Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 317 Treat me like the way you treat your friends, please

Chapter 317 Treat me like the way you treat your friends, please

(((Author’s Note: lol, sorry for having no chapters yesterday. I just had an emergency. Oh, and to those who still read this novel, can I know in the comments if you are still reading this? Seeing an empty comment section makes me a little sad...)))

You should better surrender now, or you might experience more pain from me!"

After Alex’s opponent said these words, he/she pushed his/her hand further, making it dig a little on Alex’s skin.


As he felt his opponent’s hand on his neck, the only thing that Alex could do was sigh as he descended on the ground.


As his feet landed on the ground, Alex scratched the back of his head as he let out a complaint.

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"Okay, you won already. But don’t think that this fight represents our actual fighting prowess."

"Of course I know that, Alex." His opponent replied as he/she approached Alex. "Did you even see me complain?"

"Hmph, I only used my Immortal Cultivation Abilities, while you only used your Chronomancy Powers. Of course that is not the full scope of our abilities." Alex said as he glared at his opponent, who turned out to be Alina.

Yes, the one who had been fighting Alex earlier was actually Alina, whose appearance and demeanor were still the same as before.

Her face still held the same beauty, although the current Alex was seemingly occupied to even take notice of this.

"And as you can see Alina, the record of our battles since we came here was 112-112." Alex added, which elicited a scoff from Alina. "Which means that technically, we are tied now."

"Alex, why are you so defensive? Did I do something to annoy you?" Alina replied as she poked Alex’s shoulder.

Her pissed expression from three months ago was already gone, as only a playful expression can be seen on her face.

Alina seemed to be in a good mood right now, which was a contrast to Alex’s downcast face.

"...Alina, for the past 48 days, we only have been fighting each other using my Immortal Cultivation and your Chronomancy." Alex said as his shoulders drooped. "Everyday, we just use Daoist Spells and T-Manifests on our fights! We don’t even use my Abyss Magic or your Esper Ability!"

"So... what is the problem with that?"

"Alina, fighting this way is so tiring already!" Alex whined as he shook his head. "If it were 30 days earlier, I will still be fine fighting this way. But today, I just want to fight you in a different way!"

"But if we do that, your Immortal Cultivation won’t make a progress." Alina said as she shook her head. "Didn’t you say it to me before? Immortal Cultivation relies on the mindset and the attitude of the cultivator. If you want to make large progress, you should be willing to fight, as only through fighting that your cultivation will be sharpened."

In response to these words by Alina, Alex shook his head again as he scratched the side of his jaw.

"Alina, there will always be a time that doing too much will be bad, and in my opinion, we are already fighting too much right now that it might affect us badly." Alex replied as he crossed his arms. "Besides, I think both of us had already achieved what we wanted to reach from this fighting, so there is no need for us to fight this way anymore."

"Oh really?" Alina quickly replied with a deadpan expression on her face. "You think we already achieved what we wanted from these fighting sessions?"

"Alina, I already reached the peak of Qi Condensation from all this fighting." Alex said as he spread his arms. "In my opinion, that is enough for me. As for you Alina, you are already at the peak of... what stage is it again?"

"I am a Peak Novice Chronomancer already, Alex." Alina replied with a sigh as she stared at Alex. "How could you even forget about that term?"

"So do you see what I am talking about now?" Alex said as he ignored Alina’s complaint. "Our only goal for fighting with Immortal Cultivation and Chronomancy was to reach the stage that we are in right now. And since we have already reached that goal, maybe we can already change our training from now on..."

"..." Alina immediately placed a palm on her forehead as she let out as sigh, as if she had seen through Alex already.

"You are just bored, aren’t you?" Alina said as she shook her head. "There’s no need to deny it. It’s already obvious."

"Well, you can say that as well." Alex replied unabashedly. "I mean come on, aren’t you also bored on using only Chronomancy? Surely you are already itching to try out your other powers..."

"Chronomancy has piqued my interest, so I don’t have any problems with it yet." Alina replied as she gave Alex a contented look. "I never thought that this kind of power exists... and it actually meshes well with my Esper Powers..."

"Well, at least you are happy." Alex said as he let out another sigh.

"Why are you this gloomy Alex? Aren’t you excited about your powers too? I mean, you seem to be thrilled on being an Immortal Cultivator, especially when you started gathering Qi for your Qi Condensation..."

"Of course I still have that interest." Alex replied as he placed his hands on his hips. "However, my mind is preoccupied with other things right now."

"Oh you mean those people." Alina said as she wrinkled her nose in disgust. "I totally understand your dilemma. Those people.... Surely acted the way we did not expect them to."

"Yes, those people are my largest problem right now." Alex replied as he and Alina left the white room through its metallic door.

"Hong~" The metallic door went wide open, allowing Alina and Alex to go through it.

As they went through the door’s opening, Alex continued talking as he looked around him warily.

"Did you even see the way those people treated us? If it were not for our mission, I could have rejected them already!"

