Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 320 Kill it with Fire!

Chapter 320 Kill it with Fire!

"So even your house in this place is trash. I thought it would look better. Sigh, what a disappointment."

The one who said these words was Professor Frances, who was currently inside a flimsy house.

The house was made up of hastily glued plywood, which made the whole house look extremely fragile.

And this house was indeed fragile, as a light gale that just passed through almost brought the whole house crashing down.

"This is your house, really?" Professor Frances said as she decisively ignored the swaying walls around her. "You plan to make your teacher stay in this place? How deplorable."

"I-I’m really sorry about this, Teacher." Elise, the one who met the professor earlier, said as she kneeled hastily on the floor.

She knocked her head on the ground repeatedly until her forehead turned red. "If this house displeases you that much, then I and my companions will band together to take another residence! Just say the word, and we will fight for you!"

"Tsk, stop yammering your mouth." Professor Frances replied as she shooed Elise away. "You want to fight? Then do it once I made you stronger. But for now, you should learn your place. You got it?"

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Elise bit her lips as she looked visibly uncomfortable from the professor’s reply. Nonetheless she gave the professor a nod, showing her agreement.

"Good. Good. Now go and leave me alone here." Professor Frances said as she opened the door open. "Go on, just come back later."

"...." Elise did not waste any time as she left immediately, leaving Professor Frances alone in the flimsy house.

But it was not only the professor left in the house.

Sitting beside the professor was a green-skinned woman, whose voluptuous body was displayed perfectly by her tight clothes.

This green-skinned woman’s face held both confusion and wariness, as if she could not understand the current situation.

The professor, upon seeing this face, let out a sigh as she said,

"Queen Mother, don’t worry. I will explain to you my experience here. After all, these guys are the reason I was able to dig you out of the trash mountain.


The green-skinned woman, who turned out to be Queen Mother, gave the professor a blank stare as she said,

"Then explain it to me already. After all, I want to know everything about this place."

"This will be just quick." The professor replied as she started to tell Queen Mother about her experiences since she woke up.

Queen Mother only listened obediently, not making any noise as the professor continued talking.



When Professor Frances and her new students found Queen Mother earlier, the professor was momentarily stumped on finding a way to wake the tree woman up.

Fortunately for Professor Frances, Queen Mother woke up of her own volition just a minute after she was dug out of the trash mountain.

At the moment that she woke up, the first thing that Queen Mother did was stare at Professor Frances as she said,

"Frances, is there a nearby house here? I don’t like staying here already."


Even though Professor Frances was not sure on why Queen Mother needs to be in a house right now, she still followed her request, which brings the two of them here inside Elise’s flimsy wooden house.


"So that’s what happened. Poor Immortals..." Queen Mother said as the professor finished telling her story. "So this was what happened to them after the attack three months ago."

"Yeah, so regarding about that attack, what the hell happened at that time?" Professor Frances said as she glared at Queen Mother. "Now that I have told you my story, it’s your time to tell yours. Tell me why I lost consciousness for 3 months, and tell me why both of us are here. And please tell me where the hell is Alex, so that I can smack him in the head for leaving me here!"

"Please wait a second. I have to fix this place first." Queen Mother replied as she seemed unfazed by the professor’s glare.


Right in front of the professor’s eyes, Queen Mother extended her right hand until it was touching one of the shaking plywood walls.

At the moment that her hand made contact with the wall, a burst of life force erupted out of Queen Mother’s right hand, which melded with the entirety of the wooden house.

A few seconds after this happened, the whole house changed.

Its walls thickened considerably, with their appearance changing too.

Their previous plywood body was gone, as they were replaced by a type of wood that is much more durable than plywood.

With this change, the whole house stopped shaking, as Queen Mother’s fix improved the overall condition of the house.

"Why the hell did you even go here? You can just make your own house." The professor grumbled under her breath as she kicked one of the walls.

"Thud." The wall was unnaturally hard, making the professor sigh as she felt her toe bend in the wrong direction.

"Start talking now, Queen Mother. We don’t have time to waste here." The professor said as she bent back her toe in its place.

"Ehem, okay okay." Queen Mother quickly replied as she straightened her posture.

Queen Mother’s current posture seemed to emphasize her already impressive curves, which just made the professor feel more confused.

"What the hell is this woman thinking right now?" The professor thought to herself as she felt weirded out by Queen Mother’s actions. "Oh, maybe it’s because she just woke up. Yeah, that’s right. After all, Queen Mother is a tree. Maybe she’s still not used at the prospect of sleeping..."

"So... to make my explanation short, this is what I will tell to you." Queen Mother said as she started to answer the professor. "First is that your transformation into Alex’s Companion did not go well. We are not sure on what happened, as you just lost consciousness after you started the transformation. Even when we waited for you to wake up minutes later, you still did not wake up, which made us realize that something wrong has happened with you."


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"At that time, Alex told us to bring you back on our base and wait for you to recover." Queen Mother said as she tilted her head. "But it was at that moment that the TImeMasters attacked the forest."


