Dysfunctional - An Assassin’s Guide to Reincarnating in Another World Chapter 497 496 - The Spectre

Chapter 497 496 - The Spectre

Point-of-View: Jhin


Several citizens of Liberty have already teleported their way here to Abyss, including their leader, Esta Grefiel. She was unconscious, apparently one of her subordinates had knocked her out before bringing her here, as she had insisted on staying behind and fighting the Spectre in order to buy time for her people to escape.

It should not be too much longer before that vile bastard makes his way here...and who knows how powerful he is now?

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He was already too powerful over a century ago, and assuming that he has continued to accumulate power ever since I put up the barrier that he has now broken through, I cannot even imagine how powerful he may be now.

This is a dire situation, it could be the end of Abyss-...no, I absolutely cannot allow that. No matter the cost, I must stop him...I will be hopelessly outmatched, but I will still need to try.

I was currently posted atop the south gate of the outer wall, waiting...I shall fight him right here, and minimize casualties and damage to the people and buildings further inside.

I will most likely be defeated...but I will not go down without a fight, not until I manage to kill him. I shall keep possessing new host bodies over and over, until I strike him down.

I cannot risk attempting to possess his body, however...if he successfully resists and then consumes my being, all I would have done is make him even more powerful than he already is.

I then stood up as one of the detection barriers a few kilometers up ahead reacted, drawing out my sword and preparing to launch its most powerful attack, as I steeled myself for him to appear.

The instant he enters my sight, I shall use a teleportation spell to get in close and then launch this attack. It is my best, and possibly only, chance of victory.

Before Luell died, he attempted to create a sealing spell to trap the Spectre, but he could not do it...without Divine Magic, it is practically impossible to create an unbreakable sealing spell.

I have brought the most powerful of the sealing spells he created with me, I shall attempt to use it if my initial attack fails. It seals the target in a seperate space from reality.

But I do not have high hopes for it...it is unlikely to keep him trapped for long, if at all. I was able to break free of the spell after two hours, it was not easy to figure out how to escape, but once I figured out how, it was rather easy.

Luell later added a feature that rids the sealed space of any air, but those with Wind Magic can create their own air.

Magic nullification was then added, but we discovered that using a nullification spell while trapped would cancel out the nullification of the seal.

And unfortunately, he possesses nullification...in other words, it is almost guaranteed that this sealing spell will prove to be insufficient to contain him. And any physical sealing is useless, his Obliteration Magic can break through.

There is the barrier spell that Shiro used to trap and fight him, but that spell does not last indefinitely, it will fade in a few hours...and the instant it takes to reactivate the spell may be all he needs to escape.

Additionally, there is no telling what new abilities he has acquired in the last century, everything we know about him is now outdated...but I have no more time to ponder. He is here.

The moment I caught sight of him, I activated the teleportation spell I had brought and teleported right behind him, and as he began to shift his gaze back towards me, I swung my sword across at him, as I exclaimed...

"Now, die...EXCALIBUR!"

Right as I slashed at him, he swiftly raised his trident to block my attack, which struck the handle of his weapon, a powerful shockwave bursting out open impact as he got sent flying across with immense force, his body slamming onto the side of a mountain and bursting out through the other side.

I then teleported back to the top of the wall with a frustrated grimace. Damn it...his trident absorbed most of the impact, I needed to get a direct hit on his body. I failed...and I sincerely doubt that was enough to kill him.

Sure enough, it was only a matter of seconds before he came into sight again, covered in dirt and a few tears on his clothes, but was otherwise unscathed.

"Not bad, it’s been quite a while since I’ve experienced at attack like that...that could’ve been bad if I didn’t block it. Too bad your swing was so slow," He laughed in amusement.

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"You will die here today, you vile bastard," I responded coldly.

"Is that right? Well, by all means...go for it!" He exclaimed gleefully, as he suddenly teleported behind me and swung his trident down at me.

I began to spin around and raise my sword in alarm, but I was too slow, only able to partially block the slash as one of the prongs gashed my right shoulder.

He then grabbed my throat and flung me into the nation, as I crashed onto a building and let out a gasp of pain.

He is just toying with me, he is not even using his True Anima or the Berserker technique...if he wanted to kill me immediately, I would likely already be dead. But he wants to enjoy himself...and as a result, he is taking it easy, not using much more than his physical strength.

He then fired out several Obliteration Magic blasts...but none were aimed at me. He is targeting the buildings and the people...I gritted my teeth as I pulled myself off the building I had crashed onto, before firing out a barrage of Destruction Magic blasts, canceling out several of his blasts.

But I was too slow to stop all of them, as screams of pain rang out all around me, the sound of rubble crashing down echoing out, before he suddenly teleported right in front of me.

I slashed my blade at his neck in response, but he easily blocked it by catching my blade between the prongs of his trident, before slamming his knee onto my midsection and severely dazing me.

But I managed to hang on to my senses and grabbed his leg with my right hand, before forming a Destruction Magic blast in my left hand and firing it at him.

He turned intangible just in time to avoid it, before teleporting away with a smirk, as he brushed some dust off his clothes.

"Well, now, maybe you’re not all talk, after all. That wasn’t half bad. This might be more fun than I thought it’d be," He chuckled, before suddenly teleporting behind me and restraining me in a headlock, "Now, entertain me some more...let’s see you get out of this, shall we?"

"There is...no need for that," I gasped in response, as I drew out the sealing Spell Card and pressed it against him as I activated it.

"Huh? What the-....?" He began, before cutting off as he abruptly vanished.

I then leapt away onto a nearby rooftop, taking out a healing spell and activating it. Fortunately, I did not sustain a great deal of damage, but I need to heal myself as quickly as possible.

There is no telling how long the seal will last, he could break free at any moment. His speed and strength...I hate to admit it, but he is now more powerful in his base form that Kuro was in his Lazarus Mode.

With his True Anima and Berserker Extra Magic, his abilities will grow fourfold...his power level will then likely be even higher than Samsara at his strongest.

I let out a cough as I leaned against a wall with a grimace, feeling the pain he had inflicted as I calmed down, and the adrenaline of my host body wearing off.

This healing spell, which Luell had created, is quite potent and powerful, but it is a bit slow to work. It can even regrow limbs, its only limitations are that it is typically too slow to heal a severely damaged heart in time, and if someone is decapitated, it is useless.

But beyond that, it is quite effective, I am almost fully healed already. It has been just a few minutes since I sealed him, and my anxiety grows with each passing second.

There is a way to tell when the sealed person is about to break free...the space around the area where they were sealed will appear like broken glass, before shattering the moment the person fully breaks free and reappears.

Almost on cue, it then happened...the area where I had activated the spell, cracks began to appear there, deepening and widening bit by bit...here he comes, again. And I am out of reliable options to use against him...


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