Devil Slave (Satan system) Chapter 68 Bigger Deaths, Bigger Check Outs On Points.

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Lenny smiled at this.

In fact, he was in so much joy that he had to bite down on the temptation crawling at the back of his mind to go back into the village and join the humanoid Insects in their slaughter.

However, he held back that urge.

Definitely, Old man Buckle was going to be back, and if he saw that Lenny was out, things were not going to end well.

Lenny was smart enough to understand and control his impulses.

For now, he had to get away from this place.

he looked on ahead. There was what looked like a cliff.

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As some one that was experienced in climbing walls, this was as easy as pie for him.

He climbed the wall gently and in no hurry.

On getting to the top, he noticed big boulders spread around the place. There were at least twelve meters high and five meters wide. There were round and obviously heavy.

This was probably a last resort that Old man Buckle created in case of future unwarranted troubles. The Boulders would naturally destroy the Dome.

For Lenny, the deed had been done.

His aim now was to leave this place and go as far away as possible.

However, he suddenly noticed something from the corner of his eyes.

Far off in the distance, he could see Old man Buckle.

He was not alone. In fact, he was in a conversation.

The person he conversed with was not exactly what Lenny would even call a person.

It was a Humanoid insect.

however, it was not like the disruptive and animalistic ones that he had just let loose on the village.

In fact, it was one with a very familiar face.

It was the same one that Lenny had seen the other time when he was hiding with Bugger and the two women inside that cave.

the same one that nearly caught them in their hiding spot. It looked to have the features of a woman. At least for the most of it, but it still had the lower body of an Insect.

Around and behind it where Giant sized Preying Mantis that acted as guards.

Lenny frowned at this. However, he made a mental note of this Humaniod insect.

According to the System, this humanoid insect was called INSECT B.


"Buckle! Are you sure that you have the specimen that the Queen Needs!" Insect-B asked. Its voice was like a bad speaker echoing. it was not too clear but not clear enough either.

Buckle smiled from ear to ear, "of course!" Buckle nodded like a pecking chicken. He was obviously afraid to offend this being. "Immediately I got the message from the queen, I set into action. In fact, as i speak to you, he has been paralyzed by a drug I designed."

Insect-B nodded in understanding.

Just then, Begger ran over to Buckle, and then he whispered something into his ear.

the information was obviously a terrible one because the bright smile on the old man’s face changed faster than one could flip a burger.

Old man buckle turned to Begger and gave him a resounding slap on the face.

Begger was a big guy.

The type that would have definitely been a bodybuilder in Lenny’s former world.

However, one smack to the face and Begger flew a good twenty meters away.

Insect-B frowned, "Buckle! What is it..?"

Buckle immediately turned and ran back into the Dome to check what was going on.

As he entered, Lenny smiled.

He immediately cut the Ropes that were holding the Boulder in place.

Buckle ran into the Dome. A massacre was before his eyes.

the insects fed on his children like hungry Locusts on a corn farm.

Of course, many of them fought back.

However, he could not even be bothered with helping them.

He ran into the hut where he had imprisoned Lenny.

Just as Begger had reported, Lenny was gone.

The only thing that greeted him was the sight of Bugger’s dead body on the ground, and the floor filled with his blood.

"AHHAHAHAHAHA!!!" He roared to the sky in anger. He grabbed Begger that had followed him in by the neck, "FIND HIM!"

Just then...


The First Boulder broke into the Dome like a bowling ball. Anywhere it went, it crushed all in its part. Whether it was human or not, was of no concern.

On seeing the first one, Old man Buckle instantly knew where Lenny was. However,

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More Boulders suddenly made their crashing entrances.

the Boulders crushed the pillars that kept the dome up and it fell like a conquered castle. Crushing all within it.

At first, Lenny had only passed the Hidden quest. However, he had just crushed everyone within regardless of their strengths or power Levels. This was more efficient mass murder.

It brought happiness to his heart as he felt his power grow once more.

The sudden development of things had even taken Insect-B by surprise.

However, far off in the distance, its incredible insect eyes could see has Lenny ran into a cave opening after doing his deed.

Two pairs of broad wings like that of a housefly suddenly came out of its back.

A loud buzzing sound was heard as it lifted off the ground with a low sonic boom for Lenny.

The senses of any person that had brushed shoulders with death many times was not to be underestimated.

Naturally, they could easily sense when it was coming.

In this same manner, Lenny could tell that Death had its sight on him.

He took a peek behind and what he saw made him dumb for words.

The speed was on like any thing he had ever seen in his life.

It was like a bullet train had suddenly fixed its sight on him.


He cursed as he put in significant strength into his legs, straight into his toes for the greatest leap he had ever taken in his life.


Insect-B attacked, smashing the place that Lenny’s last foot had just kicked off from only a fraction of a second ago.


A few minutes earlier....

In another part of this large never ending winding of caves, Crusher laid against a rock. His breathing was heavy and his body was riddled with injuries.

He was not the only one. two of his associates were with him.

Initially, they were seven of them that had gone out to hunt.

However, they had suddenly been met by a host of insects that marched for their hideout.

The destruction the insects brought with them was unforgiving.

Crusher was strong. In fact, he was far stronger than many would believe. However, even he could not fight against so many.

There was an old saying that even ants if they were plenty enough, could bring down an elephant.

This was true.

They had no choice but to escape as fast and efficiently as possible.

Luckily, they had saved their lives, but even now, things looked bleak for them.

one of them had lost an arm and another had a large cut on his abdomen that revealed his ribs.

He was the only person that was not significantly hurt enough to have had his fighting ability affected.

His home had been destroyed by the insects and his men that were remaining were injured.

He had no choice, there was no where else for them to go except to the Village of Gladiators. He helped one of his friends with his hand over his shoulder and they headed to the village.

They had finally gotten to the village. It sat where it had always sat in the distance.

However, just when they were about to advance closer,

they saw something that made them dive into hiding.

It was Insect-B. It stood with Two Giant Preying Mantis insects in front of the Dome.

However, they did not attack the village.

At first sight, Crusher recognized Insect-B. He remembered that this was the thing commanding the other insects.

Even now, he could still remember as it ripped one of his comrades in two.

This was a comrade he had as a friend since their old days as D class Gladiators.

This made him grit his teeth in anger.

Just then, he had seen as old man Buckle came out.

He wanted to see what was happening Clearly. He informed his colleagues that he would be right back, and then he went to a better Vantage point.

In this vantage point, he saw as old Man Buckle conversed amicably with this creature.

Old man Buckle even had a smile on his face.

He clenched his fists in anger. "This old man must have been the one that sent those damned creatures," so he thought to himself.

Just then, he saw far off in another place as Lenny let loose the boulders that destroyed the entire Village.

This brought him great joy and he laughed lowly.

"Yes! you deserved that, you old fool!"

However, Lenny was suddenly in trouble...

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