Elder Cultivator Chapter 694

Chapter 694

The islands sheltered within the Reef of Serenity were a step or two below Paradise, but from Antons perspective that was high praise. They were extremely comfortable and teeming with life, with human cultivators being the most obvious of those. They were rather tricky to actually get to, but it was worth the effort. Well, flying would have been easier but far too suspicious.

Here we are, honored guest, said Captain Wangi. Are you certain you wish to remain here instead of continuing on your journey?

Thank you, captain, Anton said. But I have some business I must finish. If you are still here when I wish to depart I will of course happily continue on with your ship.

Well Captain Wangi frowned. We were planning to depart immediately after exchanging goods, but the issue with the pirates she shook her head. Perhaps I should stir something up with the harbormaster before we move on.

Truly? I also have business with the harbormaster, Anton said with technical truth. Even if he hadnt had said business a moment before, sweeping his senses around the area had revealed a few things. Perhaps if I come along he will see me afterwards.

If you wish to, Wangi said. I do owe you for the pirates.

It was only right as a passenger on your ship.

And yet you paid for both passage and safety, which we couldnt fully provide, Wangi shook her head. But I have the feeling well be at this forever if we let it happen. If you wish to come along, it likely wont be until tomorrow. We have our shipping to take care of, and it would be better if we were ready to leave as soon as possible.

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Then I shall see you tomorrow, Anton said.


Light streamed into a large warehouse from plentiful skylight, off to the side of which were a collection of small offices. Anton made his way inside, knocking on a particular door.

Hello. Are these the offices of the harbormaster?

The woman inside didnt even look up from her papers, Youre off three blocks and on the wrong side of the main street, she said.

Must be my old eyes failing me, Anton sighed, This surely seemed like the right place. All the business going in and out speaks of efficient management.

Yet another reason this isnt the harbormasters. Far too much business there to keep things efficient. But the Azure Sails do a fine job of things.

The harbormaster is one of the Azure Sails, then? Anton asked.

He is. The woman finally looked up at Anton. You are not local.

Clearly not, Anton agreed. He did know which islands he would claim to be from if pressed, but he was even less local than it at first seemed. But hed been around for enough years to match his accent to them well enough.

Do you have business? the woman asked.

I was going to inform the harbormaster that the ship I came in on was attacked by pirates in the southeastern reef.

The woman sighed, Any business with us here at The Reefs Expanse, sir?

Well now that you mention it, Im not sure if I can meet with the harbormaster. So if you could spread the word? He waited, but she just looked at him. Your name, lady?

Jamilah, she spat out. The harbormaster will deal with that.

I suppose so, Anton said. But the Void Scrying Sect isnt easy to catch.

Jamilah had been constantly shuffling through papers even as she talked with Anton, but she stopped for a moment. You must be mistaken. They have been eradicated. I know of this personally.

Anton nodded, I would not doubt you, he said. So perhaps they found a method to return unnoticed? I have fought against them before, in the war. Not the same war Jamilah would be thinking of, but not necessarily a different one from the right perspective. Regardless of what was, they are there.

That still isnt our business, she declared. Tell it to the harbormaster.

Suspicion flashed on Antons face. Awfully dismissive, arent you? You know, I have access to a certain technique did you know that members of the Twin Soul Sect can hide their true cultivation?

I am aware, Jamilah said, her body tensing.

Then youd better be prepared to reveal your cultivation! Anton technically made use of the technique he was alluding to. And exactly as he knew it would, nothing happened. Oh my, terribly sorry, Anton bowed his head. I thought you might be one of them. If anyone here could have hidden from my sight, it would have been you.

Didnt you say your eyes were bad?

Its an expression! Anton shook his head. Tell me, have the methods to detect the Twin Soul Sect not been disseminated here?

I dont know what youre talking about, Jamilah admitted. Her eyes flicked nervously to the open door. If you know something about it, why dont you come in?

Anton closed the door. Anton, he extended his hand. She shook it. Then he pulled out a technique scroll and placed it on her desk.

She glanced over it, How much?

Well, it is rather expensive to come here Anton quibbled. But unfortunately I have to think about other matters first. I have a personal vendetta. That is why I sent the first copies to the harbormaster.

Wheres the rest? Jamilah asked, looking at the scroll.

Thats the whole thing. No, I didnt cut it up into parts so nobody could take the whole thing. Its not too much trouble for me to replicate it or anything, Anton said. I at least have that down. Id suggest you try it yourself but Anton shook his head. I already scanned your workers here and theyre clean.

Are you certain? she asked.

Unless any of them are secretly as powerful as yourself, Anton said. What do you think happened to the other copies? Do you think the ships delivering them sank?

What ship were they to be delivered on? Jamilah asked. When was this?

Anton gave her the names and dates. The memory of a cultivator was an amazing thing, but he had to admit he actually had looked them up once he realized that the Reef of Serenity hadnt responded as expected.

Jamilah tore open cabinets behind her, pulling out a stack of papers and flipping through it with great speed. Not as quickly as she might with Ten Thousand scrolls, and she might have just been skimming, but clearly she had some technique to aid her speed as the natural energy flowed through her.

