Dysfunctional - An Assassin’s Guide to Reincarnating in Another World Chapter 498 497 - Return(Part 1)

Chapter 498 497 - Return(Part 1)

Point-of-View: Damien Romer


Huh? Where am I? I...I can’t breathe! It’s dark...did he teleport me into space or something!?

This is really bad, I...I need to teleport back downwards as fast as I can, get back into the atmosphere! Wait...if I really were in space, wouldn’t I have died instantly?

Or are the rules different since I’m so powerful? For that matter, am I in space at all, or somewhere else?

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I can’t think straight...I need air!

I raised my hand towards my mouth...okay, I don’t think I’m in space, my arm is moving normally.

Wait, what’s going on? I...I can’t use my magic! Nullification? I’m starting to feel faint, my chest hurts, my lungs are screaming for oxygen.

I activated my Nullification in desperation, hoping upon hope that it’d work, as my chest started to feel like it was about to burst.

I then fired out Wind Magic, taking in a deep gasp of breath right as I began to get lightheaded, my vision blurring.

It...it worked. It really worked...my Nullification canceled out the nullification that was keeping me from using my magic. It’s a good thing that Extra Magic works differently to regular and Elemental Magic.

Otherwise, I’d have totally died just now. Now, then...how do I get out of here? And where is ’here’ exactly, anyway?

Pretty sure it’s not space...so, then, what? Is it an illusion? No, can’t be...I’ve used Chaos Magic on myself to, like, trip out and stuff, out of boredom. And I’ve done it so many times that I know exactly what being trapped in an illusion feels like.

And this isn’t it...this is real, I’m trapped in some sort of dark space. I don’t see anything around at all...not so much as a flicker of light anywhere.

If I were in their shoes, what kind of countermeasures would I try to come up with against someone with my powers?

Hm...ah, maybe a sealing spell? Let’s go with that, for now...so, how do I get out of here? Is that even possible? Oh, crap...am I trapped in here?

I don’t like that...I gotta get the hell out of here, right now! Otherwise, I’ll die...the moment I fall asleep, I won’t be able to use my Wind Magic to keep breathing, and if that doesn’t get me, starvation will.

Damn it...damn it, damn it, damn it!

Suddenly, in my frustration and desperation, I ended up bursting out a wave of Mana, cracking the space around me. Oh? Well, now, how about that.

I then did it again, the cracks deepening wider. Well, now, it looks like I’ve figured it out...lucky me, had I not discovered this, I would almost definitely have died in here in a matter of hours.

I continued unleashing bursts of Mana, and then, the dark space around me shattered like shards of glass, and as I blinked, I found myself back in Abyss, in the same spot at where he’d initially sealed me.

Whew, that was really close...not bad, guess they’ve got some new tricks to use against me. I suppose that’s only natural though, considering that it’s been well over a hundred years since I was last here.

"That was pretty good, if I hadn’t figured out how to break free, that would’ve definitely worked," I smirked, as I pointed my trident at Jhin, who was atop the building across from this one.

"It is too bad, you should have just died instead," He responded dryly, as he swung his sword across in my direction and fired out a slashing shockwave at me.

I teleported to evade it, reappearing right behind him and slamming my foot onto his back, sending him flying across and crashing onto the ground, skidding away and slamming onto the entrance of a building, as he coughed out blood.

So fragile, gotta pull my punches or I’ll break him too early...I finally get an opponent who can at least kinda keep up, and he’s still way, way weaker than I am.

And I’m not even using my True Anima or Berserker, so I’m only at a quarter of my full power right now. Ah, he’s getting up...let’s keep going, shall we?


Point-of-View: Jhin


I stood up with a wince of pain, as the Spectre stared down at me in amusement. He sees this as nothing more than a means for enjoyment, alleviation for his boredom.

That is the only reason why I am alive, the only reason I even have a glimmer of hope of defeating him...but while he is not fighting seriously, after he escaped the seal, his guard is up more than it was before.

