Dragonheart, Samael Gracefell, Kiara Vikterovna, and Robin Green were currently standing in a group.

They have already formed a group. It wasn’t only them, most of the students who shared the same dorms have formed a group.

Anthony has decided to fly off.

Rebekah, as soon as the freshmen stepped onto the deserted island and were welcomed by the lush greenery of the forest, flew off too.

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“Drake, I’ll be going off too.” After a moment of silence, Sam finally decided to speak.

“Oh come on man! You too?!” Disappointed, Drake questioned with a frown.

“Yeah man, Anthony and Rebekah are potential [Calamity-Rank] ability holders, they can survive alone but you? With your [A-Rank] ability I doubt you’ll be able to survive even a week.” Adam tried to reason.

That statement irked Sam. It’s not like his real ability was [A-Rank] but he still felt attacked for some reason.

“Adam, I can take care of myself.” Sam stated firmly before pointing to his left. “Besides, look at her. If I stay here then she’ll be like this all the time and drag us down.”

He was pointing at Kiara. To his left, Kiara was standing at a distance from everyone with her arms crossed. It was clear from her demeanor that she was unapproachable right now.

“Jeez, it looks like she’ll bite anyone’s head off any minute.” Sira commented.

“Yeah well…” Drake was now conflicted.

What can he do? He didn’t want to let Sam go but seeing how Kiara was acting around him, it was clear that they’ll be dragged down because of her. Maybe she’ll even choose to go alone if Sam were to remain with them.

The choice was clear. To let a [S-Rank] go or an [A-Rank]. No brainer letting an [A-Rank] go was a better option.

But friendship doesn’t work on logic. Drake thought of Sam as his friend. No way he, a prideful young master of the Dragonheart clan, can let a friend down.

Seeing Drake in a severe state of conflict, Sam decided to speak up.

“It’ll be fine dude, don’t worry about me.” Sam placed a hand on his shoulder. “Besides, I’m looking forward to facing you too.”

As soon as Drake heard those words, the worry and conflict he was feeling disappeared, and a genuine smile appeared on his face.

“Ha!” He facepalmed before replying, “Why was I worrying about you anyway… I believe in you, Sam. Let’s meet after getting to the final stage.”

With a smug smile, Sam nodded.

“Yeah, you too, good luck.” He said before walking off from the shore to enter the forest.

“He won’t survive one day alone.” Adam commented as he watched Sam’s back fading into the forest.

“He will. I know he will.” Drake retorted calmly. “You may just think of him as a [A-Rank] but the look in his eyes clearly screams that he isn’t afraid of anything. That’s a weird look for someone to have who is just barely above average.”

“What the fuck does that mean?” Confused with everything Drake just said, Adam frowned.

“…You’ll understand soon enough.” Drake just shook his head at Adam’s dumbness.

These words didn’t escape Kiara, who was standing just a few steps away from the group. She couldn’t help but scoff inside.

To be perfectly honest, her hate for Sam has hit a new height. She not only wanted to redeem herself for her loss at the Dueling Practice, but she also wanted to prove herself to her father now more than ever.

She has decided to win this battle royale even if she had to sneakily use her main ability.


(Did you see the look in her eyes? Kiara’s I mean) the voice asked Sam while he navigated his way inside the forest to find a good spot.

“Yeah, I’m afraid she’ll do something that’ll blow our cover.” Sam shook his head, never stopping his feet.

(Well, look on the bright side. Your mission of finding Willburn’s weakness has already been completed. Just kill the Hero Phoenix and get out of here after the annual function)

It’s true, Sam had no reason to stay in the Academy now that he has found the truth he needed to know about Willburns.

He knew they had no physical weakness and he knew they were an alien species. All-out war against them is the answer if he wants to achieve his goal.

But before he initiates a war, he needs to do two things. Revive the Dragons and acquire the relic of Los Angeles.

Yes, the relic of Los Angeles will play a major part in his plan. No, he doesn’t plan to bring anyone back from the dead. He has other plans for the relic.

While walking his way in the forest, Sam found a tall tree. A good spot to scout the area.

He enhanced his legs’ muscles and willed his strength into them.


With one single jump, he reached the top of the tree. Standing on a branch, he looked down at the forest at height.

“True, there’s indeed no reason to stay here anymore.” He said as the breeze greeted his face. “The end is near.”

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