"But at least we are not forced to fight them." Alina said as she looked around her warily too. "Yet."

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"Hmph, with the way that they treat us, I even doubt that they will fight us in the future." Alex said as he shook his head. "And that is the thing that I am really worried about."


Before Alex and Alina could continue their conversation, they were interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps.

Alex and Alina’s head swiveled to the source of the sound, and there they saw its source.

It was a woman, who was now walking towards them with an urgent pace.

"Oh s**t, here we go again." Alex swore under his breath as he and Alina observed the woman’s appearance.

Her appearance was polished, with her hair tied in a bun, and her blouse and skirt modelled to look like that of an office woman.

Her demeanor seemed to be somewhat strict, which was showed by the scowl on her eyes and the tight line on her lips.

But in Alex’s eyes, this strict woman seemed to be happy as she approached the two.

"...." Beside Alex, Alina could only let out a grimace as the strict woman finally had caught up to them.

"So did you enjoy your training for this day, Emperor?" The strict woman said in a fawning voice as she leaned her upper body forward.

Her cleavage, which was already full to bursting in her tight blouse, bulged even further with as the strict woman pushed her chest outwards.

Alex could only avert his eyes away from this sight as he could feel Alina’s silent wrath beside him.

"I certainly enjoyed my training today, Miss Rebecca." Alex said as he stared at the name badge on the strict woman’s chest. "You can say that I and my partner gained a lot for today’s training."

"Oh, I am happy to hear that, Emperor." Rebecca replied with an upbeat tone. "Now that you are done with your training, what else do you have planned for today? Just tell it to me, and I will assure you to provide you with everything that you need."

"There is no need for you to do that." Alina forcefully said as she stood between Alex and Rebecca. "Whatever Alex wanted to do today is up to him. You and your TimeMaster friends does not need to force yourselves in."

"Is there any problem, Miss Alina?" Rebecca coolly said to Alina, as the former’s expression changed to that of indifference. This change was something that Alex had expected to see, although he still could not help but frown from seeing this.

"I have a problem indeed." Alina replied as her face morphed into that of displeasure.

"Biri biri biri!"

Imaginary sparks seemed to have lit up in the air as the two women stared at each other, with none of them backing down even by an inch.

Alex, who was watching this happen behind Alina, did not say anything as he let these two women talk it out in a ’civil way’.

"After you and your TimeMaster friends have arrested the members of the Covenant of Immortals, you started treating Alex as if he was a royalty." Alina frostily said as she crossed her arms. "That it in itself was already suspicious. But what made me more worried was the fact that even now, you still treat him as if he is a god here! What’s the deal with you guys?"

"Miss Alina, from the way that you talked to us right now, it seems like you have been harboring suspicions on us from the very start." Rebecca replied confidently, as if she was not rattled with what Alina just said. "If you are this suspicious of us, why are you just questioning us now?"

"Because Alex told me to let things happen as it is." Alina replied as she gritted her teeth. "Well, since you seem to be not thinking of harming us before, I accepted Alex’s request. But it’s been 3 months already since we were here, and your treatment on Alex just got better and better. Do you think I can just stay silent with all of this happening? Of course not!"

Behind Alina, Alex nodded his head as he found himself agreeing with everything that Alina just said.


Ever since the arrest of the Covenant of Immortals and Professor Frances’ sudden life-death situation three months ago, Alex and Alina were forced to deal with extremely favorable treatments from the TimeMasters themselves.

Food, cultivation items, clothing, services, and even training techniques, all of them were provided enthusiastically to Alex and Alina by the TimeMasters.

Of course at first, Alex was happy from receiving this kind of treatment.

But as time passed by, their treatment on Alex just got better and better, to the point that some of the female TimeMasters were even offering their bodies to Alex.

At this point, Alex knew that something suspicious was definitely going on with the TImeMasters.

It was a good thing that Queen Mother and Professor Frances were separated from them to do their own tasks, or else all 4 of them might have to deal with these overly enthusiastic TimeMasters.

"Hey, why did you stop talking now?" Alina said as she continued talking. "Don’t tell me that you’re not allowed to state the reason for you VIP treatment on Alex? If that is the case, then maybe we should leave this place."

"Um, you can’t leave right now!" Rebecca shouted with panic as both Alex and Alina started flying away. It was quite obvious that she did not expect Alex and Alina to leave this quickly. "O-Our esteemed leader still has to meet you, so you can’t leave yet!"

"Gotcha." Alex whispered under his breath as he stopped flying.

He looked back at Rebecca, who was giving Alex puppy eyes now.

"..." As Alex did his best to ignore this, Alina cleared her throat beside him as she said,

"Your esteemed leader wants to meet us? Is this esteemed leader of yours the..."

"Yes, we are talking about The Great TimeMaster." Rebecca replied as he put both of her hands together in a pleading gesture. "Please, if you want to leave, you can do it later. But please, allow the Great TimeMaster to talk with you two first!"


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