Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 316 T-MANIFES

Chapter 316 T-MANIFES


"Oi... I thought all of you wanted to be my disciples. Is this all that you can do?" Professor Frances said while picking her nose. "Maybe you can pick up your pace..."

Her eyes were currently staring at a group of 50 people, who were all holding shovels.

These 50 people are using these shovels to dig through trash right now, which created a somewhat weird sight.

"Shovel, shovel, shovel..."

Shoveling sounds could be heard everywhere as large amounts of trash were being displaced at each stroke of these people.

"Shovel, shovel, shovel..."

They were digging at a pace that can be considered to be impressive to onlookers, but Professor Frances herself was not impressed at all.

"You told me that you can help me dig out my friend. But from what I can see here, it seems like you guys need help too." Professor Frances said as she gave a pointed look at Elise, who was leading the trash-diggers. "Sigh... maybe you are not cut out for this..."

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"Honorable Deviant Cultivator! Give us a few more minutes! I am sure we can reach the middle of this mountain!" Elise said as she began to hasten her strokes. "Just give as a few more minutes!"

After Elise said these words, her companions also quickened their shoveling as desperation appeared on their faces.

From the looks on their faces, it was obvious that they were all desperate to obtain Professor Frances’ teachings. If all that they needed to do to become her disciples was to dig for her, then they will gladly do it even if their arms fall off!

"Hmph, I will give you a few more minutes. But be sure that you can get my friend out already!" The professor snapped as she crossed her arms. "If you don’t get my friend out few minutes from now, I will have to remove some of you here."

"!!!" This reminder by the professor brought for a new wave of energy from diggers, as they added more energy on their movements.

Amidst all of these digging, Professor Frances only watched them with an irritated look on her eyes.


But even though she looked pissed, Professor Frances was actually enjoying what she was seeing now.

"All these people doing slave labor for me reminds me of my days as a great ruler!" The professor though to herself as she started to reminisce about her past. "Hahahaha, all of you should shovel more in front of me! You are making me feel better right now!"

"Shovel shovel shovel..."

So with these somewhat sadistic thought in her mind, Professor Frances continued watching the labor of the 50 people in front her, while she made sure to also criticize all of them along the way.

As these went on, Professor Frances started to get happier, as all of her stress were now being poured on the unfortunate diggers.

"Damn, I should have done this before." The professor thought to herself as she let out a sadistic smile. "Well, now that I am doing it, I should just continue on making these people dig! Hahaha, dig more for me! I want to see your desperate faces!"

Things could have continued to be like this, but unfortunately for Professor Frances, her fun with the diggers had to end now.


Elise’s shovel, which was the most worn-out of the shovels, let out a low sound as it collided with something hard.

At the instant that this happened, the other shovels let out low sounds too as they collided with this hard object too.

"There it is! We found it!" Elise exclaimed before the professor could speak up. "We found the tree woman!"

All the 50 people then rushed forwards as they grabbed the object that their shovels hit.

They took no notice of the trash sticking on their skin as they started pulling the object out of its place.

"Ha!"" Everyone’s faces went beet red as they exerted all of their effort on pulling out the object.


Slowly but surely, the object that they grabbed started to move, with its entirety being brought out by the diggers.

Loud sounds of panting could be heard as the diggers gave their all on pulling. Beads of sweat appeared on their faces as some of them let out guttural shouts.

It was quite obvious that their bodies were at their limits already, just from getting the object out. But no matter how many of them looked like they were about to collapse, all of them still held on as they continued on pulling.


In the end, all of their efforts bore fruit as they managed to bring out the object that they were grabbing.


Elise and her companions then placed this object gingerly on the ground, before they looked back at Professor Frances with expectant expressions on their faces.


Professor Frances could only stay silent as he looked at Queen Mother’s body, which was the object pulled out by the diggers.

Professor Frances stared at her body, which seemed to be leaner and denser compared to before.

Queen Mother seemed to have gotten stronger for the past three months, which was evident from the way that her body was structured right now.

Of course this was not the only thing that the professor noticed about Queen Mother.


As she observed Queen Mother for a few more seconds, Professor Frances noticed with a jolt that Queen Mother is seemingly just asleep right now!

Yes, Queen Mother... seemed to be just asleep. She was even snoring in front of the professor, which elicited a sigh from the latter.

