Your Not So Ordinary Villain Chapter 365 Heirs

Xenos closed his eyes. He understood what his friend was saying. He was just denying and ignoring it for a long time. What happened during that battle was an eye-opener for him. Invincible, he actually thought that his friend was someone like that and yet he still fell and almost died.

"I apologize for thinking that we could rely on you and the other mages just because you have power greater than those we are facing." Xenos bowed his head as he apologized.

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Maius saw his friend’s fists clenched tightly because of what happened. He couldn’t blame him. Although he almost died that day, he was glad that his friend now understood the situation. On another note, he was worried that the other leaders would not receive his proposal with an open mind.

"I support you with whatever you plan to do from here on. I am just worried that the others might oppose you. They’ve never been to battle ever since Lunaira was established as one kingdom. They knew nothing of how dangerous our world is right now," Maius explained.

Those people had become reliant on mages to do what they couldn’t and left them in the front lines. He was afraid that if something happens during a battle, they might get blamed for it. It was the main reason why he was sacrificing himself to protect all those warriors during a fight but he couldn’t possibly do it alone and continuously.

"They’ll need to understand what is going on. I won’t let them run their mouths. They designated me as their leader so I will fully use this opportunity to let them know my presence." Xenos raised his head and stared right at his friend’s eyes. "I won’t let your efforts be wasted just because of them."

And just like that, Xenos Syentia started a revolution that brought the kingdom of Lunaira to the pinnacle of power and influence. During that year, Xenos and Maius swept through their enemies and defeated them all. Their borders stabilized and the people saw the importance of balance in a kingdom. Xenos lead the warriors into victorious battles without fear and without relying that much on mages. Maius led the mages to provide support and cover to their comrade in arms.

In the third year of the establishment and stabilization of Lunaira, Xenos was crowned its first king. The people rejoiced in joy because finally they could call him their king. Maius Altair was named as the highest magus in the kingdom, only second to the king. The celebration lasted for a week before everything finally settled down and peace reigned.

Xenos found his beloved a little later than Maius. She was beautiful and was from one of the prestigious families in the kingdom. She had a flaming red hair and fiery spirit that was impossible to tame but the king did not let her go. A year after their marriage, the queen had a child.

Another occasion worthy of celebration. The kingdom was overjoyed at the birth of their prince just as much as they were excited when the first born of the high magus was born. They all thought that both children would be like their parents, close friends and support each other.

The crown prince was named Zandro Syentia while Maius’s son was called Kieve Altair. The kingdom had great expectations from the both of them and they were glad that the heroes who became the pillars of their kingdom had heirs. It was indeed worthy of celebration.

"Your majesty," Maius and his wife bowed before the king, "we came to see the newborn prince."

Xenos had a wide grin on his face as he went to hug his friend. "Why are you bowing! I’m glad that both of you are here! Come let’s go and see my son."

The king ushered them to where the child was. He couldn’t contain his joy and Maius could perfectly understand because it was exactly how he felt when Kieve was born. He looked at his wife and saw that she too was smiling.

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"He looks exactly how you look when our child is born." She chuckled because of how similar they were. They were indeed friends.

Maius let out a soft laugh as they walked hand and hand while following the king. They first went to check on the baby who was peacefully sleeping on the crib that was especially made for him. Maius’s wife couldn’t help but gush at how cute the child was. He got his mother’s hair but got all his facial features from his father.

After swooning over the baby for a few minutes, they went to the other room connected to the baby’s room. The king’s wife smiled when she saw who came to visit her. Both ladies immediately hugged each other after Maius and his wife got near the bed.

"Congratulations on having a healthy baby, your majesty." Maius gave the woman a smile and so did his wife.

"Thank you and I hope that your son and my son would become best of friends!" She answered with so much enthusiasm that it affected Maius’s wife.

"Of course, they will!" She declared as she sat down on the side of the bed. They were instantly engaged in an animated conversation which left both men with a helpless grin on their faces.

They nodded at each other and went outside of the balcony. They both took a seat and watched as the clouds moved in the sky. It was a wonderful day and was a good omen. The crown prince will definitely be a good ruler.

"I sincerely hope that our sons will grow to love and cherish their people," Maius spoke with nostalgia while Xenos silently agreed.

Years passed and both children grew up to be handsome men. Both were excelling at everything they did. Zandro was being groomed to be the next king while Kieve was being trained to be the next high magus of the kingdom. But as they grew, a glaring difference between them appeared.

Because he was the king’s son, Zandro grew up to be stubborn and high profile. He would listen to his father and mother but would often flaunt his status in front of people. He had grown arrogant just because he was the crown prince of Lunaira. There was one thing that he couldn’t accept though and it was Kieve. 𝒻𝓻𝘦𝑒𝓌𝑒𝓫𝓷𝑜𝓋𝘦𝓵.𝓬𝘰𝓂

He hated Kieve. Oftentimes he would get compared to him. He hated how his father would dote on the mage’s son when he was not his own. He hated the fact that Kieve was getting praised here and there just because he was a good kid. He hated how he was getting all the attention even when they were standing in the same place.

Zandro would pretend that he and Kieve were friends in front of their parents but Kieve was not stupid. He knew that the crown prince hated him and no matter how he tried to get close to the other, he would always get rejected. He did not say this to his parents or the king and queen because he did not want any conflict.

Kieve was taught to be compassionate, kind and patient. That’s exactly how he grew so he did not understand why the others hated him so. They were not even living in the same house and yet every time they saw each other, Zandro would glare at him.

Kieve could only avoid the prince as much as he could just to get himself away from trouble. He instead focused his attention and energy in becoming a good mage. He wanted to become like his father who protects the people of Lunaira. That’s how they were for those years but everything became more complicated when they both entered the Academy for gifted children.

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