What!? Never seen a Demon King of Lust before? Chapter 149 The Beginning Of Chaos & Karma

’So let me see if I am getting this straight, we can’t just bypass phase: 2 without using the key card, because im pretty sure I can go invisible, and also be intangible.’

Asmodeus ask Anastasia, to which the AI commented back to him as such.

『Saint Michael is protected with a total 9,387 magical array making it nigh impossible to use intangibility, teleportation, spacial separation, spatial folding, etc, and even if you could bypass initial security, you would be noticed easily, this place is top of the art when it comes to magic』

’Tsk. What a bummer; either way then. Let’s pass this first hurdle, and make our way through this annoying fucking security system.’

With those words said Asmodeus began to walk toward the stairs, however, due to being in a serious conversation with Anastasia, he accidentally steps on; Paul’s foot without apologizing as he made his way upstairs.

"... Hey asshole watch where your fucking going!"

Paul shouted at Asmodeus; to which the Demon ignored as if he didn’t even recognize his existence. This infuriated Paul, and he shouted at Asmodeus.

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"Oi...Oi...Oi... I’m talking to you, do you not hear me you deaf prick!"

Paul shouted as he angrily followed behind Asmodeus his hand touching his shoulders and preventing him from going upstairs.

However, this action could have only ended one way.

A second hardly went by, no one noticed it yet; of course except Asi who said to herself.

’Kaka. Well, he’s dead.’

Asmodeus was pissed off beyond the very concept, his patience was pushed a little too far, because going through his mind, was thousands if not millions, possibly even billions of way on how he can murder this male creature that touch him without his permission.

’A mere human, a lowly being, an insignificant pile of matter, a humanoid pathogen, had the audacity, the gall, and the balls, to dare shout at him, chase at him, and worst of all place his filthy inferior hands on him as if to say he is the one in control.’

*0.000001 seconds, Asmodeus’s thoughts*

’Shall I burn him, disembowel him, turn him into a woman, and rape him to death as I shape-shift into his father, should I rip him to shreds and merge his limb with a toilet essentially keeping him alive as a humanoid shit pan, should I find a way to travel back in time kill his father, be his father, and murder his mother in front of him when he is old enough to understand things, should I give him a little brother or sister by fucking his mother, and when my offspring is born they will choose violence the first day they come out of the womb as they will find absolute joy in tormenting him in my stead, should I turn him into a humanoid skateboard, and drag his cocky as from A to point B, should I curse him with immortality and yeet his ass into the sun leaving him to burn and heal perpetually for all eternity, should I skin him like a bannan and force him to eat his own skin, and drink his own blood, or better yet should I make him a succubus and gift him to that Lucy as a pet.’

In this single moment; which was far less than a mere fraction of a second Asmodeus in both his anger and wickedness, came up with exactly 9,324,989,701 different ways how to punish him in the most excruciating way possible.

It had to break him, both mentally and physically to the point he doesn’t even feel human anymore, to the point even his own spit on the ground felt far more superior than the current him now.

A mere punch would not work.

A mere kick would not work.

A mere torture session would not satisfy Asmodeus.

No, it had to be worst, it had to be something so degrading, so sick, so fucked up, so humiliating and embarrassing that Asmodeus himself would have to admit that he would rather say "I love you, Father" to his own father once.

And then it hit him, killing this creature was too good, death was a freedom if not a privilege for this male creature call Paul Haver.

Asmodeus smile previously as he looks at Lucy, and said.

"How petty can I get."

"How far would I go just to prove a point, and to make an example out of this human that no one but him would know how much he fuck up?"

"How many fucks do I give about the concept of innocent life, forgive, forget, and move on."

The answer was simple; he doesn’t give a shit about innocent lives so why should he care about the moral compass of the human world to begin with, yes he was just that petty, and he relishesish this fact.

Call Asmodeus a very simple-minded Demon King for his unorthodox behavior all you want, the point is, he enjoys his pettiness, and his cruel behavior toward lesser beings, after all, he is superior, and the only reason to react as such was simply that it feels rewarding to him in every single way.

And that is all that matters to him, so what is there to care about, humans were his to do as he pleases.

So with his thoughts and mind made up; he set his selfish thoughts on one single goal that was merely just a hobby he can enjoy to please his inner degeneracy.

And that was to make this male creature’s life as miserable as foreseeably possible. And how was he going to pull this off?

Well, the answer was simple, after all, to play games you need a console to play on, and upon thinking this, his attention was immediately shifted to the timid and cowardly Lucy who was being stepped upon by Brian while doing his homework on all four like a dog.

Then after watching Lucy, he focus back on Paul, his thoughts were racing with countless amount of creative and sadistic ideas he had in store for the three of them.

After coming to an initial conclusion he smiled happily, as he escape the grips of Paul so easily and walk at Lucy so fast that no one but Asi could register his speed in this slow-down world.

Keep in mind that not even a single second has officially passed by as yet, not even in the real. But his entertainment for later had already been decided, since these kids want to play, he will gladly play.

Asmodeus then proceeds to do a Gopnik squat in front of the kneeling Lucy, as he was about to take a page out of Shublavaras book, because right after he bends down to meet his glare he began to places his right index finger on Lucy’s nose, and his fingernail began to shapeshift into a mini black spider as it crawls up in his nose and fuses with his brain. However, before he went he whispered something in his ears.

"Karma is bitch, isn’t it boy? Just look what it did to you; yeah deep down you have always known have you? That this world, these people, even your own family you love so much, had never truly loved you, nor have they seen you for what you are. Think carefully now boy. Are these creatures deserving of your love, are they deserving of your sympathy, are they worth any shred of sympathy?

