Hayate’s father, Tani no Maju (another loyal “Chiguruma Tou” clansman) had discovered and developed the “Ninja Henshin Jitsu” (Ninja Transforming Magic/Techniques) that enabled man to transform into super powerful “Keshin Ninjas” (Spiritual Ninjas) who would be able to summon and utilize their own inner mystical powers. Majin Sai wanted to use this technique to further “Chiguruma Tou’s” cause and make their warriors invincible. Tani No Majyu resisted handing Majin Sai the secrets to this technique believing that in the wrong hands, this technique could pose a monumental threat to Japan. Majin Sai sent one of his “Youkai Ninjas” (Supernatural Ninjas) to steal the secrets of this technique. In the process Tani No Majyu was killed but not before he had shown Hayate the secrets of this process. Enraged, Hayate uses these techniques to tap into his inner mystical powers and becomes the super powered ninja “Arashi” (Storm).


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