There was no sign of diseases on Queen Mother’s body, which meant that she is only asleep right now.

Once she realized this, the professor let out a sigh as she placed a hand on her forehead.

"And here I am getting worried for this woman." Professor Frances thought to herself as she shook her head. "So you were just sleeping near me? No wonder your signal is weak like this. But why the hell are you sleeping inside a mountain of trash? Did you not even notice it?"



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Once she had ascertained Queen Mother’s actual condition, Professor Frances brought back her attention to the diggers, who were all standing impatiently in front of the professor.

"....This little s**ts..." Professor Frances thought to herself as she felt irritated by their expectant looks.

There was no doubt that they were now waiting for their rewards, which technically should be given to them now.

But Professor Frances is not yet in the mood to be generous, so she did the thing that she usually do.

Professor Frances waved her hands in a shooing motion, as if she was telling the diggers to move away.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. You managed to dig Queen Mother out now, which is a great help for me. Because of that, I will fulfill my promise to make you my ’disciples’. But I... shall fulfill that promise later. For now, you should get far from me. I.... have to do a personal business here. So don’t bother me, or you will all regret it. Don’t worry, I will call you back once I am done."

"I-if you say so, Honorable Deviant." Even if they were elated that they succeeded now, Elise and the other diggers did not dare to disrespect Professor Frances as they started moving away from the professor and Queen Mother.


Once these 50 people were around a kilometer away from her, Professor Frances crossed her arms as she approached the sleeping Queen Mother.

She then started prodding Queen Mother’s head as she said,

"Wakey wakey, miss tree. I need to ask you extremely important questions. If you don’t wake up, I will throw you back to the trash. So just wake up already."




While Professor Frances was busy on adjusting on her new place, one of her allies was going through a different situation.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Yo! You are not holding back right now!"

Alex, who Professor Frances had not seen yet, shouted these words as his body suddenly materialized inside the white room.

His robes, which was the same as before, now looked to be extremely damaged, with signs of burns and singes all around its body.

Some wounds could be seen on his skin too, which all looked to be just fresh

"Boom boom boom!"

Invisible attacks suddenly landed on Alex’s body after he talked, which blasted him towards one of the walls in the room.

"Boom!" The whole white room rocked as Alex’s body took the whole brunt of that attack.

"Damn... That one actually stings." Alex, who shook his head after that attack, said as his hand started to glow. "Since you gave me that, then I shall give you something good too!"

Alex then straightened his right index finger, and without wasting any time, pointed it to a person that was floating 10 meters away from him.

This person, who was wearing green robes, was the one who attacked Alex earlier, and he/she seemed to be nonchalant as Alex started his attack.


Qi then began to accumulate on Alex’s finger as he pointed it at this green-robed person.

His right index finger shook as more and more Qi build up inside it, which seemed to be dangerous for the finger.

Fortunately for Alex, he seems to be prepared for this, as his finger started to stabilize just a few seconds later.

Once stabilized, the finger continued on absorbing more Qi, which elicited a large smile from Alex.

When the amount of his Qi on his finger reached the desired amount, Alex let out a shout as he pushed this finger forward.


Alex’s voice right now was filled with righteousness as he said,

[Heaven Piercing Finger!"


A massive silhouette of a finger then shot out of Alex’s hands, which barreled straight to his targeted person.

This finger silhouette let out the aura of absolute piercing, which made it look extremely dangerous.

To any onlookers watching, it might appear as if Alex’s finger was unstoppable.

Alex seemed to have thought so too, as a smug smile appeared on his face as his [Heaven Piercing Finger] approached his opponent.

But that smile of his only lasted for a second when his opponent made his/her move.



Once his opponent said these words, Alex’s [Heaven Piercing Finger], which was filled with momentum before, suddenly slowed down as if it lost its energy!

This allowed Alex’s opponent to dodge the [HEAVEN PIERCING FINGER], which only hit the wall of the room.

Once he/she dodged this attack, Alex’s opponent made another move before Alex could start a new attack.



Alex’s opponent suddenly disappeared, and before Alex could react abruptly, his opponent appeared behind him, with his/her hand sent chopping towards Alex’s neck.

"This is checkmate now." Alex’s opponent said as his/her hand landed on Alex’s neck. "You should better surrender now, or you might experience more pain from me!"


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