Elder Cultivator Chapter 695

Chapter 695

The grip of the harbormaster was intended to restrain Anton, but instead he had used the contact to use his own technique. Seconds passed awkwardly as Captain Wangi and Jamilah both took in the revealed cultivation of Harbormaster Bachtiar. Anton was surprised at his restraint to not immediately attack. That was a decision good for his health. Sure, Anton wasnt terribly confident in close quarters combat but that was against people of similar cultivation.

This is a trick, the harbormaster said, squeezing Anton tighter. This criminal is attempting to set me up.

Is that so? Anton asked. Then how about we both submit to being arrested and these two here make sure there is a very thorough investigation?

Preposterous. Allowing such a thing would bring shame upon the Azure Sails.

Im sure you would care about that if you were truly part of them, Anton admitted. But as the head of the Order of One Hundred Stars, submitting to a just investigation would be my pleasure. Anton casually looked towards Jamilah, If you decided to execute this guy before you are done investigating me, make sure to destroy his soul so he cant report back. Same goes for the other three in this building.

They wont be doing anything of the sort, the harbormaster said. Im in control here.

Are you? Captain Wangis cultivation appeared as calm as the sea on a clear day, but Anton could sense the volatility beneath the surface. Because not only did you deny his version of the report, but you also acted like I was not attacked at all. And taking these reports seriously is literally your only job.

The Azure Sails-

Will understand why we are bringing you in, Jamilah said. It will be just a momentary inconvenience for one of you.

Come on, Jamilah. You know me.

Do I? Because the person I knew wasnt a member of the Twin Soul Sect. But I feel your cultivation clearly.

I told you, this is a trick!

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Jamilah nodded, And if it is, then when we separate you and constrain your energy, the illusion will fade.

Make sure he doesnt have time to rebuild his facade, Anton said. Unless you want to practice that technique. You should probably get things moving along, though. One of the three below seems likely to slip out the back in a moment.

Everyone! Jamilah called out, projecting her cultivation and voice. Lock down the building! No one in or out! She looked straight into Bachtiars eyes. Any objections?

I cant believe my own allies would suspect me on the word of a stranger, Bachtiar sighed. Fine. Do what you must.

As one of the highest ranking members of The Reefs Expanse, Jamilah happened to have on her several pairs of energy restraining manacles. When she took them out, Anton easily offered his own wrists. She put them on Anton first, giving him a side-eye as she then continued to shackle Bachtiar.

Anton breathed a sigh of relief, as he was not a hundred percent confident in defeating the man with his energy restrained. Not without binding the local star. Perhaps he should do that, but he hated to do so without permission of the system. Times of war were a special exception, and he also preferred to not be at war. Then again, the man was not even peak Life Transformation, so Anton at least felt confident enough to resist a single blow while shackled.

It was impossible for people to not feel the conflict in the building even before Jamilah called out to the entire harbormasters building. So curious onlookers and cautious protectors crowded around. Jamilah waved them all away. Everything will be explained later to the elders of the Azure Sails. Tell them Jamilah requests their help with an investigation.

Before they left, Anton intended to point out the others. But Jamilah found them without his help. She must have spent the entirety of the previous afternoon and perhaps into the morning practicing the detection technique. Though having successes still required a good head on her shoulders.

Now Anton had to hope that the elders of the Azure Sails werent stupid or overly concerned about face. Because he really didnt want to have to break his way out. At the very least Bachtiar was the only member of the Twin Soul Sect with a notable cultivation, so they shouldnt be corrupt in that particular way.


Anton was humming to himself when Jamilah appeared in front of him next.

Youre awfully chipper.

You gave me a good cell, Anton said, inclining his head towards the tiny barred window. A view of the sun.

Confident you can escape?

It would be difficult, Anton said. Id rather not have to try.

What if I told you we already cleared Bachtiar? His testimony against you is enough for an execution.

Anton shrugged, I would then suggest you take a careful look at the people who made that decision. But you havent done that.

How do you know?

Youre not great at deception, and you trust me.

I met you two days ago, she pointed out. Ive known Bachtiar for decades. Anton waited. So I really shouldnt trust you more.

Need any more techniques? Anton asked. Pretty sure the soul destruction method was in my bag. Its specially tailored for the Twin Soul Sect, you know. Were you having trouble finding it?

We havent opened your bag.

Why not? Anton asked.

Nobody wants to risk it.

What, you think its trapped? Anton smiled.

Is it not? Jamilah frowned. What are all those formations for?

All storage bags have formations. That one just has extra durability. He wasnt going to bet it would do any sun, but hopefully it would survive an attuned sun if he lost consciousness like last time. While conscious, he could keep safe anything on him.

Still better to not. Just in case youre cleared. Wouldnt like to risk your wrath.

Its alright, Anton said. As long as you dont break anything.

Jamilah shook her head. Who are you?

Anton Krantz. Sect head of the Order of One Hundred Stars.

I looked it up. Thats a small sect on Aspin. The sect head isnt you.

Varghese is the head of the local branch, Anton clarified.

So you are connected. Jamilah stepped closer, But theres another problem. What is your cultivation?

I reached the peak of Life Transformation over a century ago.

Ridiculous. I know the names of every Life Transformation cultivator. And you said you fought in the war, so dont pretend you were in isolation.

I never said it was here, Anton replied.

Whats that supposed to mean?

Just what I said. I fought against the Trigold Cluster, including the Twin Soul Sect and the Void Scrying Sect. Just not here.

I know all names on Inistra, not just the Reef of Serenity.


Why didnt you ascend?

Cant, Anton shrugged.

I dont believe you, Jamilah said. With that, she left him.