"They necessarily did not attack us, as their target seemed to be only the Covenant of Immortals and its members." Queen Mother said as she cupped her chin. "But the moment that they attacked, Alex froze up as his face suddenly turned pale. I do not remember what he said next, but I can remember him shielding the two of us with his body. I lost consciousness after that, and the next thing that I knew, I woke up here in this trash place."





"...That’s it? That’s your story for me?" Professor Frances croaked out as she stared at the tree woman. "Do you have nothing else to add?"


"Argh, and here I thought your story will be able to help me." Professor Frances complained as she let out a disgruntled sigh.

"I’m sorry if I disappointed you Frances. That’s all that I can recall for now." Queen Mother replied with genuine apologetic tone on her voice. "Are you not happy with it?"

"Of course I’m not happy." The professor replied as she shook her head. "I just woke up in this trashy place, and I still do not have any idea why I am here, even with your story. Do you really think I will be happy with that?"

"Yeah... I guess you are right to be mad."

"Well, since we don’t have any way to know anything more, we just have to focus on what we should do next." Professor Frances said as she crossed her arms.

Since there’s no use for Queen Mother and Professor Frances to recall the past, the only thing that they can do is to prepare on what they can do next.

Maybe they will discover the reason that they are here once they make more moves in this place.

"Does that include checking our Items?" Queen Mother muttered audibly as she crossed her arms too.

"Hey, now that you say it, what Items do we have with us?" At the mention of their Items, Professor Frances started to get agitated as she remembered about her own items.

All of Professor Frances’ research materials, equipments, and chemicals are all stored inside Alina’s storage, which was a perfect place to store her items.

Now that Professor Frances is Alex’s Companion, she surely has free access on Alina’s Storage already.

"Oh, I hope my Items are still safe..." Professor Frances thought to herself as she attempted to access Alina’s storage.

"What the f**k?" But to the professor’s dismay, she could not access the Storage, nor even feel its existence.

"Calm down, Professor. Maybe you can’t access it yet because Alex did not have time to give the access rights to you." Queen Mother hurriedly said to the professor as the former did her best to console the latter. "You know, since an attack happened while you were unconscious, maybe Alex did not have time to give you the access rights." "You’re right." Professor Frances replied as she calmed herself down. "Since I can’t get it, then you should get my Items for me."

"Okay, okay." Queen Mother replied as she nodded her head. "I will get it all for you."


Unlike Professor Frances, Queen Mother already has a sure access on Alina’s Storage.

She had been given access to Alina’s Storage many months ago, which means that she, like Alex, can get anything inside Alina’s Storage anytime, anywhere.

"Weird..." But contrary to Professor Frances’ expectations, her plan to have fun with her equipments will not find any headway here.

"Frances, even I cannot access Alina’s Storage too." Queen Mother said, making the professor’s heart sink. "No matter what I do, I cannot sense even the faintest essence of her Storage..."

"What the f**k? Does that mean that we are locked out from our Items too?"

"I guess you can say that." Queen Mother replied as she looked down. "I certainly did not expect something like his to happen..."

"F**k!" Professor Frances shouted out as her eyes blazed with anger. "I can still accept if we were left in this place without any instructions. After all, it could be part of Alex’s plan. But for us to lose access to our Items? That’s just plain stupid! Really, what the f**k is going on here?"

"I-I- do not know too, Frances." Queen Mother replied as she started to look panicked too. "Do you think something wrong happened with Alex and Alina?"

"Hmph, with the way that we are in, maybe they are indeed in danger." Professor Frances said as she let out a tired sigh. "F****k.... this is my first real mission with you guys, and we are in this kind of trouble already? Are we just out of luck?"

The professor and Queen Mother surely will continue panicking like this, but fortunately, a loud voice interrupted their conversation.

"You hooman and tree woman. You’re already panicking like this? Hmph, it seems like staying with you two is a waste of time for this Fairy Queen!"

"Asteria? You’re here?" Professor Frances said as she heard the voice behind her.

Before the voice could answer, the professor spun her head as she looked behind her.


There, the professor indeed saw Asteria, who was showing herself in her full glory.

Asteria still looked the same from 3 months ago, with her glittering blonde hair and beautiful dress showcasing her beauty.

There was no hint of honey on the fairy’s body, although the slight flush on her face indicates that she had just ingested some honey earlier.


Right now, this dumb fairy was staring at the two with a contemptuous smile on her face, with her wings flapping lazily and her arms crossed in a smug manner.


From the way that Asteria looked right now, it was quite apparent that she was mocking both Queen Mother and Professor Frances. Naturally, this made the two of them feel irritated at the fairy.

"Are you here just to mock us?" Professor Frances said as she snapped at the fairy. "Hmph, maybe you were dumped by Alex here. Well, it’s no surprise that he did this to you . After all, you’re fairly usele-"

"Hey! I am not dumped here!" Asteria replied as her face reddened in embarrassment. "Alex left me with you two in order to help you! S-s-so you must not mock me, for I will give you the help that you need, including the Items that you are looking for!" "Really?" "Yes, I am saying the truth." The dumb fairy replied as her smug smile returned. "But if you want to get my help, you must give me honey first! I already finished my stock, so I want more!"


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