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Remember they only see you as weak, ugly, and pitiful... They don’t even consider you human even though you breathe the same air as them and walk on the same ground."

"And yet what makes you any different from them, they are human too, and yet they treat you as a tool, call you names, and Lust after your mother, and that’s just what on the surface, now think boy, will you stay here and let them walk all over you as you continue to be their pathetic but convenient little meatball they can use to their heart content, or will toss every human moral aside and be the best version of yourself, a version superior to a human; you know what you have to do; it will hurt at first but let it corrupt you, let the lust consume you, the voices in your head is the only thing you can trust now; so let it change you for the better, and when all is said and done, make karma your bitch and not the other way around, don’t bore me now boy, I will be watching... You have one chance, so make it count, or I will take it back, don’t disappoint me now, little Lucy."

With those words of advice, Asmodeus slowly got up.

Satisfied with his interference; he began to walk towards Paul and began to use his "String of Fate" skill to see everyone that he is connected to.

"I see you have a fine ass mother; damn and a fine ass sister; ohh so that your girlfriend edge she looks mid at best, to be honest; wait... Wait... Who is this, so the person you have the greatest connection to is your sister’s friend. Hehehe good stuff... good stuff."

Asmodeus paid close attention to this one specific thread, his power flower through the concept of bonds, as he tries to make a connection with it.

And there he saw a beautiful dark skin girl of mixed blood, hailing from an Indonesian father and a Belizian mother.

She was a tall beauty 6"6 in height, her skin was for a better lack of word chocolate in color, she had dyed her hair a bright pink, and appearance wise it was straight and long, reaching to her lower back. She had titan green eyes, and wore a simple but beautiful grey dress, with a fashionable wide-brimmed hat on her head, and according to the eyes of truth her name was Kerfia Buush, eighteen years old, and she hail from a family of drug lords that were known to sell a lot of esoteric drugs on the market.

Asmodeus smiled at this; because one by one he began to use his fingers like scissors as he manually and forcefully separated all of Paul’s close relative’s red strings of fate that were attached to him, making his mother, aunt, girlfriend, sister, and childhood friend stop loving him completely."

Making only Brian and Paul’s threads left connected to him; for his father well he connected his thread to his uncle’s wive thread making it a duel thread, essentially turning him gay, and the uncle bi-sexual.

He had an older brother as well, so what Asmodeus did to him was even colder than what he did to his father because he connected his love thread to his hand, essentially making him unable to be turned on or aroused by none other than his own hand.

And to put the finishing touches on an already salty wound; he connects all of the connection and love that was once for Paul within the strings of fate and connected all of them in the romantic string of Lucy being.

He then walks back up the stair, and back-kicks Paul in the chest, at the same time Asmodeus began to slow down making time finally catch up with him.

At the same time, Lucy began to scream in pain holding his ears, and head as his finger digs into his skull, his eyes began to bleed along with his nose.

And since Asmodeus was moving way beyond the speed of sound to the point time slowed down to such an extraordinary extent, his whispers finally caught up with reality.

"!AGHGHHAAA... Eeeehaaa... KyaaAAA!"

At the same time, Paul had a shocked face as he fly off the stairs, tumbling down at a tremendous speed, all you heard was bones cracking, and concrete breaking.

Paul was left unconscious on the ground; meanwhile, Brian was left in shock because both Lucy and Paul were unconscious on the ground, he didn’t even register Asmodeus’ existence anymore due to him rushing at Pauls’s side.

"?What the fuck Paul... Oi buddy... You are ok... Damn it I need a medic quick?!"

Brian screams for help and the sound of the commotion quickly reaches the surrounding student body, as teachers and students came rushing to the scene.

"He still breathing, someone gets Ms. Marcoal quick!"

"Oh. God this one looks like he is having a seizure!"

"What the hell happened here, was it a fight?"

The slight Chaos, Asmodeus caused, made him easily walk away without being noticed as other students and teachers up above began to rush down to see what all the commotion was about.

The Demon in White smiles at the discord, as the misery of others always put a genuine smile on his face.

Meanwhile, Asi grabs his hand tighter and said.

"You know that boy is unlikely to meet your expectations, his alignment was Lawful Good."

"That makes it even more fun don’t you think? I like it when the good one breaks, when their souls are corrupted they become even tastier, you have to admit thought it will be a good way to pass the time while we do our little manipulations, scheming, and interference here and there... Hell, I love fucking with people, especially when they’re humans, I can’t wait to torment that Paul fucker even more, no I can’t wait to see the reaction on his face when his family, and lover abandon him."

"Yeah, it does sound kind of fun."

"Aww. Well, I will the toys for later, for now, look what I have."

Asmodeus said as he pull out a weird chip.

"A key card, I see you snatch it when one of the teachers was passing you ha?"

Asi asked.

"Of course, now who shall we hail first Ether, his bodyguard, or his sister... Or better yet why don’t we say hi to the entire class... I want to see if I can kill the top students all in one go."

"Why not all, we have enough time to play around with the humans so why not enjoy it while it last?"

"True... True."

With that said, Asmodeus and Asi enter deeper into the school their next target was quite clear, but today was just the beginning of their sinister little games; because Lucy and the trio were just the beginning of many; why? Well, an entire school full of humans was now in their toy box called reality, it was only a matter of time before other people’s lives and happiness began to brutally crumble as they slowly break the will of all their victims merely for shits and giggles.

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