They both arrived on time. All goods intact.

And the scrolls?

Theres nothing like that in my copy of the manifest.

Strange, Anton frowned again. Something must have happened to those. Do you think someone at the office of the harbormaster?

You didnt wander in here by accident, Jamilah said.

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Anton shrugged, I could have. Nobody stopped me.

Ill concern myself with security later, Jamilah shook her head. What do you want?

Just what Ive been saying. Revenge. Justice. All that.

I need to bring this up with Harbormaster Bachtiar, Jamilah frowned.

Oh, that reminds me. I did forget something. Anton pulled out another scroll. The revelatory technique. It sets off their energy in a manner that disrupts their facade. Dont let them get their hands on it or they could find a counter. Unfortunately this meant Anton had to carefully watch this copy. He didnt think Jamilah would intentionally give it to the wrong person, but with circumstances being what they were he might have to act quickly. But preferably he would get the situation under control. What else do you think I should include in my report? Anton asked, drawing Jamilahs attention away from her thoughts for a moment.

Hmm? Im not sure

I have all sorts of details. Like the name of the ship, placement of weapons, number of crew on deck, some damage to the hull Ill need this all ready for tomorrow.

Why dont I come with you? Jamilah asked. You can use these techniques, right? Theyre not long, but seem like they would take some time to attain proficiency.

When using them without a target, that is indeed the case, Anton admitted. But if you can find a member of the Twin Soul Sect to practice on

Maybe you can reveal one tomorrow.

Lets hope so, Anton said. Though he wasnt worried about that part of things.


Youre late, Wangi declared as Anton approached. I was just about to leave without you. And you were, what, picking up another young woman?

Wangi. Jamilah nodded. He got you too?

Jamilah. Wangi nodded back. Hes so uneasy to underestimate, like a harmless grandpa.

Oh good, the two of you already know each other, Anton smiled. And I am a grandpa. Many times over.

The women basically ignored him, which save him some effort.

So your ship was the one attacked? Jamilah asked. You verified they were Void Scrying Sect?

They werent close enough for most of us to feel clearly, Captain Wangi admitted. Just barely in range of their forward artillery. But they found us before we even really approached the reefs

Hopefully we can track them down, Jamilah said.

Their feet carried them onwards, away from the docks and up the main street. Anton and Jamilah were making this trip for the second time in a row, but it wasnt that far of a walk by cultivator standards. They easily slipped their way through crowds and past wagons carrying goods from ships to warehouses.

Jamilah took charge as they got to the harbormasters offices. Were here to see the harbormaster, she declared to a secretary in the front room.

His schedule is currently the man withered under her gaze.

I am Jamilah of the Reefs Expanse. He will see me and this captain.

Of course, he smiled nervously. Go right in.

In the hallway, Jamilah looked at Anton.

Hes clean, obviously. Or hed have taken over one of the more functional positions.

Secretaries are important, Jamilah said.

Only if theyre good at their job, Wangi pointed out. Recognizing allied leadership is part of that. And whats he clean of?

Jamilahs eyes shifted to Wangi.

Her too, obviously, Anton said.

Twin Soul Sect infiltration, Jamilah explained.

And he can sense that?

Jamilah frowned. Unverified, she said. But thats what were here for.

If we don’t run into one on the way to the meeting, I can redirect us to find someone on our way out, Anton said confidently.

A figure hurried out of the office ahead of them, clearly none too happy about being kicked out. But obviously Harbormaster Bachtiar had sensed them coming, and recognized at least Jamilah.

He was a bit too muscular for someone working in an office, but that was the way with cultivators. Most higher ranking positions were given to the most powerful, regardless of other qualifications. Not that Anton thought inside workers couldnt and shouldnt be fit, but it was easiest for them to slack in that area of their training. Even on Ceretos, many people did just enough to surpass Body Tempering. Though the proportion fluctuated over the years, and in all cases was better than a population that was mostly not cultivators.

Captain Wangis ship was attacked, Jamilah said straightforwardly.

I see, the harbormaster nodded. And this man? he gestured to Anton.

A passenger on her ship.

Anton caught Jamilahs eye. But she didnt have the look. Well, everyone had their blind spots.

I see, the harbormaster said. What happened?

Captain Wangi provided the answer to that. A ship manned by the Void Scrying Sect attacked us after predicting our arrival time and location. We need the Reef to organize to hunt them down.

Preposterous. We already eradicated them. They couldnt have been from the Void Scrying Sect. How do you know?

He sensed it, Wangi said.

Then he was wrong.

A rather radical declaration, Anton said. Should you not be more concerned about continued piracy, regardless of its origin?

Indeed I should be, he said. One might wonder how they knew when your ship would be arriving. The desk didnt stop him from jumping forward and grabbing Anton. You really thought you could get away with it?

I could say the same of you. But I actually have proof, Anton said. A pulse of energy from him changed the aura around the man from that of the sea to merely a painting of the sea, or perhaps some sand that found its way inside clothing. In short, his facade was broken, and his cultivation as a Twin Soul Sect member revealed.

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