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My Excalibur is powerful, but he can easily deal with it using Poseidon’s Trident, the sealing spell is useless now that he has figured out how to break free from it. What else can I do?

My Destruction Magic is capable of killing him, but he is too much faster than I am, it will be nearly impossible to get him into a position where he is-...suddenly an idea struck me, reigniting my hope of defeating him.

As I got back upon my feet, I used my teleportation spell again, getting in close behind him, pressing the sealing spell against him as quickly as I could and activating it.

"This again? You must be getting desperate, out of tricks alr-...?" He began, before getting trapped in the seal.


I took a step back and formed a sphere of Destruction Magic, expanding it as fast as I could, as cracks appeared in the area.

And then, it shattered, but as he reappeared, an excruciating scream of pain burst out from him, as my blast began to eradicate his body...but it was not big enough to fully engulf him, and he managed to turn intangible and teleport away before his body could be completely wiped out.

But I dealt some severe damage...his right arm and most of his torso was gone, along with a chunk of his right thigh and leg. That should-...my train of thought was cut off as he began rapidly healing and regenerating himself.

I grimaced as I fired out Destruction Magic blasts at him, but he teleported out of sight before they could hit.

He was healing so quickly...not quite as fast as Kuro’s Healing Factor, but still, much faster than he could manage before. It should only take a few minutes before he is fully healed.

I must find him and attack before he can-...suddenly, I felt a force strike my back and knock me down onto the ground painfully face first, my jaw breaking upon impact, along with several ribs.

As I began to turn around in pain, a foot slammed onto my chest, pinning my down and cracking my ribs, before I let out a sharp gasp of agony as my torso was vertically sliced open.

He was standing above me, the prongs of his trident dripping with my blood, his body still not fully healed, but a look of rage on his face. It would appear that he did not appreciate that near-death experience.

"You damned little weakling...I’m gonna make you suffer more than I’ve ever made anyone suffer before!" He snapped furiously, as blood poured out of his right side.

His torso had mostly been regenerated, and his arm was starting to grow back as well.

"If nothing else...at least I was able to wipe that infuriating smirk off of your face. Yes, this is a much better expression for you," I smirked defiantly in response.

"Tch, and that’s the last thing you’ll ever accomplish...and FYI, I’ve figured exactly out how to kill a Demon, once I’m done putting you through the utmost of agony, I’ll do exactly that. Now, Support Magic...paralysis," He remarked, as my body suddenly froze up, unable to move, "I’ve got some poison for you too...and some brainwashing later on. But for starters...I think I’ll just make you watch as I slaughter a few thousand of the people here!"

Damn it...I need to move! His Support Magic is more potent than the average Reincarnator, the paralysis Support Magic is not supposed to be this powerful. But I can break free...unfortunately, it will take far too much time. Time which I do not have.

"You...bastard...," I muttered through my gritted teeth.

"Oh, last words, huh? Well? Got anything else to say, or-...?" He began, when suddenly, a mass of ice burst forth towards him, which he narrowly evaded in alarm by teleporting away, right before a powerful blast of wind struck him from behind and knocked him off balance.

I then noticed how dark the sky had suddenly become...and before he could regain his bearings, a massive blast of lightning came bursting straight down towards him.

He noticed it just in time and teleported out of the way in alarm, the blast striking the ground with a devastating impact, a dense cloud of dust rising up.

My eyes widened as I caught side of familiar silhouettes among the dust...am I seeing things? Is this an illusion or a figment of my imagination?

Azyl...the Lightning Sage, and the Wind Sage. Is it really them? I see Belia as well.

I then felt a hand placed on my shoulder, before the prick of claws against my skin, as I looked up...to see Kuro haunched down beside me, as my injuries began to heal.

"Hey, it’s a been a while...love what you’ve done with the place. Not really sure what’s going on here, but I’m guessing we need to take that guy out, right?" He inquired with a smile.

It...it really is him. They are back...they are finally back...


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