Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 321 Hah, Hah, Hah... Oh yeah...

Chapter 321 Hah, Hah, Hah... Oh yeah...

"...Suit yourself, dumb fairy." Professor Frances replied as she sneered at Asteria. "Are you sure you sure that you can just command us like this? It seems like you are forgetting your role already..."

"H-hey! I know that I am a Guide!" Asteria replied angrily as she glared at the professor. "Of course I know that I must help you two out, especially when Alex told me to do so."

"Then why are you acting like this?" The professor shot back. "Why are you still acting like a brat?"

"I-I just want more honey!"

"If you want honey, then you can get it by yourself." Professor Frances said as she sneered at the fairy again. "Don’t tell me someone like you can’t do it by yourself?"

"Y-you’re just bullying me like Alex!"

"...Now I understand why Alex left you here with us. You’re just too irritating." Professor Frances slowly said as she let out a sigh.

"What did you say?"

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"Queen Mother, can you provide this little s**t with some honey?" The professor said with exasperation as she stared at Queen Mother. "We need to make this midget shut up."




"Now that’s some good stuff." Asteria, whose face was wearing an expression of contentment, said as she let out a burp. Some stains of golden honey could be seen on her lips, showing that she had a honey feast earlier.

"Hey, now that you are filled up, maybe you can already give the ’help’ that you promised us." Professor Frances muttered as she picked up the fairy.

"Hey! I am about to give it to you two, so don’t pick me up like this!" The fairy complained as she squirmed out of the professor’s grasp.

"...Just give it to us."

"Hmph, fine." Asteria muttered as she crossed her arms.


After making the two women wait for her to talk for a few more seconds, Asteria scratched her legs as she said,

"Alex gave me 2 Items, which I should give to you two." As Asteria said these words, her hands could be seen fiddling on a small satchel hanging on her waist.

Once the satchel was opened, the fairy placed her hand inside the satchel.

After a few seconds of moving, Asteria let out a shout as she pulled out two objects from the satchel.

These two objects floated slowly towards Queen Mother and Professor Frances, who both stared at the objects with fascination.

"Alina gave me a special pouch that has enough space to keep those two items." Asteria said as she touched the two items. "Now that you two are awake, these two items will be yours to keep and use."

"...Are there any more items?" The professor commented as she saw Asteria not pulling out more items from her satchel.

"Hah? This is the only Items that are left to you two." Asteria replied as she gave the professor a narrow look. "What? Did you expect more?"

"...So it’s just these two items? Where are my equipment and chemicals?" Professor Frances complained as she crossed her arms. "This is all that he left to us? Really?"

"This is it, hooman." Asteria replied as she brushed off the professor’s complaints. "If you want to get more, then you should go and say it to Alex, although that will be hard for you to do now..."

"...Argh fine, maybe this is just one of his plans..." Professor Frances said as she shook her head wearily.

"Yeah! I think this is part of Alex’s plans, so you don’t need to complain at all!" Asteria said as she smiled widely. "Just accept these Items, and you can have your fun!"

"..." Professor Frances did not give any reply to that, as she only stared at the two floating items.

The professor can recognize one of the floating items, as she had already seen it earlier.

This item was the Tome of Divine Might, which is an Item that was meant to be used by Queen Mother.

As for the second item, Professor Frances was not sure on what to make of it, as this is the first time that she saw it.

This second item has the appearance of a book, although its thickness was too much, even in the standards of thick books.

Its cover page was lined with gold, with its pages looking extremely old.

The words written in the cover was blurry, which made it impossible for the professor to discern it.

"Since the first item was the Tome of Divine Might, it is obviously intended for Queen Mother. In that case, this second item must have been intended for me!" Professor Frances thought to herself as she stared at the second item.

"Oi dumb fairy, what is this item?" Professor Frances said as she pointed towards the second item. "This is for me, right?"

"Hmph hooman, that Item right there is indeed for you." Asteria replied as she kicked the second item towards Professor Frances.

As Professor Frances caught the book, Asteria continued talking.

"That book that you are holding right now is the Divine Life Manuscript. When you lost consciousness three months ago, Alex bought this item with his Lifespan and he made me hide it. He told me to give it to you once you wake up." Asteria said as the professor started to observe her new Item.

"This is the Divine Life Manuscript?" Professor Frances muttered as she observed the book. "Huh, with this kind of title, this book must be related to life creation."

"Hah! Alex thought so too!" Asteria shouted out as she sat on Professor Frances’ head. "Alex thought that maybe with your skills and the contents of this manuscript, your power as a Bio-Shaper will experience a massive upgrade!"

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"...That will depend on what this book contains." Professor Frances replied as she felt a sudden urge to open the book.

