Your Not So Ordinary Villain Chapter 405 The beginning

Chapter 405 The beginning

The archduke turned into a wisp of smoke and appeared above the archangel with its sword raised. The archduke sliced down and the archangel used its bow to block the attack. It then pushed and swung the bow which caused the archduke to be pushed back. The archangel did not miss a beat as it loaded the bow with an arrow and released it at a terrifying speed.

The archduke materialized a shield that protected it from the arrows. The appearance of these entities threw the battlefield into disarray. They didn’t know where to hide as the attacks that were coming from both entities were causing extensive damage.

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"Don’t mind those things and concentrate on killing all those heroes. They won’t send any more of those in a while. If they will, the next target would be me." Cygnus commanded his men.

After the command, they did not falter and continued their assault towards the heroes. The fighting continued even with the entities almost obstructing their way. The exchange between the heroes and their enemies became even more extensive and destructive.

"We will only be stuck here. We need to reach the palace and kill the boss." One of them looked at their leader.

The leader looked at the direction of the palace then he whistled and got the attention of Renzo. "Let’s proceed to the castle." He pointed at the towering structure that loomed above them.

"How can we do that?" Renzo asked. He was unsure if they could easily bypass their enemies and reach the castle.

"We will take care of them." The man who was with them assured them. "Take the three mages, two knights and the healer together with you, sir."

Six people appeared beside them and nodded. "I will leave them to you then. Be sure to kill them all and if you can’t make sure that they won’t be able to follow us." The leader instructed to which the man nodded.

The group was then divided. The group which was led by the leader left the battlefield thanks to the help of the cloaking and invisibility magic of the mages. They managed to get away and made a headway towards the castle.

Cygnus saw all of this happen and he wanted to make the path for them difficult. Along the way they encountered different kinds of monsters that tried to obstruct their way. The first wave was of an army of undead that Cygnus raised.

Renzo was suddenly disgusted when he noticed that the undead that were attacking them were the dead warriors of his kingdom. He could also see the bodies of the ordinary people attacking too. The bodies of the mages were also among the undead they were fighting.

He tightly closed his eyes as the battlefield they were in now was full of the people he should have been protected but failed to do so. His hand that was holding his sword tightly gripped it and started to swing it. He can’t be swayed right now because he was well aware that they were already dead.

The leader saw how Renzo was fighting and couldn’t help but sympathize with him. These people were already dead and yet they needed to die once again. It was cruel and yet necessary for them to reach the heart of the enemy.

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"We need to purify them. They’ll all just resurrect even if we cut them down." One of the knights shouted to get their attention.

The mages and the healer agreed so they took a step back and started to mumble an incantation that lit the whole ground and summoned a purifying light that swept through all the undead. The healer then hit the ground with her staff and the light was carved on it. No more undead emerged from the ground.

They continued moving forward but were met with a different wave of monsters now. It was once again an army of skeletons that were holding swords. These sword wielding skeletons were swinging their weapons carelessly. Compared to the undead, these skeletons were easier to deal with.

With just a fire from the mages, they were easily defeated and turned ash. After that they were met with different monsters until they were already near the castle. They showed signs of exhaustion but with the healer, they could recover instantly.

Smoke rose from every corner of the land as the fighting continued. Spells and weapons never stopped from creating destruction. These heroes banded together to defeat the evil who was threatening their world. This evil already destroyed a kingdom and they won’t let him destroy even more.

The person who sat on that dark throne chuckled at how these people persisted in fighting against him when they were clearly aware of what he was capable of. It was amusing how these people who called themselves heroes continued to confront his minions without fear.

His head rested on the palm of his hand as he fell into deep thoughts while he watched as those so-called heroes continued to fight their way towards his domain. The door to the side of his throne opened and a man dressed in a suit entered with a platter of food on his hand but the person who sat on the throne did not react at his entrance.

The butler noticed that his master was smiling so his curiosity got the best of him, "What got you smiling master?" He stopped a few centimeters away from the person he called master.

"I’m thinking of ways on how to make those heroes suffer for intruding into my domain," he casually answered then he snapped his fingers and a projection of his domain’s map appeared before him. There were red dots on the map surrounded by dark dots and slowly the dark dots disappeared then the red dots started to move forward. "What should I put there next?" he mumbled to himself, "what would you suggest?" This time he looked at the butler with a grin.

"Why don’t you send your black goblin generals to see if they can defeat them?" the butler gladly suggested without blinking.

"Yes, you are right. I’ll let them enjoy it to their heart’s content." The person laughed loudly while the butler was confused on who his master was referring to, was it the heroes or the black goblin generals who would enjoy it? But even so, he did not dwell on it and shook his head. The butler instead moved to prepare the meal for his master.

The person’s finger tapped on a specific location in front of the red dots and a summoning circle was drawn on the map. At the same time, the heroes who assembled to defeat the enemy encountered several monsters on the way to the ’demon king’s’, as they have called the enemy, castle to defeat him. They just defeated several feral wolves and had just moved a few meters forward when a magic circle appeared in front of them then a horde of goblins appeared.

These goblins were not ordinary and instead of having green skins they had black skins and their eyes were shining red, full of blood lust. Each one of them were holding a scythe on their seemingly flimsy arms but as people who had encountered countless monsters, the heroes knew that those arms were nothing but flimsy.

"Be ready," the leader of the heroes, who had blonde hair and holding a shield in his hand, took a defensive posture followed by the others behind them. Each of them raised their weapons, ready to attack anytime.

Loud shrills came from the goblins before they launched an attack with no intention of defending whatsoever. The first wave of attack was stopped by the man’s shield which was reinforced by a wide range protective spell that covered him and his comrades.

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