Way of the Knights Chapter 159 - Event, Start!


Raven woke up early and decided to wake up Elyion as well.

His worries from last night was already thrown in the back of his head. This isn’t to be mistaken that he became careless because that’s the exact opposite. In fact, it makes a lot of sense for him to remain calm and act like he didn’t realize anything at all. That would prevent him from being noticed by the culprits of this whole mess.

If he could stay as low profile as he could, then he could find even more clues and probably think about a good plan to resist their forces.

Alert but not anxious, that’s the tactic for now. In the end of the day, it all boils down to battle. He never had thoughts that he is infallible, but he had a great confidence about his fighting prowess even though he could only use vital energy.

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Both of them then went towards the location where the event is taking place.

Because Elyion wasn’t a participant, he cannot go where Raven could, so they went their separate ways but not before Raven gave him a discreet and solemn warning. After that, Raven proceeded to confirm his participation for the event and was given a badge that is numbered 117. An attendant then lead him to a room where they could stay for a moment before they are called on stage.

Raven found a corner for himself and took it. He sat down on chair provided and crossed his arms while tapping his feet on the ground constantly. He closed his eyes and concentrated, determined to analyze each frame that his tremorsense gives him.

His foot tapping has a rhythmic manner, he did this to increase the range of his tremorsense and also to make others think that he’s just calming his nerves. Believe it or not, many people actually fell for it. After all, he was young and looked like someone who doesn’t have any fighting experience at all. It wasn’t just him who were doing this as well, the methods they use to relax themselves might be different but to majority of people, it all has the same reason behind it.


A large round arena was built in front of the Astral Observatory overnight, which obviously going to be used by the contestants of today.

There are tons of people who came here today to watch this event. However, due to the limited space, some of them are required to adapt. Just a turn of one’s head and they will see that some people climbed up the roofs of houses nearby the observatory just to watch the event. Of where even sitting on ladders or trees, doing whatever they could just to witness this grand event.

Eventually, a sonorous and deep bellows of drums was heard.

From a room inside the observatory, the contestants came out being led by a personnel of the observatory. They were all seated on the seats provided to them until someone came up to the round arena and started the event.

"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen, to an exciting event that only takes place very rarely."

An announcer stood in front of the crowd with an enthusiastic expression on his face.

"Today, you are gathered to witness many astonishing warriors with hopeful dreams of becoming the next big thing to our beloved Thorn City."

He walked around the arena and glanced at the people who were watching him with rapt attention, his gaze also landed to the contestants standing not too far away from where he stood.

"The winner of our little event today, would have a chance to meet and be guided by our beloved, His Holiness Raul!"

As he said this, he pointed towards the top of the Astral Observatory where many heads instantly turned.

Raven who was listening, also turned his head up and took a good look.

All of a sudden, at the top floor of the Astral Observatory, a window opened and revealed a person draped in an all white attire.

Raven who was looking up, opened his eyes a little wider in attempts to get a closer look of this man.

Raul was a middle aged man. The corners of his eyes had wrinkles in the them but his gaze were warm and friendly. His back is a little bent already that’s why he grasped a small golden cane which was held in by his left hand. His clothes represented purity and holiness, the outlines of his garb are sewn with golden threads that raises his holy aura even more.

He raised his hand from where he was and did a small wave towards the crowd.

Raven wasn’t aware if Raul knows his effect to the crowd. The audience and even some of the contestants immediately burst into a fit of cheers and applauses. Some maidens and devotees cannot handle it and directly fainted on the spot, causing some small panic. Some people were crying and were raising handkerchiefs in the air and waving it towards Raul, as if trying to grab his attention.

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Raven smiled, but not because he was happy or anything. He smiled to create a fake impression and so that people won’t become suspicious of him.

On their way here, Raven managed to sense a couple of non-humans blending in with the crowd. They might be acting normally but Raven could tell that they were investigating the people around them. He just wanted to make sure to not act suspicious in order to not create any other potential troubles for himself.

Raven’s first impressions about Raul? Honestly, he himself wasn’t even sure what to feel.

Somehow, his aura and his gestures were pure from his perspective, yet at the same time it was also incredibly weird and suspicious. From the rumors he heard about Raul, like that he was a benevolent and extremely strong man, the former part makes sense, he too could feel the benevolent aura emanating out of his body, as for the latter, he can’t see it nor feel it.

Maybe it’s because he was too far? Or maybe his fanatics are just over exaggerating because of their fanaticism. He’s not sure. But once he had a good look at him, he should be able to tell.

"Well everyone. I know all of you are excited, I am too." The announcer said passionately, "So without further ado, let’s start this competition!"

"There are a total of 120 contestants here. The premise of the first round, is to shave this number by a half. If we are to conduct the battles via one versus one manner will require a great amount of time, so the council decided to conduct a massive group brawl instead."

"The rules are simple. All contestants will stand on the arena, to qualify for the next round, then stay in the arena for as long as you can. The first round ends if there are only remaining 60 contestants. Of course, all of you had to heed the previous rules mentioned by Loisa."

"You can make someone admit defeat willingly, or throw them off the arena to disqualify them. Are there any questions?"

The announcer looked at the participants and waited if anyone will raise a question, no one raised their hand so the announcer took this as a sign.

"All right, since no one has any questions. Then all participants, please proceed to the arena. We will begin the first round shortly."

The participants then moved towards the arena, Raven included. Majority of them were already glancing at each other, judging who they need to watch out for and creating tactics. Some even discretely whispered to one another, creating some sort of a temporary alliance.

As soon as everyone reached the arena, all of them maintained a safe distance against each other. Some were already glaring at their targets and were secretly moving closer so that they could eliminate them faster. Raven stood alone, back straight and hands clasped behind his back. There are no anxiousness nor nervousness on his face.

Once the announcer saw that everyone was ready. He raised his hand and yelled: "On my mark…" he then made a long chop and continued, "Round one, start!"


Chaos immediately ensued, the audience can’t even properly see what was going on.

Majority of the warriors fought like caged beasts. Some betrayed their alliances and threw them out of the stage. Some were even more brutal and directly made other contestants faint due to their heavy blows.

"Are you going to step down on your own, or I have to hurt you first?"

A man asked while pointing his wooden sword towards Raven. He’s wearing a cocky smile with his chin angled upwards, clearly looking down on Raven.

Despite of his arrogance, Raven merely smiled and asked: "What’s this old man? Feeling smug yet you’re threatening a kid?"

His sneer was loud enough to grate on the ears of the middle aged man. The corners of the man’s mouth twitched as he could feel his patience running thin:

"Hoh?" He said with an irritated tone, "I see, it seems that your parents haven’t taught you any manners."

"Manners? Really now?" Raven laughed hard, "Here you are, bullying someone who’s probably isn’t even half of your age and size, then you off teaching me about manners? Are you an idiot?"

His sarcastic remarks snapped the remaining patience the man has. Holding his sword tightly, he glared fiercely at Raven and asked in a gritted teeth: "Are you, going down or not?"

But Raven wasn’t shaken he flashed his canines and said: "Make me."

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