Troubles with your cultivation? Antons words startled the guard.

Quiet, prisoner.

Not supposed to talk to me? Thats fine. Anton nodded. If youre having trouble finding your Essence, Id suggest thinking about what you gravitate towards when youre not here.

You cannot beguile me with your techniques. Your energy is sealed.

Exactly, Anton said. So you could talk to me. Whats your name? Im Anton.

No response.

I would suggest something that involves improving things. Not just yourself, but also others. But if you want to focus on perfecting your ability to ignore prisoners, you can do that.


A few days passed, and Captain Wangi managed to get in to see Anton. Could you have sunk that ship?

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Hello to you as well, Anton replied. Trying to find it?

I want to know if you went easy on them.

Depends. Does tracking them back to their harbor count as going easy?

She crossed her arms in front of her. When did you have time to track them down?

Im an archer, you know. My senses extend pretty far. Did you see the techniques in my bag? No? Well, my archery master taught me Horizon Shot. For that, you have to be able to sense beyond the horizon. Anton grinned, She might be the worst teacher in the world. But she knew what she was doing.

Did she die?

She ascended, Anton replied. Last I heard, she was doing well.

You really made things difficult for Jamilah, you know? the captain shook her head.

And you, I imagine? You were supposed to be moving on.

After the harbormaster dealt with the pirates, yeah. But you know how that went.

He wasnt going to deal with them anyway, Anton shrugged.

That part I fully believe. So where did the pirates end up.

I can tell you a distance and direction. But unless youre an arrow, youll end up crashing into some reefs, Anton said. I could draw the path through the reefs they took, but the tides were changing so youd have to have good predictive abilities.

Captain Wangi sighed, I believe you. Not sure about anyone else though.

Theyll come around, Anton said. You can tell Jamilah Im open to answer her questions on anything. She hasnt been back recently.


Did Danial manage to break through? Anton asked. Or is he still working on that? The new guard just looked at Anton. Come on, Wahyu, I can barely do anything if you wont talk. Danial was a special exception since I could easily tell where he was stopped up.


Do you do the supplemental body tempering in Spirit Building? The problem is probably you standing around all day. Obviously Im not going to tell you to do exercises and wear yourself out on shift, but I can show you a few good sets for after.

Taking the guards attention as agreement, Anton went through some motions. Now this one I cant quite do. Short chains. So imagine this, but twenty centimeters further apart. Youll need those back muscles for your spear.


I hear you scared away three guards in twice as many days, Jamilah said upon her return.

Only technically. The first one stuck around for a full three days, and the others were pulled off duty for some reason.

Probably the sudden changes in their cultivation.

If they had a good teacher normally then they would have already been moving, Anton countered.

Seriously, who are you?

Already told you. If you wait until night I can point to my star. But Im also from the lower realms, if that makes you feel better.

You dont seem like it, Jamilah shook her head. You know too much.

Helps that we won the last two cycles. Were not planning to let anyone reset us again.

... Can you really do it? That soul destruction thing?

If necessary, Anton said. Twin Soul Sect only, unless you can be very convincing.

How long are you going to be around?

Well, currently Anton gestured to his chains.

Ah she bit her lip. Can you forgive us?

Of course. Especially if you arrive at the right conclusion, which it sounds like might be the case. You learned those techniques?

Got four people to practice on, Jamilah said. And maybe a few more I spotted around the harbor.

I havent run into false positives, Anton said. But if you want to be sure, revealing their underlying cultivation should clear things up.

I cant do it for Bachtiar. I believe you, but the elders are still studying the techniques. It did take him most of this week to sneak his cultivation back to replicating ours. He said it took that long for your technique to fade and the truth be revealed but

Should be pretty obvious it took active effort on his part, Anton nodded. No shackles are perfect.

... Why did you lie about just one thing?

Sorry? Anton tilted his head. Perhaps there has been a miscommunication. I didnt intentionally speak any untruths.

I read it. Your Path to One Hundred Stars. It says your sect has a clear path to ascension. But you lied and said you cant.

Oh Anton nodded, I will admit that was somewhat deceptive. But also true. I cant ascend. A forbidden technique let me steal ascension energy, but made ascension impossible.

Is that so?

It is, Anton said. But can you keep a secret?

I am capable.

Have you told anyone about me being from elsewhere? Anton asked.

Not yet.

Well, I appreciate that, Anton said. Since theres already enough distrust here. I kind of wanted people here to handle everything on their own.

And yet you led us to Bachtiar.

When I teach someone to use a plough, they still perform the work on their own, Anton shrugged. Whats the point of knowing things if I dont pass them on?

Youre remarkably open with your advice.

Its both my personality and actively good for my cultivation.

I thought you hit the peak of Life Transformation a century ago?

Thats the other secret, Anton grinned. I didnt ascend, but that doesnt mean I stopped there.

... Tell me about that.

Sorry, Anton shook his head. Not while any upper realm invaders still dwell here. Or especially Twin Soul Sect.

Thats fully reasonable, Jamilah admitted.

So am I being released at some point? Anton asked. I could point you to some pirates. Would be great for picking you as the next harbormaster.

She narrowed her eyes. Are you certain you arent just a devil in disguise sent to tempt people?

Itll be really obvious if theyre who I say they are, Anton said. And you can even bring me along in shackles.

... It might be a few more days, Jamilah said. Sorry.

Its okay. I suggested this, Anton replied. Make sure to keep an eye on Bachtiar.

Hes as secure as you and the Reefs Expanse are providing the guards.

Good plan, Anton said.

Hopefully she meant as secure as Anton was supposed to be. The shackles she first used should be sufficient, so that was probably what she meant.

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