The professor was unable to resist this urge, which led to her opening the book completely.


The manuscript let out some creaking sounds as it was being opened, as if it has not been opened for a very long time.


Melodious hymns rang out as the first page of the book got revealed. These hymns were the kind that sounded soothing, making even the professor feel contented after hearing them.

"This book makes me feel secure." Queen Mother commented as she swayed along with the hymn. "It was as if I am safe with that book around..."

Aside from Queen Mother, Asteria was also swaying with the hymn, with her face closed shut. The fairy was also humming to herself, showing that her mood was affected by the book too.

Out of the three of them, it was only Professor Frances who was least affected by the book.

With her thirst for knowledge, the professor was more interested on the contents of this book rather than on its special effects.

After she opened the book, the professor did not waste any time as she stared reading the manuscript.

"...." Surprisingly, even with the enhancements that the professor had on increasing her reading speed, it took her 30 minutes just to finish the first page!

"Wonderful. Just wonderful." These were the words that the professor said as she flipped the page. "The things that were mentioned in that page... it was so profound that even now I still could not understand some of them! This... this book is the real deal!"

With Professor Frances’ long life and advanced knowledge, she found it hard to believe that she will meet something in the universe that will make her question her ability as a Bio-Shaper.

After all, she already knew everything about creating life. Is there something more that she should learn?

Even when Professor Frances had joined with Alex, that belief still remained, as she continued believing on her own skills.

But that belief of hers got shattered after she read the first page of the Divine Life Manuscript! What was written in just the first page was so profound, so thought-provoking, that Professor Frances’ confidence in her abilities started to shatter!

"If the first page was already like this, then what about the other pages? Do they also contain knowledge about life that will astound me?" Professor Frances thought to herself as her fingers started to tremble.

Her eyes, which held a sense of despondency earlier, was now glowing in excitement.

After all, she just discovered that her pursuit of knowledge has not yet ended!

This manuscript that she is holding right now is the key for her to improve!

"Asteria, why did Alex give me this manuscript?" Professor Frances asked Asteria as the former resisted the urge to continue reading. "Is there something that he needed me to do which requires the help of the Divine Life Manuscript?"

"Oh right. Alex also has some instructions for you two..." This was Asteria’s reply to Professor Frances’ question. "The answer to your question lies in the instructions..."

"Then what are you waiting for? Give the instructions to us already!" Professor Frances shouted out as she hugged the manuscript closer to her body. "I don’t want to waste any more time! I want to continue reading this manuscript!"

Professor Frances badly wanted to read the manuscript now, as all the knowledge inside it were something that the professor wanted to know already!

As such, the professor hated to delay her time any more.

"Faster, give us the instructions already!"

"...Fine hooman. You seem to be in a rush after all." Asteria commented after seeing the professor’s wide-eyed look.

"Ehem. So Alex told me that the intrusion of the TimeMasters 3 Months ago allowed him to create a new plan that will help us succeed on our Main Mission." Asteria then let out a cough as she continued talking. "Ehem. So for the new plan to succeed, you two are required to stay with the exiled members of the Covenant of Immortals, which is in this place. Now, once Professor Frances regains her consciousness, I am supposed to give you and Queen Mother the Tome of Divine Might and the Divine Life Manuscript."

"Asteria, all of that happened already. Just tell us what we are supposed to do next!"

"Ehem. So once you get those two Items, you and Queen Mother will have to gather all the members of the Covenant of Immortals in this place." Asteria said as she raised her arms. "Once you gather them all, you two must use your abilities to make these people much stronger than before! Make them strong, to the point where they can threaten even the TimeMasters!"




"...So Alex wants us to create a powerful army." Professor Frances commented as her crazed smile returned. "An army... an army... hehehe..."

As she muttered these words, Professor Frances started to recall the memories of her biological army back on her home planet.

Her eyes widened as she remembered the power of her own creations, and the terror and destruction that they made under her rule.

"Oh... those were the good times..." Professor Frances muttered as her face started to get red from excitement.

Queen Mother and Asteria, who saw the sudden change in Professor Frances, could only look at the latter with the confusion as the professor started to look more and more crazy.

"Hah... That army of mine was the greatest creation that I ever had...." Professor Frances said as her eyes started to glaze.

The professor then started to pant as her body trembled in ecstasy. "Ooh... they really made my life delightful on my home planet..."

"Frances are you okay?"

"Oi hooman, snap out of it!"

"Hah....’’ Professor Frances ignored Queen Mother and Asteria’s worried looks as she continued fantasizing to herself.

"Alex wants me to create a powerful army with my biological knowledge and Queen Mother’s power? Hehehe... this is gonna be great! Hah.... A powerful army under my command... Ah! This is the best thing ever!"

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