Your Not So Ordinary Villain Chapter 125 Hearing The Truth

The woman frowned and followed hurriedly behind Ragus. She could not understand why the archmage was worried and why he was saying that Ezio might escape, it was all a jumble to her.

Aviel followed behind the man, "Why do the elders give too much importance to Ezio? Is it because of his ability?" She asked while they walked the hallways of the palace to search for the missing teen.

"Maybe yes but I am not entirely sure. What I’m sure of, is that if we don’t find him, both of us will be doomed." Argus snapped back before he sighed again to calm himself. The woman really has no idea how important Ezio was to the tower.

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The other archmage frowned when she heard Argus. To give such importance to a person who wasn’t a mage yet and letting him join the royal ball, she was surprised at first but got used to it. Now that they were talking about it again, something suddenly made sense to her.

Aviel stopped walking, "What did the tower do?" This time her voice deepened and there was a threatening tone to it. "Did they force Ezio to come to the tower? Is that why you are worried that they might also force the young Ginehart?"

Argus stopped but he did not look back, "We’ve been with the tower for many years now and we’ve seen everything they could do, this is not something new. But what they did to Ezio was far worse, aside from keeping him in the tower against his will, I suspect that something else happened."

Aviel suddenly cursed out loud as her fists clenched. Her angelic face contorted in anger after learning what the tower had done. She tried to turn a blind to it but sometimes they were really going overboard. If not for the restrictions on them, she would have left the tower.

"If I knew that my life would end up like this, I would go back in time and stop my younger self from joining the tower." She closed her eyes and took some deep breaths to calm herself. Aviel suddenly remembered Grand Mage Jagan, he was able to escape the tower so she wondered if he was doing alright?

"We already gave up our lives to the tower but if a time comes that we can be freed, you should take that chance to leave and go as far as you can." Ragus advised before he took a step again to continue with his current task but then he heard the woman speak again.

"Do you think Grand Mage Jagan is living peacefully right now?" That question once again halted the other archmage from moving forward. Among the mages of the tower, he and the elders were the only ones who knew that Grand Mage Jagan was already dead and that Ezio was his nephew.

"I’m sure that he had lived a peaceful life. Listen Aviel, I’m not supposed to tell this information to others but I’m telling this to you and you must keep it to yourself. Mourn if you want but don’t let the elders know that you knew something." The air around Ragus suddenly changed that it made Aviel tense for an unknown reason.

"What is it?" She gulped in anxiousness because she never saw Ragus acting like this.

"Grand Mage Jagan is already dead and that’s the reason why they could get Ezio into the tower because he is the Grand Mage’s nephew. When the tower found his location, they sent mages to go after him. One of them is my apprentice and they managed to get Ezio." Ragus explained as the barrier he set up around them shimmered under the moonlight.

Aviel couldn’t believe what she heard. There’s no way that it was true and yet the man’s expression told her that everything he said was the truth. She staggered back and leaned on the wall with her head bowed. The hope of being free from the tower slowly slipped through her hands after that news.

Argus gave the woman time to think about it so without speaking he left to look for Ezio. He can’t blame Aviel for feeling devastated after what she heard because, even he was shocked when he heard what happened from his apprentice.

With the help of his magic sense, he found where Ezio was and he was a bit taken aback by the people who were with him. He reached the door and when he was about to knock, he heard a man’s voice. The archmage turned around and saw that it was Major Linius and Duke Ulysses.

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"Can we help you Archmage Ragus?" Linius asked since his father won’t be speaking anytime soon.

"Major, Duke, yes, I am looking for Ezio, the young man who was with us, and I’ve sensed that he is inside the room. I came to escort him back to the tower." Argus spoke politely because even though he was an Archmage, he was still speaking to a nobility.

"Ah yes, he came a while ago to visit my younger brother and I think he is still inside." The major nodded, he stepped forward to open the door and let the archmage enter.

The people inside the room all looked at the direction of the door after it opened. Ragus greeted them then he asked if the master was alright to which the duchess answered positively. The archmage then looked at Ezio who was clearly displeased with him.

"We need to go, Ezio. The tower will be looking for us soon and the incident has been temporarily settled," Argus explained even though he could feel the boring gaze being sent his way.

He tried to ignore the duke’s gaze and focused on convincing the young man to leave. Ezio looked at his still sleeping master because he did not want to leave. He’d rather stay there than to go back to that place.

"Sir Ezio, I think you should listen to the archmage, we don’t want the tower coming after us just because you didn’t return," Linius spoke from beside the archmage.

Even though he was not sure if the master was faking it or not, they could not afford any misunderstanding right now because of the master’s current condition. To make the young man go, he gave him an encouraging smile and assured him that they will take care of the master.

Argus saw how reluctant Ezio was but when the major spoke, the young man finally stood up. With that simple conversation alone, he noticed that the major and Ezio seemed to know each other. One more thing he noticed was the look of concern on Ezio’s face as he looked at the younger Ginehart who lay on the bed.

"I’ll hold your word then," Ezio reluctantly stood up and walked away. Argus thanked the major and gave a nod toward the duke and duchess before he followed Ezio outside.

They’ve reached the room where Argus and Aviel were originally staying and Argus couldn’t hold back his curiosity any longer. "Do you know the younger brother of Major Linius? You seem to care about him?"

Instead of answering, Ezio glared at him. He refused to answer the archmage’s question because he was in a bad mood. Seeing that the young man was not going to speak, Argus stepped back and did not force him any longer.

The door to the room opened and entered Aviel, who by now was already calm. When she saw Ezio, her eyes couldn’t help but lit up and she looked at him with a bit of affection.

This did not escape Ezio’s eyes, "Did you tell her anything?" He asked Ragus with a frown. He didn’t like the look that the woman was giving him.

"I needed to," was his only answer.

"This is why I don’t like you people, you really like to meddle with someone else’s life." He turned his back on them and refused to talk to them until the carriage sent to pick them up came.

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