Devil Slave (Satan system) Chapter 69 How To Escape Death?

Crusher watched as Lenny ran into a cave opening.

He also saw as the creature chasing after him moved with incredible speed.


The first hit of insect-B’s fist brought down the wrath of death on Lenny.

By only a hair’s breath, Lenny was able to escape.

Running deeper into the cave.

Crusher watched from his side. What he saw made him frown.

Although he did not want to, he could not help but flash back to the sight of insect-B tearing his comrade like a piece of paper.

He remembered the scream, and the tears. The cry for help and he remembered his comrades one after the other reaching their hands towards him for help.

However, he had no choice but to leave them and run.

This ping hard at his heart.

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Gladiators because of the nature of lives there lived were usually very plain people.

Most of them wore their hearts on their sleeves.

While a few like E7007 were exceptions.

If they did not like you, they would say it, or they will show it.

There was no two ways about it.

They ate when hungry, and fucked when horny.

For such a people, becoming friends and forming deep bonds with one another was easy.

What’s more, it was also pure.

However this did not mean that they did not put their own benefits above the other’s.

It just meant that they were more honest about it.

Even now, the pain on his skin from cuts and piercings did not sting even half as bad as the pain from his heart.

For his own life, he had no choice but to escape and leave them behind.

He had seen as the insects turned them into food.

This hurt so bad that a few drops of tears fell down his eyes.

His chest felt like he was carrying a box of broken swords.

However, a thought suddenly came to him.

Back then, he had sworn revenge.

This was not something he was confident of doing, but he had sworn it either ways.

Back then, there had been hundreds of big giant insects. There was no way he could have gotten to insect-B.

However, that was then. Right now, she was chasing Lenny.

But that was not the important part.

The important part, was that she was chasing Lenny alone.

Crusher tightened his fist hard. He tightened it so hard that his veins popped up and some of the injuries on his hand that had healed up a bit, opened up and released little trails of blood.

However, he did not care.

He was going to hunt, and the thought of the caliber of prey he was going after made him excited.

Immediately, he kicked against the ground, heading in the direction of the chase.


Lenny on the other hand, had all the hairs on his body stand like a porcupine.

"FUCK! FUCK!! FUCK!!!" He cursed loudly as his body went into overdrive with his movements all the energy in his body had gone into his legs and hands. All in a desperate attempt at survival.

Even when he had just come into this world, he had not faced danger like the one he faced now.

Or rather, he had not felt it like he did at this moment.

All his senses had kicked into overdrive for survival.

He felt like a little mouse that had entered the sight of a very hungry cat.

The first hit, he dodged it by just a little bit.

However, it sent out waves that beat heavily at his back, making him cough out blood.

It was just the wave to the attack and he was already having internal injuries.

There was no way that one hit from this insect was not going to kill him.

Luckily, these caves were smaller the deeper one went.

Lenny rushed inside as fast as he could.

However, he had underestimated the zeal that this insect had for fetching his life.

Insect-B saw Lenny’s desperate attempt at survival and ironically, it looked at him like an insect.

Hit after hit expanded the hole Lenny entered and it followed after him.

The only advantage was the fact that in this space, it could no longer fly.

If not, it’s speed flying was definitely faster than that of it’s legs.

*Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!"

It reached.into the hole for Lenny. Lenny willed and a piecer appeared in his hand.

He threw the piecer forward.

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However, insect-B blocked with it’s palm.

*Clang!* It was like metal hitting metal.

But also a little worse. The piecer he threw at insect-B was crushed in the creature’s hand like it was dried mud.

"What in the fucking...!?"

Again and again, Lenny threw piecers at the creature.

But it was of no use.

Again and again his attacks were rendered useless.

And insect-B got closer.

Insect-B had the upper body of a woman, but the lower body of an insect.

Lenny was not one to discriminate, but he couldn’t help but feel that her face and tits mocked him as she approached.

she suddenly grabbed Lenny by his hand. As she did, he threw a punch for her face.


There was still skin there, but it felt like he had punched a metal wall.

Insect-B did not even blink an eye in reaction to his punch.

Again and Again, he tried. But it was of no use.

"Give it up! It’s of no use!" She spoke softly and her terrible voice echoed the warning.

However, was Lenny going to give up?

If this creature were to take him, then he would definitely be done for.

The only opportunity he had at a chance of survival was fighting for his life now.

He even used some assassin techniques and jabbed her neck continually.

She gave a pitiful sign, "The Queen wants you, but you don’t have to go in one piece you know!"


She applied a bit of pressure and Lenny felt his arm crushed by her strength.


The pain was deep.

Still, he could not stop. If he did, wasn’t he going to be dead man?

It was better to have crushed limbs than to loose life.

He went for another Punch again.

This time around, she caught his punch.

She gave a smile to Lenny.

Surprisingly, Lenny was also smiling at her.

"Got you!" Lenny whispered.

His hand did a reverse grip and held here’s in place.

Immediately, insect-B felt something or rather someone landing on her back.

She turned a bit, and to her surprise, it was Crusher.

He landed right on her back.

He grabbed her pair of wings.

"This is for my comarades!" He snickered.

With a sharp pull, he tucked at the wings, pulling them from their root out of insect-B’s back.

Insect-B screamed and the pain made her release Lenny’s hands, but held pushed in and held her in place.

He knew his job... It was a simple one.

Hold her in place.

As crusher pulled at the wings, the edge of the wings like blades dug into his skin, but gladiators had amazing bodies.

His muscles tightened, stopping the wings from going any further into his flesh.


The insect screamed.

However, with Crusher’s incredible strength, he pulled her wings out of her back.

The tear at her insect humanoid flesh as her wings were ripped off like paper was satisfying for both Lenny and Crusher.

Crusher pulled her wings out of her back and to the ground.

As they fell, there made metallic noises.

Lenny jumped and gave Insect B a kick with both legs and it fell to the ground.

Blood from her injury bath the ground.

Her’s were not yellow like the other insects but black with a taint of red in the mix.

Lenny held his arm loosely and Crusher stood to his feet. He had a smile on his face.

However, there had really underestimated this creature...

(Author’s note: Thank you all for enjoying the book. More to come later. Please forgive me, I’m exhausted for now!)


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